power and color

Chapter 306 Killing! !

"Don't dare! How dare I threaten you, Manager Bi, if I have the guts, don't you think so?" Although his words were so cruel, his face was not the same, even the most stupid people would listen to it. I figured it out, if you, Bi Wenqing, don't pay me, you have to go in and stay with me when I'm arrested.

Bi Wenqing's face darkened slightly, and it turned out to be extremely ugly at this moment. After a while, an extremely hard-to-detect surprise flickered on his face again, and said to Wang Ziming lightly: "Since you don't If you dare, then I have the right to believe you."

Saying this, he stretched out the package of newspapers in his hand to Wang Ziming, and said, "Take it, don't let me see you again."

Wang Ziming was overjoyed, stepped forward quickly, and reached out to pick up the bag in his hand.

"I said..." Just as Wang Ziming was about to take the package in his hand, Bi Wenqing said suddenly.

"Why?" Wang Ziming raised his head and asked without any doubt.

But he didn't know it, but because of his greed, he pushed himself into the abyss of death.

He had just opened his mouth, and he felt that Bi Wenqing walked up quickly, and bumped into his arms all at once.

At this moment, he only felt a sharp pain in his lower abdomen, as if some sharp weapon had pierced it.


Under the severe pain, Wang Ziming couldn't help screaming.

At this moment, a look of fear appeared on his face. According to his thinking, for his own safety, this Bi Wenqing would definitely go bankrupt and eliminate the disaster. An Xin left and flew high, this Yinggen County said nothing and never came back.

Unexpectedly, because of this last stroke, Bi Wenqing actually became murderous and wanted to kill himself on the highway.

At this time, he actually did it, actually...

At this moment, Wang Ziming really regretted it. Just for the 5 yuan, he put himself in a dangerous situation, and even suffered a fatal disaster.

As soon as the knife was stabbed into the lower abdomen, Wang Ziming knew something bad was going to happen, because the incident happened so suddenly that he had no time to react.

Immediately afterwards, I felt that I had been stabbed in several places on my body.At this moment, he couldn't even yell, and he couldn't feel his fingers loosening the bag of money that Bi Wenqing handed over.

He covered his stabbed abdomen with both hands, and the blood sprayed from the wound stained his fingers red, but he couldn't hold it.

Because the two were standing very close, the blood spurted by Wang Ziming also sprinkled a lot on Bi Wenqing's body. It was the first murder in his life, and Bi Wenqing was also frightened and panicked. He stabbed Wang Ziming several times, Seeing the blood spurted out by him frightened him even more, and with a trembling hand, he let go of the blade inserted into Wang Ziming's body.

Just when he turned around and was about to run away, he saw a vegetable farmer carrying a load not far away, staring at the horrifying scene with his big eyes motionless.

Bi Wenqing never dreamed that the last thing he wanted happened. Since someone saw it, he couldn't tolerate this person alive. A ruthless look flashed in Bi Wenqing's eyes, and he ran towards the vegetable farmer. There is going to be a murder.

Seeing this situation, the vegetable farmer knew what would happen no matter how stupid he was, so he yelled in fright, dropped his burden, turned around and ran away.

Bi Wenqing chased straight for 100 meters, saw that the vegetable farmer was running away so fast, obviously unable to catch up, turned around and saw that Wang Ziming had fallen into a pool of blood, his life and death unknown.

He was very courageous, he didn't dare to run back to see if Wang Ziming was dead at this time, fearing that he would meet someone like a vegetable farmer again, he fled into the woods beside the road in a panic.

On that highway, Wang Ziming fell to the ground covered in blood, and beside him, something wrapped in a newspaper had been opened at this time, and it was scattered in the wind, and there were sheets of white paper floating inside. There is no such thing as 5 yuan, just for these blank papers, him!He was killed by Bi Wenqing's ruthless hand, and died.

After a short while, a car passed by and the scene happened on the side of the road. Immediately drove back to the county police station to report the case.

Not long after, the officers from the police station arrived at the scene and saw that the victim had lost all signs of life due to excessive blood loss. The officers from the hospital rushed to the scene and announced that the victim was dead.

This sudden murder case exploded in the county seat immediately. The identity of the deceased is still under investigation, and the vegetable farmer was quickly found by the police. After learning what happened at that time, the vegetable farmer also trembled. It didn't stop, he couldn't even speak clearly, obviously he was also very frightened, and he was not under Bi Wenqing.

Bi Wenqing fled to the river, jumped into the water to wash off the blood on his clothes, and then fled back home in embarrassment.

Song Min saw that his face was pale and his body was trembling slightly, and he was obviously terrified, so he knew that he had dealt with cruelty, so he didn't dare to ask him too much, asked him to change into clean clothes, and then put the wet clothes on his face. Cut it into pieces with scissors, wrap it up and throw it away.

After all this was done, Bi Wenqing went to work pretending to be okay. As soon as he got to the office, he heard the news that someone had been killed on the side of the road. Others talked about the horrific murders that were rumored along the way. ~~~ The elegant "The First Mix in the City" and "Drizzling Rain Startled the Dragon" are very exciting, don't miss them~~~

Although he pretended to be fine, the expression on his face was a little pale due to the fear in his heart. Fortunately, everyone hated him so much that no one would pay attention to him, even if he was sick, no one would come to ask him. one time.

Now, although he has the name of a deputy manager, he is actually carrying a false name. Su Zijian did not let him intervene in any engineering work, even if it is the first group of projects that he usually focuses on. The team, at this time, can't get involved, so Su Zijian gritted his teeth with hatred.

But what can I do?Whoever said that this was a red-headed document issued by the secretary of the county party committee himself, even if there were a lot of dissatisfaction, it would not help the matter, and there was no room for sulking alone.

After sitting with the boss in the office for a while, I went to the teahouse to drink tea when I had nothing to do.

Usually, he would come to the office first to sit or drink tea. His class is like this. A person who is ordered to be demoted by the county leader will never have a chance to stand up in this life.

He is a sensible person, anyway, the current him is full of pockets, and he is not afraid of running out of money to live, as long as he can avoid the limelight, he will be able to enjoy happiness for the rest of his life.

Of course, this was only because of his wishful thinking, and that's why he committed the murder. Whether he can avoid it depends on the police's ability to handle the case. If a pighead is handling the case, Then it's like stepping on a treasure with one foot, and it's nothing to be happy about.

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