power and color

Chapter 29 What a Good Thing!

"Is there anything inconvenient to say?" the doctor asked eagerly.

"Even the hospital can't do anything about it. I'm afraid it can't be cured, but there are ways to cure it. It's just whether it can be cured or not."

When everyone heard this, a glimmer of hope was ignited in their hearts, and their eyes shone brightly.

"Everyone has no hope for this matter. Now as long as you can do your best to treat it, as for whether it can be cured well, it depends on God's will."

Su Zijian hummed, and said, "Everyone, wait for me at home with a big bucket of hot water. Now I need a few people to accompany me up the mountain to pick herbs."

Lin Zhiming said: "This matter is easy to handle." He called a few young and strong young people, each of them took two flashlight slips in their hands to accompany Su Zijian up the mountain, and they also carried a dustpan on their shoulders, so that he could collect herbs and put them on the mountain. in.

A group of people carried flashlights across mountains and mountains, and entered the forest at night. It is extremely convenient to gather this herb during the day, but it is not the same thing at night. The flashlights seem to be the same The matter, the flowers and trees are the same, it is not easy to identify.

Fortunately, Su Zijian followed that old Taoist to gather herbs at night, and there is a unique way to recognize it,

Su Zijian was the only person in this group who could pick herbs. Apart from following him to carry the dustpan for him, every time they picked a herb, everyone would scramble to get it into the dustpan. Su Zijian I don't care about it, as long as the herbs are collected, then what do they mean by doing this?

When the sky was dark, they came back with tired steps. Naturally, there were a lot of herbs in the dustpan.

As soon as he got home, without his instructions, someone immediately brought buckets of water to wash the herbs, so that he could use them as quickly as possible.

Su Zijian sorted out the herbal medicines, and asked him to put more than half of them into a large pot that they had made earlier to boil in boiling water, and the other small part was chopped with a knife and put into medicine pots to boil.

After finishing all this work, the sky was bright. Su Zijian came over to look at the middle-aged man lying on the bed. He checked his forehead and still had a high fever, and he was also in a coma.

Half an hour later, the medicine in the medicine pot was boiled, and someone brought out the medicine to the patient for gavage, but the patient was in a coma and could not take it.

Everyone was in a hurry, not knowing what to do.

Su Zijian asked someone to fetch a drinking straw, put it into the patient's throat, and slowly poured it in bit by bit. It was almost done, and someone poured out a basin to warm it, and then washed the rotted parts of the patient's legs and feet. He used the method of combining internal and external to treat, which conformed to the theory of yin and yang.

High fever is an inflammation caused by leg rot, and only anti-inflammation can reduce the fever. Among his medications, there are anti-fever drugs. Chinese medicine and herbal medicine are interlinked.

An hour later, the middle-aged man's fever subsided slightly, and when he measured it with a thermometer, it suddenly fell back to more than 38 degrees. The middle-aged man had had a high fever for several days. The high fever persisted, and his legs were rotten and rotted. He was afraid of sepsis. The hospital issued a critical illness notice and took the patient home to die. Su Zijian's treatment with the medicine immediately took effect, which is something to be excited about. ~~~ The two works of "The First Mix in the City" and "Drizzling Rain Startled the Dragon" by the elegant layman are very good!relative!Did you read it?Don't miss it! ~~~

That doctor is a Western medicine doctor from the County People's Hospital. Although he is not an attending physician, he has accumulated a lot of clinical experience. In his opinion, the middle-aged man is in such a state that he is on the verge of life and death, and he may die at any time. At that time, he had long given up any hope, and the patient's home had already prepared coffins, shrouds and other things and put them aside one by one, so that they could be used at any time. I have never seen the herbal medicine from the mountain, and I have never seen it before, so I am very puzzled: I can see every step of him clearly, and there is no other secret recipe or holy medicine in him, how can he treat the patient...

Su Zijian also heaved a sigh of relief. After the boiled herbal medicine in the vat had cooled down, he asked someone to help the middle-aged man into it to soak, and then grilled it with charcoal at the bottom. He was afraid that the soup in the vat would cool down so quickly that the potency of the medicine would be greatly reduced. .

During this back and forth, everyone forgot to eat. It was not until someone's stomach growled that the host realized that he forgot to bring food for everyone, and immediately several women brought food.

Su Zijian stood in front of the vat after dinner and waited. Whenever there was a disturbance, he would take care of him. I can become a doctor without saying a word.

For several days in a row, Su Zijian stayed at this family's house. He did this every day. When the herbs were used up, he called a few people to go up the mountain to collect herbs. He is also a doctor, doctor, and keeps calling, as if he, Su Zijian, is a medical expert.

Su Zijian rejoiced in his heart: Damn, when will I become a doctor? A broken leg or something, when will he become a doctor to treat a serious illness, this patient is really cured by us, then if you don't invite us to be a director of the hospital or something, then it will be a death.

Today, the fever of the middle-aged man has basically come down and returned to normal body temperature, and the rotten parts have also been controlled. This is the experience he has accumulated from treating the old Zhangtou's son, and he will use it now. So as not to mess up the scale.

He used herbal broth to force the sickness in the patient's body, and taking it internally was to treat inflammation. The two-pronged approach controlled the deterioration of the disease. At this time, he suggested that the family members should go to the hospital and use Western medicine for treatment, so the effect may be better. After all, anti-inflammatory drugs are still quicker than western medicine, which cannot be compared with herbal medicine.

Lin Zhiming said: "Isn't the effect of your treatment very good? Why do you have to use Western medicine?"

Su Zijian said: "The patient is not effective because of the general use of penicillin and other anti-inflammatory drugs. I used herbal medicine to correct his body qi. At this time, western medicine can have a good effect, so It is recommended that you send it to the hospital as soon as possible, so that the treatment will be effective sooner."

Lin Zhiming let out a cry, and helped the patient into the jeep, and went straight to the county people's hospital. Sure enough, as Su Zijian said, the effect of intravenous drip was quite different from the previous one, and it worked immediately.

Looking at the room where there were still many people, all of a sudden there were no two people left, and it became deserted, with a coffin

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