power and color

Chapter 297 Hidden mystery.

"I promised Factory Manager Pan to build the food factory's house with the bank loan, but now the bank refuses to lend, so I can't start work."

For a while, not only Pan Guanghao, but also the employees in the office felt puzzled by what Monk Zhang Er said to him, they all looked at him in a daze, and murmured his words in their hearts What exactly do the words mean?

Pan Guanghao was taken aback, and said, "Manager Su! What do you mean by that?"

"I did say at the beginning that as long as the bank is willing to lend money to the dormitory of the food factory, there is nothing to say. It will definitely solve the urgent need for Director Pan, but the bank will not lend money no matter what, you call me What should I do?" Su Zijian smiled wryly and spread out his hands in a helpless manner.

"What! What! Did I hear you right?" Pan Guanghao opened his eyes wide with a strange look on his face.

"You, Director Pan, did hear correctly. I said that it is a fact that the bank refuses to lend."

"Just now, Manager Su said that the bank loaned money, and the Cultural Affairs Bureau's projects have started. Now, why do you say that the bank refuses to lend money? What you said is incomprehensible." Pan Guanghao shook his head repeatedly, thinking to himself: I don't know. I heard it, or you have a brain problem, you are talking nonsense in public.

Because Su Zijian said in public that the bank loan would start food production, so at this time, he was not afraid of Su Zijian's repentance, but said calmly and slowly.

"That's what I said just now, but the current loan is for the housing and construction bank of the Cultural Affairs Bureau. As for the loan for the housing of Director Pan's food factory, the bank is not willing to approve it, so the housing of the food factory is now Can't work yet."

As soon as these words came out, everyone in the office let out a soft sigh.

No matter how they guessed, they never expected that Su Zijian would have such a trick, and there was a secret hidden in it, which made Pan Guanghao ruthless.

And Pan Guanghao never expected in his dreams that Su Zijian's so-called loan actually had such a hierarchy, and each account was clearly divided into details, without any ambiguity or moisture.

At this moment, Pan Guanghao had an extremely weird expression on his face. He stared at Su Zijian for a while, and said, "I mean, Manager Su, aren't you fooling people?"

"Even if I have the guts, I don't dare to fool Director Pan. Please think about it. From the time the food factory built the house to the present, have you ever given me a penny for the construction company? Because of this, I have been building a building. The company is now heavily in debt, and the bank is refusing to lend any more. As far as the current loan is concerned, I have repeatedly told the bank that the money will not be used for other purposes, but for the housing construction of the Cultural Affairs Bureau. As for the use, the bank also lent me the money because I was newly appointed and needed the money urgently. If I used the money for the housing of the food factory, I would not be able to complete the housing construction of the Cultural Bureau, and you The food factory has no money for my construction company, what do you think my construction company will look like?"

As soon as these words were uttered, the employees of the construction company couldn't help nodding their heads, thinking to themselves: No wonder Manager Su avoids him, Director Pan, and tells everyone not to reveal his whereabouts. Put this director Pan in the army.

All of a sudden, the employees showed extremely exciting expressions on their faces. How can it be so embarrassing to see the factory manager Pan who has a good relationship with Bi Wenqing and refuses to pay for the construction of the house in such an embarrassing situation? I am happy to see it.

Pan Guanghao was also speechless by Su Zijian's words, but the housing construction of the food factory was something he had agreed with the former manager Bi Wenqing, and the relationship between the two was ambiguous, whether it was about money or other things. As far as personal friendship is concerned, it is something that cannot be disclosed publicly. At this time, Su Zijian obstructed the project so that the project could not be completed, which made him extremely angry.

"Manager Su! Although what you said is reasonable, but the housing of the food factory was thrown down halfway through construction. "

"Director Pan! It seems that you should come up with this solution, right?" Su Zijian looked at him meaningfully and said with a smile.

Pan Guanghao was taken aback again. He never thought that Su Zijian could be so eloquent. What he said was very good. If your food factory has no money, what are you talking about building houses? You can't ask other construction companies to pay for everything It’s from the funds. Because of Bi Wenqing’s relationship, his food factory only got this treatment.

Now, time has passed, things have changed, the manager has been replaced by someone else, and the good thing of wanting to eat this sweet without spending money seems to have come to an end, so I can't dream of this dream again.

"Manager Su, if my food factory can think of a way, then is your construction company still needed to build this house?" Pan Guanghao said with a grimace.

"Since Director Pan said so, then I have nothing to say, so please leave."

"Manager Su! What do you mean?" Seeing Su Zijian's attitude of chasing customers away, the fire didn't come from anywhere.

"Does this mean that Director Pan still doesn't understand? My construction company can no longer afford to pay for this project for you. If your food factory has money, then build it. If you don't have money, just put it on hold Let’s wait until the construction company makes a fortune, and then we’ll build it.”

The employees in the office were all happy after hearing his words, thinking that although this manager Su is young, he is extremely sophisticated and capable in doing things, even more powerful than ordinary people. The director of the food factory, Pan, was forced into a corner, and without the strength to fight back, when he looked at him again, his face was flushed red and purple, and a war would break out at any moment.

When the employees looked at the self-inflicted director Pan, they were all secretly laughing happily: This person is really stupid. Manager Su has been hiding from you for so many days, so there is naturally a reason for him. You don’t even think that Strange, did not notice any signs, really stupid.

"I'm talking about Manager Su. When Manager Bi Wenqing was the manager of the construction company, he covered our food factory. Why did you disregard any friendship as soon as you took office, and you even tore off your face."

"Director Pan is right. Manager Bi is too good at taking care of people, so he can't even keep the manager's position. Now this company is up to me. Since I have the final say, then I have to Do things in my way, do you think so, Director Pan?" He was not in a hurry or angry at all, and replied with a slow smile with a calm demeanor.

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