power and color

Chapter 30 Plant corn for me.

Su Zijian was about to go back, but a woman in her 50s stopped him and said, "Doctor, you can't go back yet."

Su Zijian said: "Isn't it sent to the hospital? I don't need to stay here."

"That can't be done. If the hospital can't cure it, won't it have to use you? Wouldn't it be inconvenient to go to you after you leave?"

Su Zijian frowned and said, "I can't stay at your house forever. Is there still work to do in this unit?"

"You can rest assured about this. I will explain it to you in your unit. You don't need to pay for your work wages. Is that okay?" At this time, the woman had a rare smile on her face for many days.

"You...really can..." She looked at her in disbelief.

"Ha! Whatever else matters, I can pat my chest to assure you that this is absolutely true." While talking, she patted her drooping and wrinkled chest, making a vow, not bragging bluff.

"It's not too boring for me to stay here like this." Seeing that she is old and not young, being her own mother is a bit too old, and it is boring to be with such a person, and she has the intention of leaving.

"Oh! So that's what you meant. You can rest assured about this. There is a canteen in our village where people play mahjong. When you are bored, you can go there and play to relieve your boredom."

When Su Zijian heard this, he was a little dumbfounded for a moment, thinking that such a domineering family would ignore other people's feelings because of your patient. This is the first time he has encountered such an unreasonable person in his life, so he smiled wryly. After a while, I couldn't make a sound.

The woman took out a bill of one or two hundred yuan and handed it to him, saying: "Go, it's good to relax if you have nothing to do."

Su Zijian looked at her back, smiled wryly and said to himself: "What's the matter with me?" Everyone put down their words like this, so they had to go, put the money in their pockets, and walked out with steep steps, following her instructions. Speaking of the small shop at the entrance of the village, it sells some daily necessities, which are convenient for everyone in the village. ~~~ The two works of "The First Mix in the City" and "Drizzling Rain Startled the Dragon" by the elegant layman are very good!relative!Did you read it?Don't miss it! ~~~

When he came here, only the proprietress of the small shop was there, and a mahjong table was placed under the big tree, and the mahjong table had long been neatly arranged.

Su Zijian bought a bottle of drink and sat at the table drinking it. Watching people entering and leaving the village from time to time, he felt extremely bored, but there was nothing he could do.

The proprietress Mo was about 30 years old, and her name was Jia Aiqiong. She took a look at Su Zijian, stepped forward and asked, "Brother, are you here to treat Mayor Fu?"

Su Zijian was stunned, and said: "Mayor Fu!" He secretly said: So he is the mayor of a town, no wonder his tone is so domineering.

The proprietress was also taken aback, and said, "You don't know he is the mayor?" She thought to herself that you are so confused, it would be ridiculous to come to treat someone and not know the patient's name.

"We're just a barefoot doctor who grabbed a handful of herbs indiscriminately. They called us here, but they didn't figure out what was going on. Fortunately, we didn't make a fool of ourselves."

"Oh! So you really didn't know he was the mayor." Then he told Su Zijian that the name of the mayor Fu Guodong was the deputy mayor of Baoying Town, and that the middle-aged woman who asked him to come here was his wife Liu Yadi.

"I said big brother, you are really skilled."

Su Zijian asked puzzledly, "What does the elder sister mean by that?"

"I heard that Mayor Fu's illness was cured by you. Is there such a thing?"


"Wow! You are really amazing."

"It's nothing, it's just a coincidence for us to be cured."

"You have been cured of a disease that can't be cured in a big hospital. Isn't it serious?"

Su Zijian was speechless for a while, and smiled without answering.

Jia Aiqiong sat down, probed and asked: "Big brother, can you take a look for us, is there anything wrong with our body, can you?"

Su Zijian said in embarrassment: "We are just a person who knows how to use some herbal medicine to treat trauma. I'm afraid that this physical disease can't be seen."

"It's okay, I just want you to take a look, not necessarily to tell you what's wrong."

"Oh! That's it." Thinking that this is not too difficult, I can decide whether there is something wrong with me, so I agreed immediately. Jia Aiqiong put his hand on the table, and Su Zijian stretched out two fingers to touch his hand. On the wrist, take her pulse.

He pretended to take the pulse seriously, and then said: "It's okay, the eldest sister is in good health." Seeing that she looks very good, she looks like a hot-tempered person, and she doesn't have that sickly look, that is to say, she is looking on the bright side.

"Hehe! It's good to be fine, we don't want to get sick and die early." Then he asked Su Zijian in puzzlement, "Why did the big brother have time to come here?"

"Didn't Mayor Fu go to the county hospital? Originally, we wanted to go back, but they didn't allow it. We can only stay here for a while."

"It's impossible for officials to crush people to death." Jia Aiqiong said with a smile.

"Elder Sister is right. We are just a small staff, so there is nothing we can do about it."

"Hehe! You are so funny."

"Why! Don't believe it?" Seeing that she was smiling with ulterior motives, she was at a loss.

"Believe it! How could you not believe it?" Jia Aiqiong said copiously. It seemed that she didn't believe Su Zijian's words at all.

Su Zijian couldn't see what she was really saying, and he didn't know himself, so it was normal and normal to have some opinions about himself, so it was inconvenient to explain, so he smiled and didn't answer.

While talking, came two middle-aged women, in their early thirties, they were all usual mahjong friends. Chatting and playing mahjong here is lively, but today it is a bit deserted.

As soon as the two came, Jia Aiqiong invited Su Zijian to play mahjong with them. The purpose of Su Zijian's visit was to pass the time, and he was a female partner, so he naturally agreed.

It feels good to be among women, this is what Su Zijian has felt these days, even though they are older than him, they are women after all, the aura emanating from women deeply attracts him The senses, unconsciously leaning towards them.

In addition, these older people, when they speak, they don't hide their words, they don't keep morals, and they go to certain aspects when they speak, which is very funny, not only Su Zijian likes to listen, but also the Several women also love to stay with men, so Su Zijian is also a handsome young man, he is very pleasing to the eye, and it is common for him to gesticulate and pat his shoulders while talking.

After going back and forth, he became acquainted with the people in the village within two days. Everyone knew that he was a barefoot doctor who came to Mayor Fu's house to treat illnesses. It's a different view, it's respect.

Today, as soon as Su Zijian arrived at the shop, Jia Aiqiong said, "You still come!"

Su Zijian asked puzzledly, "What's wrong?"

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