power and color

Chapter 298 Official Road.

Pan Guanghao's old face became hot, he didn't say this, Bi Wenqing was fine, after he said it, he said this to Su Zijian, which made him feel frustrated, you, Pan Guanghao and Bi Wenqing have friendship, but what is the relationship with Su Zijian, he can Given your way of doing things, why would I, Su Zijian, do you any favors?

Pan Guanghao was really dizzy with anger. How long ago, who was so angry with him, and only this young man would be so rude. If the other party was not the top leader of a company, he would have He slapped him bluntly. At this time, he had something to ask for, and he couldn't offend him. This kind of contradictory psychology made him extremely uncomfortable.

After a while, Pan Guanghao suppressed the anger in his heart, and said lightly: "Manager Su! Can you borrow a word?"

"It's the same here. Director Pan has something to say, but he can't defend himself." Looking at the other party's posture, he knew what he wanted to do. He didn't want to give this so-called Pan Guanghao any chance. If he wanted to build a house, he had to get money. Otherwise don't even think about it.

Pan Guangwu originally wanted to send some money to Su Zijian or something else, but he couldn't say it in front of the whole office, but Su Zijian didn't give him this opportunity to speak, and saw a group of construction company employees Seeing his joke, he was angry and angry, turned around and slammed the door away.

"Haha! Now the old man is so mad."

"What a cheeky old man, he actually wants to live in a house without spending a penny. Where can he find such a good job?"

"Only Manager Bi can do this kind of thing. He's really not human."

"Now that our construction company owes so much money to the bank, it's not because he's colluding with Manager Bi. Now that we meet Manager Su, let's see if you still have this sweet cake."

The employees yelled at Bi Wenqing and Pan Guanghao, and Song Ping couldn't help but feel hot when she heard it. At this moment, she realized that in the eyes of the employees, her sister What kind of image do you have with your brother-in-law? It can be said to be terrible, useless, like a poisonous scorpion, a monster that eats human flesh and drinks human blood.

She is just a cashier, she has nothing to do with the world, and she has nothing to do. Bi Wenqing arranged her to work here, and she did not have any objections. It is precisely because she is such a person that the employees have nothing to do. She scolded Bi Wenqing scrupulously, which made her sit on pins and needles, whether it was staying in the office or going outside, she felt extremely uncomfortable.

Su Zijian gave Pan Guanghao an education class, and he was in a very good mood. Pan Guanghao was like a scoundrel who would come to his door at any time, so he was prepared.

Sure enough, as he expected, when he got home from work that night and was eating, he suddenly heard a knock on the door. When he opened the door, he saw that Pan Guanghao was holding a lot of gifts in his hand. I was careless for a while, and forgot to send a little heart to Manager Su, hoping that he would not take that unpleasant matter to heart.

The two of them stood at the door, one pushed it hard, the other pushed it away. In the end, Pan Guanghao put the things in his room in a fit of anger, turned around and left.

Su Zijian didn't expect him to do such a move, but he couldn't move up and pulled him, touched his nose, pondered for a long time, and immediately had an idea.

Early the next morning, when the driver Lao Wang came to pick him up, he took the things with him. When he arrived at the company, he asked him to drive to the food factory to return the things directly to Pan Guanghao. As for what was inside, he didn't open it to see.

Although Old Wang was surprised, it was something Manager Su ordered, so he had to do it. After arriving at the food factory, Old Wang saw Pan Guanghao without saying a word, put the things on the table in front of him, turned around and left.

When Pan Guanghao chased him out, he had already driven away. When he came back and looked at the things on the table, he couldn't help feeling worried. Su Zijian didn't even accept gifts, which meant that he didn't sell this account at all. Solve it, the employees will have to fight with him.

The workers of the food factory looked at the sad and silent director Pan, and no one dared to ask him, what's going on?Don't make him unhappy, yell at you for not discussing it.

This...how should I do this!

Pan Guanghao's expression was dull, and he couldn't help muttering to himself.

At that moment, Pan Guanghao put down his work and got up to discuss countermeasures with Bi Wenqing.

"Old Pan, you have seen this too. My manager has been dismissed, and the construction company is now under the surname Su's decision." If Pan Guanghao, who was neatly dressed and happy in the past, was replaced by another person, Bi Wenqing could only smile wryly at this moment, and shook his head unconsciously as he looked helpless at the hopeful Pan Guanghao.

"Old Bi, is there really nothing you can do?" He has spent a lot of money on Bi Wenqing, and now the project has not been able to continue, which makes him in a very embarrassing situation. feel.

"If the manager was mine, even if you didn't need to say that, the housing of the food factory would be built for you. Now..." Speaking of this, he couldn't help sighing a long time, bowing his head slightly, with a sad expression on his face.

"Then you give me advice on what to do next, okay?"

"You can get in touch with him and find a chance to give him some benefits. I think there is no cat in the world that doesn't eat fish. This kid... hehe!"

"Hey! Do you still need to teach me this? I delivered it to him personally last night, but that kid actually sent it back to me this morning." He kept shaking his head.

When Bi Wenqing heard about his gift-giving process, he couldn't help laughing: "I said Lao Pan, are you giving a gift or fighting with him." ~~~ "The First Mix in the City" "Xiaoyu" Startled Dragon" is very exciting, don't miss it~~~


"Do you give gifts like this? You are scaring him."

Pan Guanghao is right when he thinks about it, he is not giving a gift like this, but acting like he is angry with him, and he has said half a good word in the end, how will others know what you mean, maybe he is digging a hole To cheat him, no matter how much money he would have, he would not dare to accept it.

Having figured this out, Pan Guanghao got up and ran out without even rushing to greet Bi Wenqing.

"Why are you going again?" Bi Wenqing chased to the door in astonishment, shouting loudly.

Of course, Pan Guanghao had already run far away, and he didn't know if he could hear his cry.


After a whole day's work, when the off-duty time came, the employees of the construction company left one after another. Su Zijian was also about to leave. When the phone rang, Du Wenyue from the Food Bureau called him, asking him to go out for a gathering. Get together and drink two sips of soju.

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