power and color

Chapter 296 It's time to do what you promised.

When I came out and asked, I just learned that I don’t know if it was really too drunk to go back, that is, I stayed in the hotel room, thinking that the two of them must be lying on some beautiful belly to be happy at this time, He also smiled and shook his head. If Xiaoqishan hadn't had a husband, he really didn't want to go back tonight.

When I came out, I saw that the driver, Old Wang, hadn't left yet, but fell asleep waiting for him in the car, woke him up and found a place to treat him to supper before going back.

After Su Zijian had a phone call with Bai Qianquan, Bai Qianquan was able to say hello to the bank. Just as he expected, a few days later, the bank invited him to go through the loan procedures, and then transferred the funds to the bank. to the account of the construction company.

During this period, Su Zijian expected that there would be no surprises in this matter. The preparatory work has already been carried out, and the work will start as soon as the funds arrive, and the Cultural Bureau has also paid one-third of the payment in advance. Project funds, with this fund, the project will naturally start immediately.

Su Zijian handed over this project to the third group company of the construction company. Jiang Lin and Mao Guantang were surprised to see him accept the project so quickly. When the money arrived, the Cultural Affairs Bureau also advanced a part of the funds.

Thinking about the past, when Bi Wenqing didn’t receive any papers, he started construction for others, and in the end, the construction company suffered huge losses. This was just investment and no return.

Now that Su Zijian got the loan and the project was successfully signed, the news spread, and the workers of the construction company burst into excitement. Every time they met him on the road, they stopped to smile and say hello to him. Compared with Bi Wenqing before, When everyone saw him, the smile on his face was extremely forced, and many people rolled their eyes at him. Under your leadership, the workers don't even have to eat. Who cares if you are the boss of the company? , Now only by making everyone's jobs stable and their wages normal can they win everyone's respect.

Before the start of the project, at the ribbon-cutting ceremony, in addition to Jia Dongbao who had a meeting in the province, there were as many as six or seven county-level leaders including Bai Qianquan and Chen Bing. Shi Chun, and some front-line comrades with whom he had a good relationship were all present to congratulate him.Even Tang Fenghai, the mayor of Dongying Town, heard the news and rushed over to present a congratulatory gift. At this time, Su Zijian is different from the past. He is a person who has made a lot of achievements. If you are in trouble, ask him to ask someone to help you, that is not something that can be solved with a single sentence, not to mention that there are many people who are polite, he knows how to weigh this hard-won friendship,

And just three days after the project started, Pan Guanghao from the food factory also rushed over when he heard the wind. When he saw the scene of the construction site in full swing, this made him very angry: ****, this manager Su is really not Personally, didn't you say that you have no funds?Why did they start building houses for the Cultural Bureau again?

Pan Guanghao couldn't find Su Zijian's figure for several days. Whether it was the construction company or his grain and oil trading company, they all said that they didn't know where Manager Su was.

This anger is all about anger. Now that the project is done like this, it can't go up or down. If it goes on like this, it will become an unfinished building. Then he went to the county several times. Bai Qianquan said that this is your food factory and building The problems between the companies have to be resolved by themselves, and it is useless to find my county.

Forced to be helpless, Pan Guanghao had to sit and wait in the construction company's office every day. In the end, even the people from the construction company were not so friendly when they saw his face. You, Pan Guanghao, are too shameless, but now you The food factory is in arrears with my construction company's funds. It's not that we owe you anything. It's too thick-skinned to come here and pretend to be a scoundrel.

At this time, the employees of the construction company didn't look good when they saw him. They originally called him Director Pan, but now they ignored his existence and regarded him as a transparent person. This made Pan Guanghao angry. His eyes rolled, but he couldn't do anything about it.

It wasn't until half a month later that Su Zijian appeared in the construction company's office. Pan Guanghao's anger welled up in his heart one after another, but he couldn't burst out, and his face was also stinking badly. He said to Su Zijian: "I Manager Su, you are the manager of a company, you don't stay in the office for half a month, what class do you work in?"

"Ah! It's Director Pan. Why did you come to my construction company? Is there something wrong?" Su Zijian asked pretending to be puzzled.

In fact, the employees of the construction company had already been ordered by him not to reveal his whereabouts, so they couldn't help but laugh so deliberately. Since Pan Guanghao couldn't laugh out loud here, he could only hold back , each other's faces are a little weird.

"Manager Su, do you know how long I've been waiting for you here." Pan Guanghao said angrily.

"Did Director Pan come here early? I'm sorry. This company has a job. I'm not a manager. I can't go up and pick up bricks and sand, so I'm going on a trip."

Pan Guanghao was almost stunned by his anger. Why did he come here so early? I have been in your company for half a month. You are so nice, and you actually went on a trip. What kind of company leader is this? Leave your business alone and use the public funds to travel around the mountains and rivers, so it's no wonder that the whole company is not played to death by you.

Pan Guanghao suppressed the anger in his heart, and said, "Manager Su, you should do what you promised me, right?"

"I promised you." He scratched his scalp, looked at Pan Guanghao in a daze and asked, "What's the matter?"

"No way, you, Manager Su, are so noble and forgetful."

"I'm sorry, it's not too much, so I forgot. Could you, Director Pan, remind me?"

"Didn't you, Manager Su, say that the bank will continue to build the dormitory building for our food factory after getting the loan? As far as I know, it seems that the bank has loaned a lot of money to build the building." It's on the company's account."

"Hehe! Director Pan's news is really well-informed, indeed a sum of money has been loaned in."

When Pan Guanghao heard him admitting that the bank had borrowed money, he was so happy that he almost couldn't laugh. He was beaming and said, "Then what are you waiting for, start working quickly."

"It's impossible to start work." Su Zijian said with a bitter face.

Pan Guanghao was taken aback for a moment: "No way! What does this mean? Didn't you promise to start work after getting the loan from the bank? How do you say that now?"

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