Chapter 98 Ling Xiao
Qingyun, on Xiaozhu Peak.Lu Xueqi was watching by candlelight, holding the paper given by Chen Tianxing.

The more Lu Xueqi looked at it, the more frightened she became, she just felt that the things recorded on this paper were extremely mysterious, and the deep meaning in it was as if it directly led to the Dao.

She recited subconsciously: "Tao can be Tao, it is very Tao; name can be named, it is very famous; nothing, it is called the beginning of heaven and earth; being, it is called the mother of all things. Therefore, there is always nothing, if you want to see its wonder; there is always , I want to observe its payment. The two come from the same place but have different names, and they are called the Mystery.

Lu Xueqi's body was surrounded by mysterious Taoism, and as her consciousness deepened, she felt more and more mysterious of these scriptures.
In the polar region of the North Plain, the sky gradually brightened.But there was no sun, and the surroundings were groggy.The whistling sound in the ear did not stop.

Chen Tianxing stepped out of the cave and looked at the scene of Beiyuan polar land that was so cruel that it could not be described in words.He took a deep breath of cold air, only to feel an extreme coldness entering his body along the trachea.

He spit out a cloud of white mist, which instantly turned into ice slag.Chen Tianxing directly turned into a streamer and broke into Beiyuan.

Ever since Chen Tianxing woke up, his cultivation has been immeasurable.The spiritual power is stored in the cells in the flesh, and his physical body has also reached a very terrifying level.Although the extremely cold air in the northern plains still made him feel a little cold, it was just that, and it couldn't bring him any harm.

Chen Tianxing was walking on the land of Beiyuan, and the snowstorm calmed down automatically three feet away from him.A purple Thousand Paper Crane radiated a faint light and under the support of Chen Tianxing's spiritual power, it flew forward tenaciously.

This is the breath that Chen Tianxing used and refined from the items that Senior Sister Xiyue once used.It has no other function, it can only be used to find people and identify directions.

Chen Tianxing was thinking about this while walking at the moment, Xiyue's life lamp was off, which meant that she was probably dead.But the bone lamp was related to her, and the flame grew a lot more than before.According to what Zhou Xian said, it is very likely that something happened in it.

What is certain is that something happened to Senior Sister Xiyue, otherwise her life lamp would not go out.But the bone lamp is bright, and Kyushu is falling. Now the flame of the bone lamp is getting bigger and bigger, and there is no accident in the land of Kyushu.This prophecy may be false, but Zhou Yixian, as the most mysterious person in Zhu Xian, should not talk nonsense.

Chen Tianxing inexplicably felt a little urgent, as if there was a great sense of crisis in the dark.There is also a reason why he prevented Lu Xueqi and Master Shuiyue from coming here.

If Xiyue is really the source of "Kyushu Qing", then this trip is a narrow escape.He doesn't want anything to happen to anyone he cares about.

At this moment, he could only pray from the bottom of his heart that Senior Sister Xiyue was fine and she was still the same as before.

As Chen Tianxing went deeper, the storm became more and more intense. Looking around, he couldn't see the surrounding environment several meters away.At this moment, even he could feel the cold, if it were Lu Xueqi or his master, they wouldn't be able to last long in this environment.

Boom. A huge iceberg rose from the ground and was blown into the sky.Then there were two white giant pythons.

On the ground, a small snake with the length of chopsticks bit a protruding ice rock.Silkies blood flowed from its mouth, except for its head, its body was already floating in the wind.Seeing, this little snake is about to be blown away.A hand reached out and caught the little snake.

In an instant, the little snake felt that the terrible wind around it disappeared, and a little bit of warmth came from its body.It raised its head and looked suspiciously at the 'monster' holding it, wondering why he wasn't afraid of the terrible wind around him?

Chen Tianxing touched the little snake with his fingers. The whole body of the snake was snow white, its body was slightly crystal clear, and its eyes revealed a sense of cleverness.

The little snake spit out the snake letter and licked it on Chen Tianxing's hand, then looked at Chen Tianxing with its head tilted.

"Little guy, we are also destined."

After finishing speaking, Chen Tianxing put the little snake in the shirt on his chest.He was not afraid of the snake biting him, after all the wisdom revealed in the snake's eyes could not be faked.Taking a step back, he really didn't think the snake could bite his flesh.

Chen Tianxing continued to dig deeper, but he never met any living beings again.Huge pits can be seen everywhere, and the ground full of cracks seems to be telling something.

The thousand paper cranes flashed, and shot forward with a whistling sound.Chen Tianxing hastened to speed up and followed.

A huge crack is like a giant dragon entrenched on the ground, and there is bottomless darkness below.The thousand paper cranes exploded before the crack, and the purple light dissipated in the ice and snow.

Chen Tianxing stood in front of the crack, staring at the abyss.He inexplicably felt that there was something staring at him inside, which was shocking.

A small head poked out of Chen Tianxing's neck.It took a look at the crack, then quickly shrank back.Chen Tianxing shook his head and jumped directly.

He kept falling, and there was no whistling sound in his ears.Even the sound of the wind caused by his rapid fall disappeared.

If something goes wrong, there must be a demon, Chen Tianxing became vigilant, and Chengying Sword was held tightly in his hand.Everything around him disappeared, not even the cliffs, it was completely dark.

Chen Tianxing doubted whether the crack had a bottom, he just felt that he was falling all the time, as if it would last forever.The surrounding was extremely quiet, only the sound of Chen Tianxing's own breathing and heartbeat remained.The pounding heartbeat sounded strange at this moment.

There was endless darkness all around, what's more, Chen Tianxing couldn't see, even his spiritual consciousness couldn't come out of his body.Here he is like a blind man.

After an unknown amount of time, Chen Tianxing finally saw a lavender light appearing below.He let out a breath, feeling inexplicably grateful that it was finally over.

Everything before can almost drive people crazy.Nothing could be seen, and there was a dead silence all around.He never wanted to experience this kind of thing beyond his control.

Chen Tianxing landed on a white jade slab with a cliff behind him.There is a huge portal in front of it, and a sign with the word 'Ling Xiao' engraved on it hangs on it.

Chen Tianxing was shocked. Ling Xiao, Ling Xiao. He felt a little familiar. Isn't this the super sect Zhou Yixian mentioned that suppressed the world thousands of years ago?
He remembered that story and suddenly had a bad feeling. "Bone lamp is bright, Kyushu is falling." This prophecy from Zhou Xian's mouth seems to be slowly coming true.

First, the bone lantern was lit, then Senior Sister Xiyue had an accident, and then this legendary sect also appeared.All these seemed to have a pair of hands pushing Chen Tianxing forward.

He stood in front of the gate, feeling infinite fear in his heart.There are countless divine swords engraved on the gate, and there is a hole in the sky, and those divine swords seem to be tearing the hole.

On the other side of the opening, there are countless divine residences.Chen Tianxing seemed to feel the indifference in the eyes of those gods.It was a condescending look, a look of contempt for all sentient beings!

(End of this chapter)

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