The Heavenly Journey of Zhuxian

Chapter 71 Wan Jian Jue vs Zhu Xian

Chapter 71 Wan Jian Jue vs Zhu Xian
Chen Tianxing flew to Zhang Xiaofan's side, mana poured out from his hands, Tai Chi symbols appeared, intending to control Zhang Xiaofan.

But he underestimated Zhang Xiaofan at this time, and he was afraid of hurting him, so he deliberately kept his hand.As a result, Zhang Xiaofan turned his head abruptly, his eyes filled with endless hostility.The fire stick in his hand was stabbed towards Taiji, Taiji was shattered, and the endless evil spirit rushed towards Chen Tianxing like a fierce beast.

Chen Tianxing retreated suddenly, and the evil spirit followed like a maggot attached to the bone.Chen Tianxing activated a trace of mysterious fire power on Chengying to dissolve the evil spirit.

Poison God and the others watched Ghost King Zong and the others charge back again, couldn't help but sneered, but fled directly from Qingyun.

Master Daoxuan's body trembled for a while, and he almost fell down.After he stabilized his figure, he directly activated the huge seven-colored main sword.

Zhu Xian's main sword fell, carrying the power of opening up the world.Wherever it passed, dozens of ghost king sect disciples were flying with flesh and blood.It's just that the soul flies away.

Yu Wei passed, the white tiger sage was pulled by the ghost king, and the whole arm disappeared in an instant, only the blood was rushing.Just now, if it wasn't for the ghost king's hand, the white tiger envoy would not have lost an arm.

But at this time, Zhang Xiaofan's move was directed at the vital point, Tian Linger and Song Daren couldn't stop it at all.Bi Yao was overjoyed seeing this, pulled Zhang Xiaofan and rushed out.

Reverend Daoxuan was in the air at that time but he saw Zhang Xiaofan's ferocious behavior, when he shot at his fellow disciples, he was ruthless, crazy, and full of evil spirits, this is not just falling into the evil way!

He couldn't help but think that Zhang Xiaofan possessed the supreme skills of the two schools of Qingyun and Tianyin, and added the most evil magic weapon of the evil way such as the bloodthirsty bead.If he is allowed to leave, he will definitely be a monstrous troll in the future.There will be another bloody storm in the world.

Thinking of this, Master Daoxuan couldn't help sighing, even though he will be discussed by the world in the future.Today he also wants to leave this peerless disaster behind.

In an instant, Master Daoxuan brought up his last strength and activated Zhu Xian's main sword.All the Qi swords in mid-air burst out with unparalleled light.Zhu Xianzhu's sword is full of sword energy, just like an ancient god whispering, and like an immortal Buddha lowering his eyebrows.Swooped down towards Zhang Xiaofan.

At this moment, all the people present were pale, and the faces of Tian Buyi, Suru and others changed drastically.Zeng Shushu and other disciples who are close friends with Zhang Xiaofan also turned pale, their minds were blank.Tian Linger passed out directly.

The sword qi neighed, before the sword arrived, the ground around Zhang Xiaofan collapsed layer by layer.The gust of wind howled, and the invisible force enveloped him. It was already a fatal situation, and it was impossible to recover.

At this moment Zhang Xiaofan looked up to the sky and screamed, his eyes were bloodshot, the invisible force around him made him unable to move, the grief and anger in his heart soared to the sky.He watched helplessly as the ancient sword of Zhu Xian came down with boundless killing intent.

The world turned pale, and everyone shed tears, but Zhu Xian was doomed to be ruthless.

Chen Tianxing was full of thoughts, but at this moment he suddenly calmed down.

"After all, it still hasn't changed? It's still at this moment, hey!" He whispered.

Suddenly, the world became quiet, the wind stopped whistling, and even the momentum of Zhu Xian's ancient sword stopped for a moment.

A water-green figure flew up and headed for Zhu Xian's main sword.This time, there is no regret.The crisp bell sounded quietly.

"Nine ghosts, gods and demons of the heavens"

At this moment, Chen Tianxing shot out, turned his head and smiled miserably at Lu Xueqi.

"No Junior Brother" Lu Xueqi burst into tears, and chased after Chen Tianxing.

However, Chen Tianxing pushed, and a light curtain enveloped Lu Xueqi and floated backwards at high speed.

This shocking change caught everyone present off guard, Master Shuiyue followed Chen Tianxing in great distress, and chased after Chen Tianxing, but it was too late given her distance.

Reverend Daoxuan was also caught off guard by this surprise, and hurriedly wanted to take back Zhu Xian, but he didn't think that his spiritual power had already been exhausted, and he was powerless.He could only watch helplessly as Zhu Xian fell and was about to snatch Qing Yun's best disciple away.Reverend Daoxuan also had mixed feelings in his heart for a while.

Chen Tianxing slapped Bi Yao flying with one palm, facing the ancient sword of Zhu Xian alone.

Whispered: "I don't believe that all of this cannot be changed, and I don't believe that supernatural powers are invincible, let's fight!"

In an instant, Chen Tianxing's aura climbed to the peak, and he was now stronger than ever.The sword energy erupted like a rain curtain.Hong Yi's cultivation base broke through again, and entered the three realms of the upper and clear.

"Wonderful way, magnificent way, the sky can be cleared, the earth can be calmed, the gods can be spirited, and all things can be born."

Ordinary spells were slowly uttered from Chen Tianxing's mouth, but everything around him seemed to have pressed the pause button.Gradually, the voice became louder and louder. Finally, the long swords in Qingyun's hands trembled, and thousands of swords rang together.

Chen Tianxing emitted infinite sword light all over his body, and hundreds of fairy swords flew out from behind.All of them are filled with immortal light, and their sword energy is like the sea.He made a tactic in his hand, and the sword energy tore through the sky, heading towards the fallen Zhu Xian ancient sword.

At this moment, Chen Tianxing's body was shaken, and his whole body was like a porcelain doll, covered with cracks, as if it would break if someone touched it.

Chen Tianxing acted like a madman, and shouted: "My supernatural powers are numberless against me. Wanjianjue, break it for me!"

The flying sword is like a dragon, moving backwards towards Zhu Xian's main sword.The sword lights were connected together, and when a long sword collided with Zhu Xian's ancient sword, it shattered.However, the sword light became more and more brilliant, and the sword intent became more and more pure.

There were more and more cracks on Chen Tianxing's body, and a figure approached quietly. She desperately hacked at the shield formed by Zhu Xian's main sword with the long sword in her hand.

She was continuously shaken and kept getting up, her hands were already bloody.But she seemed to be unconscious, and murmured: "Little brother, wait for me. Senior sister to save you."

This person is Xiyue!

Lu Xueqi was trapped in the light curtain, her eyes were filled with madness, the light curtain was full of cracks!

At this time, hundreds of immortal swords were all shattered, and the ancient sword of Zhu Xian finally dimmed.Chen Tianxing flew up, his body glowing golden light.

"This sword is called Formless!"

Chen Tianxing pointed out that a sword completely condensed with sword intent appeared and collided with Zhu Xian's main sword.Chen Tianxing floated down from the sky, with a smile on his lips, and said in a low voice, "Supernatural powers are invincible."

The long sword with sword intent dissipated, and the ancient Zhuxian sword was also blown away.

The invisible barrier disappeared, and Xi Yuefei hugged Chen Tianxing.Hot tears fell drop by drop on Chen Tianxing's face, his eyes were as gentle as water.

There is silence on Tongtian Peak!
(End of this chapter)

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