power and color

Chapter 1048 So many people are afraid of you!

That is, the expression on Mai Fenqiang's face is strange, as if he is very scared.

You should read it right!

But I can see that the expression on Ma Fenqiang's face twitched. After all, he is a person who has gone through great storms. He knows that he is invincible, but he doesn't react. It's just too shameful to retreat without a fight. It's where he's tangled up.

At this time, he was riding a tiger and couldn't stop.

This battle is inevitable in the end, but seeing him shout angrily, he immediately rushed forward.


What made everyone dumbfounded was that Fang Yi turned around, and Mai Fenqiang rushed over. , blood also came out.

Except for Su Zijian, everyone present was stunned. Everyone saw the ruthlessness of Cai Fenqiang just now, and it is obvious to all that he has a good skill, so why is he like this...

Some people thought that such an unexpected incident happened because of his carelessness, but they found something different when they were careful.

That's because Fang Yi looked calm and steady, while Mao Fenqiang was out of his normal state, as if panicked and lost touch, which was not at all the same as Cai Cai's appearance just now.

This... What's going on again?

In a look of astonishment and astonishment, he saw that Fenqiang got up, and immediately rushed towards Fang Yi again. This time, he didn't dare to muster up his energy to fight hard, but he had to use his long fist to get close to Fang Yi Fighting with her body, she thought that a woman's physique could not be compared with a man's, and she would not be unscrupulous if she started to be ruthless.

Unexpectedly, he missed a fact, that is, kung fu does not distinguish between men and women, it depends on your actual combat experience and depth, and flexible application, obviously you have all of these methods.

She dodged again, using the kung fu of grabbing hands, and as soon as she stretched out her hand, she grabbed Fenqiang's wrist, twisted her backhand, and turned to his back.

Mai Fenqiang was sweating profusely in pain, and felt as if he was about to break a bone.

It's just that he's so strong, it's nothing more than losing to a woman, and he yelled out in pain, that's not shameful, so he really can't afford to lose face.But Fang Yi didn't seem to give him this face at all, he twisted hard, and finally cried out in pain.

At this moment, all the bosses were stunned.

What's the matter?The sales boss they were optimistic about was beaten by a woman, and he still looked miserable. Is this still their sales boss?What a shame to throw it home.

Everyone couldn't believe what they saw before them. They still knew about Fengqiang's skill. It's not that they couldn't find his opponent in the audience, but there were not too many who could beat him. You won, it's not as easy as this, but this side doesn't seem to be too difficult, how can you be so strong...

For a moment, people couldn't stop talking, this matter is too mysterious, who is this Fang Yi, how can he have such a good skill, it is really unbelievable.

"Hey! Boss, do you admit defeat?" She just twisted Mai Fenqiang's wrist with one hand, and she knew that she hadn't used any strength at all, but Mei Fenqiang was like this. If so, that's fine.

At first, Mai Fenqiang wanted to hold on to the end, but when he closed his mouth tightly, Fang Yi exerted a little more force, and he cried out in pain, and finally had to admit defeat: "Okay! I admit it!" " Then he said angrily: "Quickly let me go."

Just as he was talking, Fang Yi let him go according to his words. He threw his face on the ground again, and had another intimate contact with the earth. These, with their hands crossed in front of their chests, looked at him coldly, with contempt in their eyes.

At this time, everyone raised their heads to look at her, and only then did they realize how powerful this woman is!

Some people also thought to themselves: Jiang Aiyuan is gone, I'm afraid she was killed by this woman and then took his position as the leader, otherwise how could she be the leader of the bald gang.

Of course, this is just a guess. Everyone is on the road. Even if this kind of thing happens, it is very common. It is not surprising at all. This is living on the edge of a knife. I don't know if someone will cut it down one day.

Everyone didn't expect that the person recommended by Su Zijian was so inexperienced, and he was humiliated by a woman. This is a terrible loss.

Fortunately, everyone knew Mai Fenqiang, so if you lose, you lose, and there is nothing to say, the main reason is that Fang Yi's skills are too good, who is she?

But I saw a pair of fine eyes slowly sweeping over the people in the big seat, with a slight murderous look in their eyes.

It was a pair of eyes that are very capable, deep and extremely murderous.

If this came from someone who had been killed for a long time, it would make sense, but obviously no one has seen her before this woman, so how could she have such an expression?

When selling hard, he was so angry that he spurted blood, but people on the road pay attention to the word of credibility, if you lose, you lose, and if you win, you win. I was ugly, and I was very angry in my heart, I really wanted to beat someone up.

But there was no other way, no matter how angry he was at this time, he still endured it, otherwise it would be a joke.

Because I am not her opponent at all, I have learned the lesson last time, and this time I am embarrassed as soon as I make a move, even if I am angry, there is nothing I can do, so I can only hate it.

His arm was so twisted that it was almost broken, and he was in so much pain that he couldn't move. This woman is really cruel. What's the matter?

Many people had friendship with Mai Fenqiang, seeing him lose in a daze, they were very dissatisfied, but this is a martial arts competition, whether you accept it or not, the loss is a loss, there is nothing good to say.

"Big Brothers, there is no one who is willing to ask for advice." Fang Yi said, arching his hands, his appearance seemed polite, but when everyone saw it, it meant that it was down-to-earth, which always felt strange.

Immediately, some people were dissatisfied, and they went up to several big bosses one after another. These are all unaccustomed to being bullied by a young woman, but none of them could do what they wanted. They were knocked down by her one after another, and one of them was kicked off The leg bone was badly injured.

In this way, everyone looked at her differently.

It is rare to see such a skilled person nowadays, especially a young woman. When everyone sees that she has the demeanor of Su Zijian back then, they are all moved, thinking that the world has changed now. God, why are young people in the world, we old guys have to retire?

Su Zijian also looked at her skill and nodded secretly. It is really rare for Fang Yi to have this kind of skill, especially for a woman, it is not easy, but he also revealed some information from her skill, that is her Although these kung fu are the kung fu in Huaxia martial arts, there are still some other things secretly hidden in them. After all, in terms of his experience, he can know it at a glance, and he can't hide it even if he wants to.

After a few people came forward to learn the lesson, the bigwigs on the road saw that they were very obedient, this girl is so powerful, is it possible that she is really called to be the leader of this association?

This is also a matter that everyone is struggling with. These people are all dignified people. Suddenly calling a woman to be the leader is not a way to lose face. When the news spread, the bosses on the provincial roads laughed. It is impossible to get the front teeth, so everyone's face is not very good-looking, but they are afraid of her kung fu, go up and beat her, what should I do?

Mai Fenqiang looked at Su Zijian, shook his head unconsciously, and thought: Brother Su!It was a mistake for you to retreat like this. Now that this woman is riding on everyone's heads, how did you live in those days?

Many people have the same idea as him, but what can be done?

Li Tianyuan, the leader of the Axe Gang, sneered and said, "It's really boring, everyone, sit down slowly, I'm going home to accompany my wife." After finishing speaking, he got up and walked out.

But when he walked to the door, there was someone blocking his way, and the man said coldly: "Leader Li, don't be in such a hurry to leave, after our leader Fang sits in the leader's seat, you It’s not too late to leave after paying the dues.”

Li Tianyuan was furious when he saw it, and said: "What do you mean, I can't be the leader, so why can't I leave?"

Everyone looked at him, then at Fang Yi, and thought to themselves: What exactly does Fang Yi want to do?It's fine if you are the leader of the association, why don't you let people go?

It should be known that after those leaders took office in the past, many people, even Su Zijian, were dissatisfied and refused to pay the dues. Su Zijian didn't take this matter to heart. I won't hand over the membership fee, but this woman is...

At this time, everyone realized that the family's appetite is really big, so why not pay the membership dues?

Everyone became angry when they saw it: "Bastards! What do you mean? If you want to be the leader of this association, you can be the leader of this association. Why don't you let people go?"

"Hey! I really think you are Brother Su, how can Brother Su give everyone a face? What are you?"

"There are so many people in the group, I'm afraid you won't succeed."

At this time, the behavior of Fang Yi and the others had aroused public outrage. These are big bosses who dominate one side. Except for Su Zijian, they have never been afraid of anyone else, let alone a woman like Fang Yi, although she is not as skilled as her Well, how can everyone be willing to submit to a woman? Naturally, they don't even pay the membership fee. In other words, they don't recognize you as the leader of the association.

Obviously, Fang Yi also saw this, which is exactly why Jiang Aiyuan sold Fenqiang and Su Zijian to support her before. It is not easy for a woman to gain a foothold, and besides, these gangsters have to subdue them , you can imagine how difficult it is.

If all these bigwigs leave, even if she becomes the leader of this association, she won't even pay the membership dues, what face will she have if she becomes the leader? This is exactly why Fang Yi didn't let people go.

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