power and color

Chapter 1047

While they were talking, three people broke in from outside the door, the leader was Fang Yi, and behind him were two men in their thirties. They came in quickly, but it seemed that there were no seats to sit on. , but stood aside.

Fang Yi glanced at Su Zijian, but there was a smile on his face.

Moreover, her smile was very profound, but many people looked at her and saw it.

What... what does this mean?

Su Zijian smiled slightly, didn't take it seriously, and said to himself: You are finally here!

Of course, it doesn't matter to him now, but no one has been elected to take over the position of the association, so he has to complete the handover ceremony after he has completed the handover ceremony.

Regarding Su Zijian's recommendation of Mai Fenqiang to take over the seat of the Association, this decision was also within the expectation of the big guys. Everyone saw that Mai Fenqiang was close to Su Zijian, so it was not difficult to guess.

But everyone thought to themselves: That's fine, after all, he is close to Feng Fenqiang and has a good relationship with him. It's good for him to come forward to solve this problem. There are quite a lot of people staring at this person now. There must be damage under the battle, but even so, it is worth it.

It should be noted that after sitting in this seat, even if you don’t form cliques or collect insurance premiums, you can still live. The membership fees paid by these big brothers are enough for you to eat, drink and have fun. Do not know at all.

Of course, there are no less than dozens of big and small gangs in this provincial capital, and those who obey him naturally dislike him, unlike Su Zijian who stands in front of people with an absolutely overwhelming momentum, such talents are rare. Even someone like Fang Sheng would have to die in the street in the end, let alone him.

After Su Zijian finished explaining what he wanted to explain, there were five or six people who expressed dissatisfaction and stood up one after another. They also had supporters behind them, otherwise they would not be able to stand on their own. Just drown you.

Things on the road cannot be resolved, and there is really no other way to solve them except by using force. This has been the case in the past, and it is inevitable now.

They stood up one after another and challenged Mai Fenqiang.

Although Mai Fenqiang's kung fu is not as strong as Su Zijian, he still has a certain advantage over ordinary people, and he quickly overthrows these people.

The leader of the association must not only have extraordinary skills, but also have extraordinary prestige, otherwise you have skills like Fang Sheng, but you are unpopular, and you will be kicked out of this seat after a short time No, Selling Fenqiang's network is also good, at least half of the people expressed their support for him as the leader of the association.

Everyone thought that the matter was settled like this, but one person came out and sneered at Mai Fenqiang.

Everyone saw, who is this person?Why hasn't everyone seen her?

And it's a woman!She's only 22 and three years old, why did she stand up?

Could it be that she is also interested in this guy?

But what skills do you have as a woman?Isn't it a joke to think of this guy too?

But some people thought about it again, if you dare to go to Yanggang to fight tigers without this ability, wouldn't you be asking for death?

So some people dare not underestimate this woman, but what ability does she have, the courage to come out and challenge Feng Fenqiang?

It's just that someone noticed something was wrong.

At this time, those who watched carefully saw it, and the face of Mai Fenqiang couldn't help but change, and there was a trace of fear in his eyes.

Just now he faced the challenges of the big men in the rivers and lakes, and he didn't take it seriously. After the fight, he didn't care about winning or losing, but he was afraid when this woman came out. Could it be that there is something special about this woman?So that it made him afraid?

But she smiled and said: "Brother Selling! If no one recommends me, I will recommend myself. I am Fang Yi, a member of the Baldhead Gang, and I also have that intention in being the leader of the Association. Please let me How about a concession?"

Those who came here to compete for this position, who didn't try their best to snatch it, who would call you what and what, but she seemed to know each other, which made you feel strange?

The bald-headed gang was created by Bald Chun. Since his death, his younger sister Jiang Aiyuan has been taking over the position of leader of the gang. From now on, I still call her a helper. Some time ago, Jiang Aiyuan suddenly disappeared without a trace. Everyone is guessing whether something happened to her.

This is the case for people who hang out on the road, and they are still doing well now. It happens from time to time that people will cut them down after turning a street. Jiang Aiyuan was only in her 20s and [-]s. , it is not difficult for everyone to guess that something happened to her, otherwise Fang Yi would not have to take over as the leader of the Bald Gang.

It's just that you, woman, what ability do you have?How dare you challenge Mau Fenqiang in public? In the past, there were quite a few people who challenged him. Today, there are many fewer people. Could it be that you really...

Mai Fenqiang looked at Fang Yi and felt very uncomfortable. Although he is very skilled, he is the one who has fought against Fang Yi. He knows that he is not her opponent, and this woman doesn't know what it is. After all, she has such a good skill that even she can't beat her. Now that she is eyeing the position of the association, isn't it bad for herself?

Mai Fenqiang snorted heavily, and stared at her with an angry look on his face. Although he was very angry in his heart, it is because this woman's skill is too good. I don't know what will happen after this hand-to-hand fight occur?I'm afraid she won't let her go easily.

It's just that if you don't dare to fight her, you won't be laughed at!

What should he do now that he can't afford to lose face with his face of being strong?

At this time, his heart became entangled. Whether to fight or not was the top priority, which made him unable to make a decision for a while.

Fang Yi smiled and said: "I'm also here to ask the boss to give me some pointers." Although she didn't say bluntly that she wanted to compete for the leader of the association, but she came here tonight to compete for this position. Seeing that a woman like her has such courage, they all couldn't help laughing: "Whose family is this girl, she is so courageous, I am not afraid that the salesman will kick her."

Just now, Mai Fenqiang fought against a few big men on the road, and he won easily. It can be seen that his skills are really good. Fang Yi is only 22 or [-] years old, and she is a woman, so many people look at her I'm sorry, I don't think she is an opponent of selling Fenqiang.

Unexpectedly, Mai Fenqiang fought her before, but he couldn't beat her. At this moment, he was very conflicted and didn't know what to do?

But Fang Yi was also very surprised. It is said that after she poisoned Mai Fenqiang, she would die if she didn't take the antidote they secretly prepared before the deadline. Unexpectedly, Mai Fenqiang was fine. It was incredible, they didn't know that Su Zijian was a genius doctor, they only knew that he and Su Zijian were very close.

She thought to herself: No wonder this old guy dared to disobey me. So he got the antidote, but where did he get the antidote?

Since she was busy dealing with Su Zijian's affairs, and she was bound to win the position of the leader of the Association, she ignored the fact that she was selling Fenqiang for a while, and wanted to arrest him for interrogation after this important matter was implemented. It is also necessary to ask the result, because the poison they prepared is actually known to be detoxified, which is too much of a threat.

She also knew that it was impossible for Yimai Fenqiang to detoxify, she must have sought an expert to detoxify, but who is this?You have to check it out.

Now she is smiling happily in front of Feng Fenqiang, just this man!He is also my opponent!

She had fought against Mai Fenqiang before, and knew that his ability was as heavy as several catties, and she was not on the same level as herself. If she made a move, she would call him to death. Now Su Zijian has retired from the arena, and will never pay attention to Taoism again. It's something to do, so she boldly came to do a big fight, looking at no one in the field as her opponent, she can take this opportunity to win the position of the leader of the Association, and they will be their world in the provincial capital from now on.

At this time, all the bosses in the seat can also see, what's going on with this sales boss?Looking into his eyes, there seems to be...

No way, what is he afraid of?

Could it be that this woman is so scary?What is she doing again?It's incredible that the sales boss can have such an expression on her.

Everyone looked at him puzzled, with a blank expression.

At this moment, Su Zijian was sitting there with his eyes slightly closed, as if he had nothing to do with himself.

He has already washed his hands in the golden basin, no matter what happens, it has nothing to do with him, it is the way things are, otherwise some people would not wash their hands in Baba's golden basin.

Now, it is only necessary to select the person, and he will hand over the leader's badge to the next leader, and he will turn a blind eye to other things.

Fang Yiyifu looked relaxed, while Mai Fenqiang showed a look of indignation on his face, but he didn't dare to show his strength, instead there was a sense of fear. When everyone saw it, they couldn't help but wonder, what happened? something wrong?

The two haven't fought yet?Why is he acting like this?

Of course, these bigwigs are not idiots, there is a certain reason for Mai Fenqiang to show this expression, but what will happen in it is unknown to everyone.

It's just that there's something scary about this woman that makes Mai Fenqiang have such an expression, which is really puzzling.

More people think that there must be some terrible energy behind this woman, and she must have no extraordinary kung fu.

Of course, they won't be so foolish as to think that Fang Yi has no ability at all, so they just come up to touch this bad luck. You must know that if you come up, people will definitely agree to it, and it is possible to hurt you. , after all, everyone is interested in this big cake, so it's strange not to fight for it.

It's just... no matter how you look at it, it doesn't look like it at all!

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