power and color

Chapter 1033 You should practice together with 1!

"This... I'll wash it later." Yu Hong thought to herself, you're a big man staying here, why should I take a bath? Isn't that weird? Wouldn't it be the same for me to wash after you leave? drop.

Su Zijian sat down at a distance from her, and said, "Sister Yu! I have something to tell you."

Hearing the words, Yu Hong raised her head and stared at him with her eyes.

"That's right. Judging from the treatment process just now and the current effect, this method is feasible."

"Yeah!" Yu Hong responded softly, with joy in her voice, but when she thought that this cure method was really too bad, her face inevitably became slightly hot.

"Although there is a certain effect, one and a half times of treatment is still not enough. Let's try a seven-day course of treatment first. If the effect is significant, then use this method of treatment. If there is no effect, I will think again. Think of another way."

"I feel that this method is feasible. After your treatment, the swelling in my body has subsided a lot, and it will probably be cured after a few more treatments." The body and mind are so refreshed that there is nothing to say, and I am very happy in my heart.

"Hehe! Seeing that sister Yu is happy, is she feeling very comfortable physically?"

"You don't know, these days I'm not only sad to death, but also the pain tortured me so painful that I don't know how to say it. After you have treated me like this, I feel that this method is correct. I just need a few more treatments. The effect will definitely come out this time." In an instant, she was full of confidence, and immediately saw hope.

At the moment Su Zijian explained: "In the theory of Chinese medicine, it is said that if pain is blocked, if it is clear, there will be no pain. Sister Yu's meridians block the movement of the body's qi. Can this not cause problems? This is what happened in Sister Yu's body. If you don’t strengthen your qi, those blocked meridians will undergo qualitative changes. At that time, even if you want to cure it, it will be too late. Fortunately, you can find me quickly. Otherwise it will be too late."

Yu Hong's face changed color and said: "If this disease is not cured, it will... kill people."

"Haven't I already said this, it will cause various complications in the human body, and then it will cause all kinds of problems, this one needs to be cured, that one needs to be cured, think about it, how troublesome it will be The pain is even more self-evident."

Yu Hong nodded again and again, and said: "I don't know if you can treat me. It was Sister Hao who came to see me and knew that I was sick. She also accompanied me to the hospital for various examinations and tried many treatment options. , but this effect is not at all, she just said that you can cure diseases, I still don't believe it is funny, how can you cure diseases if you are a big boss?"

Su Zijian laughed loudly and said, "Do you think I'm a big villain taking advantage of others?"

Yu Hongwen blushed: "No." After a short pause, she said: "But your method of curing diseases is really weird, how can you cure diseases like this?" She was puzzled by this .

"As I said just now, your qi mechanism has mutated, causing the qi in your body to be blocked. The human body cannot function in the meridian flow method. Qi has increased, which is a very dangerous thing."

Yu Hong was confused and didn't know what to say. She was not a cultivator, let alone a cultivator like Su Zijian, and she didn't even understand ordinary qigong practice. She could only smile speechlessly, unable to speak at all.

Su Zijian looked at her, and said: "I know that sister Yu can't accept these things for a while, and I don't understand why, but since your body is like this, I'm afraid you will have a relationship with qigong in the future."

Yu Hong asked puzzledly: "Fate! What do you mean by that?"

"According to what I just looked at for you, and in the process of treatment, I also found a problem, you are more suitable for practicing Qigong, if you don't practice Qigong, it's like I gave you a glass of hydrolysis today. If you are thirsty, it will be tomorrow. Will you ask me to bring you water again when you are thirsty? So you have to reserve this glass of water yourself. When you are thirsty, you have to drink it yourself. I want to see if this is…”

Yu Hong frowned unknowingly. According to what he said, wouldn't his illness be troublesome?

"You mean, if I want to be completely cured of this disease, I have to practice this qigong myself?" I thought to myself, if this is really the case, how can I have the time and energy? Don't I still have a lot of work to do? Doing qigong is a very time-consuming thing.

"Yes, first of all, I will unblock the blocked meridians in your body, and then strengthen your foundation and cultivate your vitality, then your problems will disappear, but due to your physical factors, if you don't practice qigong, someday you will Your Qi machine has weakened, like a cold or something, and your problem will come back."

When Yu Hong heard it, his face changed color, and he was afraid just once, if it happens again, will he let people live?She frowned and said, "I really want to practice." I don't know how to do this thing at all, and I have no way to practice it. The thought of sitting there in such a boring way to practice so-called cultivation is really screaming - it hurts so much .

"You don't need to practice."

Yu Hong was overjoyed when he heard the words: "You mean that there are other ways to cure my illness?"

Su Zijian shook his head: "No, for now, after I get rid of your illness, there should be no other way to go except for the exercises I teach you to practice. You don't need to practice, of course, if this happens again in the past In that case, it would not be as easy to treat as it is now."

Yu Hong was so frightened by him, the expression on his face changed again, and he said tremblingly: "Is it really so serious?"

"You can think that I'm scaring you, but it's useless to call me next time."

Cut, you said that you didn’t want to scare people. What you said is clearly threatening and intimidating. You can survive this practice.

I can't help but say it's scary, the pain tortures people, and the feeling is really uncomfortable. I have been living like a year for a few days, and I am almost going crazy when I look at my body that is getting thinner day by day. Now I have some improvement. Listen to him What I said, if you want to cure this disease completely, you have to practice Qigong with him, isn't that a bit too ridiculous?

Of course, she didn't question at all that Su Zijian was trying to scare her. If you want to practice, you can do it. If you don't, then let it go. Your life and death are none of his business. This body and life belong to you. You have to figure it out!

At this time, she was in a dilemma. Whether to practice or not to practice seemed to be the most tangled area for her. After a while, she sighed: "Well, you can cure my horse's illness first. , whether it will be discussed after practicing for a while."

"Since you are here, I still want to treat your illness. Now I have strengthened your foundation and cultivated your vitality. If you practice it yourself, the effect will be even better. It is actually quite simple."

At the moment, I told her some simple and feasible methods of nourishing qi. After hearing this, Yu Hong didn't quite believe it: "It's that simple?"

"How do you say this? If you say it is simple, it is simple enough, but if you say it is complicated, it is not so easy. Why do you say that there are so many cultivators and few who have attained the Tao? It all lies in the word "enlightenment."

Yu Hong asked puzzledly: "But I think you said it so simply, but it seems that it is not the same thing after hearing what you said. What you said made me confused."

Su Zijian found a pen and a piece of paper, and wrote the three characters "Jing Qi Shen" on it. He wrote it with the meaning of everyone's demeanor, very majestic, flamboyant, and very powerful. Yu Hong couldn't help but see it. Say good words.

Su Zijian handed the pen to her and said, "You also wrote these three characters exactly as I wrote them."

Yu Hong frowned unknowingly when she heard the words, but she didn't speak, and wrote down according to his three characters. She has her own style. If she writes according to Su Zijian's font, it means She can't write anything with exactly the same font. She is not stupid. Knowing that Su Zijian's move must have a deep meaning, she secretly guessed what he meant by it?

Yu Hong looked up at him, waiting for his next explanation.

"This exercise is the same as writing. It looks like one thing, but it is another thing when you are asked to write. You have to experience it yourself and realize it. Once you realize it, it is yours."

Yu Hong nodded secretly, thinking that what he said made a lot of sense as a metaphor. By saying this, he made himself understand a lot.

"Then does practicing the exercises make people feel uncomfortable like your healing?" She was a little scared in her heart, and her heart trembled when she thought about it.

"Hehe! What are you talking about? If it is so painful to practice, then who will practice." Then he explained: "Actually, practicing is quite interesting. When you enter the cultivation world Only after the level can you experience it, and now I talk too much and you still don’t have the flavor.”

"Okay then, after hearing what you said, I will cure the disease first, and then think about how to do the cultivation well."

Su Zijian smiled with satisfaction: "That's right." He always wanted Dong Jiahua to accompany him to practice, but he didn't know that this girl didn't take it seriously, she never took it to heart, and she didn't even think about it. The bird let himself go, which made him feel very uncomfortable because he is a seasoned practitioner. Now he can call Yu Hong to practice with him, and he is very happy.

It should be known that the loneliness of a cultivator is that there is no one to accompany him to practice. Even if he can't bring up something that is helpful to his cultivation, even talking is good.

As for my so-called Xiaoyaomen, those two people, Meteor and Weird Daoxuanxu, are also gods and dragons who can't see each other, so they only meet each other when necessary, and they have been hiding since then. Don’t even try to find someone. When you encounter a bottleneck in cultivation, no one will guide you. You can imagine the depression in your heart, but others don’t understand it.

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