Chapter 97

Both Chen Tianxing and Lu Xueqi were shocked, the life lamp went out, they both knew what it meant.

The two looked a little dazed, and couldn't believe that Xiyue, who was timid by nature and looked like a senior sister, was gone.

In Chen Tianxing's mind, the senior sister who quietly practiced in the back mountain in the middle of the night, she was unwilling to trouble others even if she was injured.Her thoughts seemed to return to those nights, and her appearance under the moonlight gradually became clear.

Her timid voice still seemed to be echoing in her ears, and that face that was always a little blushing seemed to be still in front of her eyes.Chen Tianxing's heart twitched inexplicably, and his nose felt a little sour.

"Master, master, sister Xiyue, where did the accident happen?"

Lu Xueqi's eyes were red with tears streaming down her eyes, but she looked at Master Shuiyue firmly.In any case, in life you have to see people and in death you have to see corpses.

Master Shuiyue's eyes were bloodshot, he looked up at the north, and tremblingly said: "The polar land of Beiyuan!"

Chen Tianxing came back to his senses, blinked his eyes, controlled the tears that were about to burst, and said: "Master, this disciple is going to leave immediately. Definitely. Definitely bring Senior Sister Xiyue back."

"Students too!" Lu Xueqi and Chen Tianxing looked at each other and said.

Master Shuiyue shook his head, and said bitterly: "As a teacher, I have already been there. An extremely cold storm in Beiyuan covered the whole Beiyuan. Even as a teacher, I couldn't break in. Now I can only wait for two months. Pause to enter."

Both Chen Tianxing and Lu Xueqi fell silent, feeling sad.

Master Shuiyue continued: "Hey, after two months, you guys go again! Take Xiyue home!"

Master Shuiyue turned his back to the two and waved.Chen Tianxing and Lu Xueqi had no choice but to leave!
As soon as the two left, Master Shuiyue slumped on the chair as if his strength had been drained.

Tears kept pouring out, and she murmured: "Xiyue, I'm sorry for you as a teacher, it would be great if my teacher didn't let you go down the mountain!"

As the breeze blew by, the figure of Master Shuiyue looked extraordinarily lonely.A few fallen leaves fell on her body, but a few strands of white hair faintly appeared on the black hair between her temples.

Didn't she love Xiyue very much? Back then, Qingyun changed dramatically, Wan Jian died, Master passed away, and even her closest junior sister married as a wife.At that time, it seemed that she was the only one left in the whole world.

Later, when she went down the mountain for an experience, she met Xiao Xiyue who was begging on the side of the road, and she felt pity for her, so she took her back to Qingyun to be her disciple.

Although her aptitude is not that good, she has practiced Tai Chi Xuan Qing Dao for several years but has not yet started.But Xiyue accompanied Master Shuiyue through the most difficult days. In those days, the two depended on each other for life.Without Xiyue, Master Shuiyue still doesn't know if he can survive those days.

Beside the moon-watching platform, Chen Tianxing and Lu Xueqi were sitting on the edge of the cliff, neither talking.Bit by bit of the relationship with Senior Sister Xiyue kept popping up in my mind.

Finally, Lu Xueqi couldn't bear it anymore, threw herself into Chen Tianxing's arms, and burst into tears.Chen Tianxing put his arms around Lu Xueqi, tears streaming down his face uncontrollably.

"Tian Xing, why is Senior Sister Xiyue never coming back again? Senior Sister Xiyue is obviously so timid, she dare not even kill a chicken. Why did God treat her like this."

Chen Tianxing comforted Lu Xueqi, but suddenly she remembered something.Consciousness entered the sword cave, and the flame of the bone lamp became more and more intense.

He said happily: "Senior Sister, Senior Sister Xiyue may be fine."

Lu Xueqi was taken aback for a moment, then sobbed and said, "Tian Xing. Are you telling the truth?"

Chen Tianxing nodded affirmatively, a light flashed in his hand, and a bone lamp appeared in his hand, and the flame was still rising.

Lu Xueqi looked at him suspiciously, Chen Tianxing quickly explained: "This bone lamp seems to be related to Senior Sister Xiyue, the flame is much bigger than before, Senior Sister Xiyue should be fine."

"Then let's go and tell Master!" Lu Xueqi said in surprise.

When the two appeared in front of Master Shuiyue again and explained the reason, Master Shuiyue was very pleasantly surprised.Flying up directly, Chen Tianxing quickly stopped her.

"Tianxing, don't stop me from being a teacher. Xiyue was probably trapped in the northern plains, and the storm is raging now. She won't last long."

Chen Tianxing managed to persuade Master Shuiyue and Lu Xueqi, and set off to Beiyuan alone.Originally, Master Shuiyue and Lu Xueqi did not agree at all.

Chen Tianxing told the truth about Lu Xueqi's situation to Master Shuiyue, and left a piece of paper for the two of them.Tell Lu Xueqi that reciting more things on the paper should be good for suppressing the remnant soul of Phoenix.

After Master Shuiyue found out about Lu Xueqi, he was worried at first.Then she seemed to think of something again, it seemed that she had seen this kind of situation in a certain fragmented scroll.So she went straight into the library!
Chen Tianxing also had hope when he told Master Shuiyue about the matter.After all, Master Shuiyue has lived for so many years, maybe he knows some secrets.

A stream of light flashed across the sky, and disappeared without a trace in the blink of an eye.Some monks even thought their eyes were blurred.

This streamer was exactly Chen Tianxing who was rushing to Beiyuan. His speed could be said to be extremely fast, and there were very few people in the whole world who could catch up to him.

From the appearance of Qingyun, he arrived at the Beiyuan Mountains in just half a day.He was floating in mid-air, the surrounding wind and the snow and ice danced by gods and demons were stirring three feet away from his body, and they couldn't get close to him at all.

The entire Northern Plains was shrouded in a storm, and the ice and snow were raging.A series of tornado-shaped storms moved across the northern plains, sucking away everything visible to the naked eye wherever they passed.

Chen Tianxing had no doubt that if the storm and extreme cold air were not blocked by the Beiyuan Mountains under his feet, it would be a terrible disaster.

The sky gradually darkened, and Beiyuan at night seemed even more terrifying.The deafening sound of the storm raged in my ears, and the already extremely cold temperature continued to drop.

At night, it was as if countless monsters were raging in the entire Beiyuan land. The dark sky made Beiyuan look ghostly.

Chen Tianxing planned to stay overnight outside the Beiyuan Mountains, and then enter Beiyuan early tomorrow morning to look for Senior Sister Xiyue.Because, he believed that in a short time, Senior Sister Xiyue should be fine.After all, she doesn't seem to be simple!
He opened up a cave on the other side of the Beiyuan Mountains to shelter in. Under the terrifying extreme cold, he could only rely on the Xuanhuo Jian on Chengying to illuminate him.Ordinary firewood can't burn here.

Although there were boundless bangs and whistling sounds in his ears, he still wrote something with the light of the Xuanhuojian.

(End of this chapter)

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