Chapter 64
On that day, Zhang Xiaofan passed out!So Cangsong arranged for a group of disciples to guard him in Changhe City!Chen Tianxing, Tian Buyi, Cang Song and others went back to Qingyun first!
Tongtian Peak, outside the Yuqing Hall, Chen Tianxing is waiting outside the hall!Cang Song, Tian Buyi, Suru, Master Shuiyue and others are reporting what happened in Liupo Mountain and Zhang Xiaofan with the head of Daoxuan in the hall!
Chen Tianxing was thinking outside the hall, how to break the situation next!If this matter is really allowed to continue, the next thing is that Baguio blocks the Zhuxian Sword and Zhang Xiaofan betrays Qingyun!
After about an hour or so, the gate of Yuqing Palace opened!Cangsong and others walked out one by one!Master Shuiyue patted Chen Tianxing on the shoulder and said, "Tianxing, go in! The master has something to ask you!"

After finishing speaking, Master Shuiyue left together with Cangsong and others.Looking at that direction, it is clearly the direction to the Patriarch's Ancestral Hall!

The corner of Chen Tianxing's mouth raised slightly, presumably this time Wan Jian will come out again soon!Then, Cangsong should not betray Qingyun in the future!The Devil's Cult won't come up the mountain!
Chen Tianxing withdrew his gaze and walked into Yuqing Palace!

Reverend Daoxuan was sitting under the statue, and there were two cups of steaming fragrant tea on the coffee table next to him!
Chen Tianxing stepped forward and saluted, "Disciple, pay homage to the Master Master!"

Reverend Daoxuan put down his teacup, pointed to the seat beside him, and said with a smile, "Sit down!"

Chen Tianxing was startled for a moment, and then quickly said: "I dare not!"

"Hahaha it's okay, it's just you and me at this moment. There's no such a lot of etiquette," Master Daoxuan said with a smile!
Chen Tianxing was stunned for a moment, and said: "The disciple has surpassed!" Then he sat down!
Reverend Daoxuan stared at Chen Tianxing with a pair of eyes.Chen Tianxing lowered his head slightly, unmoved!
After a while, Master Daoxuan opened his mouth and said: "I heard from your Uncle Cangsong and others that in this battle of Liupo Mountain, you, nephew, have contributed a lot!"

Chen Tianxing said with a smile: "The disciple is just lucky! At the critical moment, Uncle Cangsong and others can turn the tide!"

Reverend Daoxuan waved his hand and said: "Martial nephew, you don't need to be modest, your current cultivation level is directly catching up to those of the older generation like us. I'm afraid that in the near future, we will all be left behind by you!"

"The master master of the sect is just joking, your cultivation is supernatural, no disciple can compare with it!" Chen Tianxing replied neither humble nor overbearing!
Reverend Daoxuan raised the corners of his mouth slightly, and laughed loudly: "Hahaha nephew, being too modest is pride!"

Chen Tianxing grinned and patted his head!
Reverend Daoxuan continued: "Nephew, you must know that our whole journey of cultivation is to fight for our fate with the heavens. It is like sailing against the current, if you do not advance, you will retreat! It is good to be humble, but you must also have a heart that transcends everything. Only Only in this way can we go to the end! The journey of cultivation lies in the word 'struggle'!

I, Qingyun, are the leader of the right way in the world, Zhang Xiaofan, you did a good job in the end! "

Chen Tianxing laughed, got up and saluted, "My disciple, thank you for your teaching!"

Reverend Daoxuan nodded, with a smile on his face!Qingyun is the head of righteousness in the world, no matter how big a mistake the disciples make, Qingyun should solve it by himself!Even if you want to explain, Qingyun must nod!

This is the majesty of the world's largest faction, the card face of the world's largest faction!
And when Daoxuan said this to Chen Tianxing, he naturally had other meanings!
Talking about Zhang Xiaofan, Master Daoxuan's expression became serious, and he asked: "Martial nephew, that Zhang Xiaofan has always been on good terms with you! Do you know where the Tianyin technique and the bloodthirsty bead on him come from? "

Chen Tianxing was silent for a moment, then decided to tell everything!
"Report to Master Master, this disciple does know!" Chen Tianxing said seriously!
"Oh, tell me quickly!" Reverend Daoxuan said eagerly!
Chen Tianxing let out a breath, and said: "The matter must start from the day I went up the mountain! On that day, I came to Caomiao Village and met Zhang Xiaofan. On that night, I was awakened by a thunderbolt. And that thunder came from It was reported in Caomiao Village.

At first the disciples didn't pay attention, but soon after, screams came from Caomiao Village.The disciple broke in with some ordinary skills!As soon as the disciple entered Caomiao Village, he saw corpses all over the ground and the murderer! "

"Who is the murderer?" Reverend Daoxuan interrupted!

Chen Tianxing looked at Reverend Daoxuan, and said word by word: "Puzhi Divine Monk of Tianyin Temple!"

Reverend Boom Daoxuan was shocked by this news, like a thunderbolt struck in his mind!
"How could it be, Pu Zhi is a divine monk of Tianyin's generation, how could he do such a thing that people and gods are indignant with!" Daoxuan Daoxuan exclaimed in astonishment!

Chen Tianxing continued: "At first, the disciple didn't know that it was the Puzhi God Monk. Later, after the disciple went down the mountain, he deliberately investigated it, and finally confirmed that it is the Puzhi God Monk without a doubt!"

"Martial nephew, are you mistaken? How could Puzhi divine monk be the murderer in the case of Caomiao Village?" Master Daoxuan asked again!
Chen Tianxing shook his head with a wry smile, and said: "The disciple is not mistaken, but the state of the general wisdom monk was not right at that time. The whole body was surrounded by evil spirits, like a peerless devil. If you think about it, the bloodthirsty bead should be the general wisdom monk. The thing! The reason why the general wise monk committed this crime should be influenced by the bloodthirsty bead!"

Reverend Daoxuan's expression was serious, he became pensive, and kept tapping the coffee table with his fingers!Look at Chen Tianxing from time to time!
After a long time, Master Daoxuan looked at Chen Tianxing and said: "Nephew, you were only a child back then, how did you survive in the hands of Puzhi after being enchanted!"

Chen Tianxing had already explained this: "In the home of the grandfather who adopted his disciple, there is a hidden chapter. It records a mantra of the Taoist school. The disciple was dying that day, and he subconsciously read the mantra of the Taoist school. Unexpectedly, it led to a trace of truth. Mysterious. It actually awakened a sliver of spiritual wisdom of the general wisdom monk, so he was able to survive!"

Reverend Daoxuan pondered for a moment, then asked suspiciously: "What Taoist mantra is it?"

Chen Tianxing got up and read: "The star on the stage is always adapting. Drive away evil spirits, protect your life and protect your body. The three souls are eternal, and there is no loss of soul!"

A mysterious force emerged from Chen Tianxing's body, and it lasted for a long time before it dissipated slowly!

Reverend Daoxuan nodded, and said: "That's right, it does have the mysterious effect of exorcising evil spirits and guarding one's heart!"

Chen Tianxing pondered for a moment, then said: "Uncle Master, this disciple is willing to hand over this Mantra of Purifying Mind to the sect!"

"Oh? No need! Master believes in you!" Reverend Daoxuan said with a smile!

Chen Tianxing shook his head, and said, "This disciple is sincere. I had this idea before! Moreover, this disciple is not limited to this divine curse!"

Reverend Daoxuan looked at Chen Tianxing in surprise, and said with a half-smile: "Then master will thank nephew on Qingyun's behalf!"

Chen Tianxing smiled and said, "Disciple is terrified!"

"Xuanzong of Heaven and Earth, the root of ten thousand qi. Cultivate extensively for billions of kalpas, and prove my supernatural powers. Inside and outside the Three Realms, only the Tao is the only one. There is a golden light in my body, covering my body." Chen Tianxing recited the golden light mantra aloud, and twitched the spell in his hand !
Dazzling golden light erupted from his body
Reverend Daoxuan sat up in shock. He originally thought that what Chen Tianxing said was just a trick!I never expected it to be such a top supernatural power!With his vision, it is not difficult to see the mystery of this golden light spell!It can be said that this divine mantra can stand shoulder to shoulder with such town-style swordsmanship as the Divine Sword Yulei Zhenjue!
But in fact Daoxuan Master still underestimated this golden light spell, because the mystery of this golden light spell is more than what it looks like on the surface!More importantly, it is equivalent to a buff.Not only can it form an excellent defense around the body, but it also has the magic of enhancing the power of other magical powers!

Reverend Daoxuan has not yet reacted from the shock of the golden light spell!

Chen Tianxing was like eating Xuanmai, casting a series of magic spells constantly!

"The heaven and the earth are natural, the filth and qi are scattered, the cave is mysterious and empty, Huang Lang Taiyuan. The majesty of the eight directions makes me natural"

"The Supreme Commander orders, surpasses your lonely soul, all ghosts and ghosts, all directions are blessed, those with a head will surpass, those without a head will rise"

"The Big Dipper has seven yuan, and the spirit dominates the sky. The great sage of Tiangang is full of majesty and glory. He goes up to the world and cuts off evil karma."

"The sky and the earth are infinite, the universe borrows the law"

(End of this chapter)

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