The Heavenly Journey of Zhuxian

Chapter 70 The title was eaten by 2 stupid

Chapter 70 The title was eaten by Erhan

The air of chilling and coldness is in everyone's heart, and the air swords all over the sky, like clouds and mist, make people daunting!
Master Daoxuan's face was cold, and his eyes were as if he had forgotten his feelings.I saw him chanting a mantra, pointing his left hand together to form a sword, and stabbing down with the ancient sword of Zhu Xian with his right hand.

The ancient sword of Zhu Xian was radiant in a flash, and the air sword that filled the sky rushed down with a force to break through the air, and went straight to the people of the Demon Cult.

There is a chilling air between the heaven and the earth, and the intent to kill goes straight to the sky!
Countless disciples of the Devil's Cult vainly tried to raise their troops to resist, but their magic weapons were shattered, their minds were damaged, and they were ruthlessly nailed to the ground by the sword energy of Zhu Xian, blood spattering everywhere.

On the entire Tongtian Peak, ghosts were crying and wolves were howling.Remnants of limbs and arms, headless corpses, bloody storms, blood and flesh flying around, it is a scene of the Nine Nether Hells.The faces of Qingyun disciples were all pale, and many of them even couldn't help vomiting.

Chen Tianxing didn't feel well either, he just felt his stomach churning.Lu Xueqi's expression on the side was even more frightening, without a trace of blood, her delicate body trembling slightly.

Chen Tianxing held her hand tightly, pressed her head on his chest, and stopped watching this scene.

At this time, the flame of the bone lantern in Chen Tianxing's hand shook violently.A thin line appeared on Gu Deng's body.

Not far away, Xiyue's white clothes were stained with little blood, her complexion was pale, her eyes looked at Chen Tianxing and Lu Xueqi, a trace of purple flashed across her, and she looked a little strange.However, no one noticed her abnormality at this time.

Everyone's attention was on Gu Jian Zhu Xian, seeing this scene, not to mention those disciples, even Qing Yun's chiefs and elders changed their faces.The monks of Tianyin Temple showed even more unbearable expressions, and whispered "Amitabha Buddha"

The faces of the four masters of the Demon Cult changed dramatically.It's just that in this moment, the members of the Devil's Cult were killed or injured, even if they were still alive, they were all wounded.

Seeing that these qi swords were almost exhausted, in the blink of an eye, the Zhuxian master sword separated into a sky full of qi swords, and surrounded the entire Tongtian Peak.

The ghost king raised his hand to block the qi sword, only to feel his whole body's qi and blood tremble, and the boundless evil spirit hit his body.Not to mention its own power, the ancient sword of Jade Immortals, but the spiritual power of heaven and earth and the power of earth evil condensed by the Qingyun Seven Peaks for thousands of years cannot be resisted by manpower.

Not to mention, using these spiritual powers and earthly evil spirits to activate the ancient sword Zhu Xian, the power is really destructive and unparalleled.The main sword of Zhu Xian hanging high above his head has not yet fallen, so I really don't know what kind of scene it will be if it falls.

What the ghost king said was that he had a big plan in his chest. Seeing this scene, he knew that he was powerless today, and that it would be the best result to get out of his body.So he scanned his eyes for a week, and then directly shouted to everyone: "Everyone, the old thief Daoxuan is seriously injured, and he must not be able to fully control this formation. Let's work together to break through to the east."

All the members of the Devil's Cult present, including several major suzerains, were fighting on their own, resisting the Qi Sword.Hearing the ghost king's words, he immediately rushed to the east.But the east side is the side with the fewest Qi swords.

Along the way, they screamed again and again, and one after another silhouettes exploded, splashing blood like gorgeous flowers.The air sword made a hissing sound like a devil grinning, and blood blossomed again.

None of Qingyun and Tianyin Temple's people dared to stop the demon sect members.The Qi sword that rained down from the sky was aimed at the people of the Demon Cult, but if they moved, it might fall on them.

There are only dozens of figures left in the demon sect, and the others all fell on Tongtian Peak.The remaining dozens of figures are all masters of the four major demon sects, and all the four major sect masters are here.Although all of them were wounded, they rushed out of the range of the Qi Sword.

However, at this moment, a green figure pulled another figure and flew out from the Yuqing Palace.

The expressions of the Ghost King, the Four Great Sacred Envoys, Chen Tianxing and others changed dramatically.Chen Tianxing murmured inwardly that it was not good, and now the matter was serious.

These two people are Bi Yao and Zhang Xiaofan, Reverend Daoxuan frowned, his face a bit ferocious.Unexpectedly, there are still remnants of the Demon Cult lurking in the Palace of Yuqing.

With a thought, a qi sword went towards Baguio.

Baguio only felt boundless evil spirit rushing towards her, her face turned pale, but she forgot to resist.


But Ghost King and Suzaku's expressions changed drastically, and they rushed towards Baguio.

Qinglong and the other great envoys were taken aback for a moment, and rushed in again without hesitation.The remaining disciples of the Ghost King Sect didn't turn their heads when they saw this, and rushed into the Zhuxian Sword Formation as well.It can be seen that the way of the ghost king is really extraordinary.

At this point, Zhang Xiaofan threw Bi Yao away, the fire stick shot towards the Qi sword with a blue light.

Boom. The Qi sword disappeared, and Zhang Xiaofan also fell from midair.

The evil spirit entered the body again, and at this moment, the originally clear mind completely sank.Evil energy erupted from Zhang Xiaofan's body.Bloody footprints appeared one after another on the floor under his feet.

Wisps of evil spirit floated in the blood-colored eyes, and his face was ferocious!Baguio rushed up to grab Zhang Xiaofan: "Xiaofan, let's go, they are all bad guys."

But at this time, Ghost King and others also rushed over, blocking Zhang Xiaofan and Bi Yao behind them.

"Yao'er, hurry up and go."

Baguio pulled Zhang Xiaofan and was about to leave, a red light flashed, but Tian Linger and Song Daren stood in front of them: "Put Xiaofan down quickly, you demon girl."

Baguio glared and said, "Leave it for you to kill?"

With that said, several people fought together.

Cang Song, Tian Buyi, Wan Jianyi and the others directly attacked the Ghost King and the Four Great Sacred Envoys.

Zhang Xiaofan only felt a ferocious energy invade his mind, wanting to destroy everything in front of him.Everything in front of my eyes was blood red.

On the fire stick, the three colors of gold, blue and red suddenly appeared, but his red light was very prosperous, and there was a faint tendency to annex the other two colors.

Fa Xiang was very anxious at the side, originally because he felt guilty towards Zhang Xiaofan, at this moment he didn't want Zhang Xiaofan to fall into the devil's way.

In a blink of an eye, he grabbed the fire stick, but he didn't want to, the fire stick hit Faxiang's chest directly on the side of Zhang Xiaofan's body!

Fa Xiang only felt the boundless evil spirit and ferocious energy rushing in like a tide, spewing blood from his mouth, and flying away backwards.

Chen Tianxing appeared suddenly, caught Faxiang, put him on the ground, and flew towards Zhang Xiaofan.


Zhang Xiaofan's body was shocked, then his face struggled.The whole body was full of evil energy, Zhang Xiaofan only felt extremely painful!He rushed directly into the battlefield and stood beside Baguio.The fire stick is also glowing red, like a monster about to be bloodthirsty.

Chen Tianxing also had a headache because of this, and he didn't know what to do. He just took the opportunity to cast the Mantra of Purifying Mind, but it didn't work at all.

(End of this chapter)

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