power and color

Chapter 307 Defeated at the hands of my wife.

In that teahouse, he heard all the topics about murder on the roadside, which made him break out in a cold sweat from time to time, and he felt that his heart was jumping with fear, especially the muscles on his face were twitching uncontrollably, which was very ugly.

He knew that he shouldn't behave like this, but he had a ghost in his heart, and wanted to suppress the fear from the bottom of his heart. He couldn't do anything, so he could only sneak back home, fearing that an accident would make people If you see the flaw, it's over.

Although staying at home does not require people to see the strange expression on his face, but he cannot hear the news about the case, which makes him worry a lot, especially after he lays down to sleep, he almost falls asleep and goes back to sleep again. I woke up in shock from the dream, covered in cold sweat, drenched all over, and my heart was beating wildly.

This is the so-called don't do bad things, don't be afraid of ghosts knocking on the door in the middle of the night.


The identity of the deceased surfaced two days later.

Two days after Wang Ziming's disappearance, his family rushed to the police station to report the case. The police at the police station arranged for his family to identify the body and confirmed his identity.

Through understanding with Wang Ziming's family, I know that he works in a construction company, which is just a very ordinary job.

Through interviews, Wang Ziming has not behaved abnormally in the past few days, but I learned from his usual drinking friends that he said he would leave Yinggen County for a period of time. As for where he will go and what will he do?But he didn't say it out.

Then the police learned that Wang Ziming's girlfriend said that he said a few days ago that he would make a fortune, but Wang Ziming didn't make it clear what kind of money he would make. This is also consistent with the investigation situation at the scene. The white paper wrapped in the newspaper showed that he should have been in contact with someone before he was killed, and the murderer killed him suddenly when he was not prepared.

Who can use a bag of white paper as money to deceive him? The amount of money in this bag must be a lot. Then the police found the 2 yuan that Bi Wenqing gave him under Wang Ziming's bed. How much money.

All of a sudden, the police had a clear goal for the case.

First, Zhou Xin, the leader of the second engineering team, took control, while Bi Wenqing and his wife Song Min were also taken away by the police.

Bi Wenqing gritted his teeth and refused to utter a single word. He came to ask three questions. He only thought that the police could do nothing about him. After rushing down, she couldn't bear the psychological pressure, and she almost collapsed, and she confessed the fact that Bi Wenqing had murdered. Under Song Min's guidance, the police found the clothes that Bi Wenqing was wearing when committing the crime, and Bi Wenqing was always corrupt. The bribe money was also searched under Song Min's guidance. After counting, there were more than 100 million. Bi Wenqing fainted in front of the evidence.

He never expected that at the last moment, he would be defeated by his wife. If he had expected this kind of result, he would have killed his wife Song Min at the beginning.

There is no medicine for regret in this world. With handcuffs on his hands at this time, his intestines are green with regret.


What kind of concept is this? He doesn't need the police to explain to him sentence by sentence. He knows exactly what the result will be waiting for.

Now there is no way out, and some just wait for the court's decision.

Bi Wenqing, who usually doesn't believe in Buddhism, kept chanting the name of the Buddha, hoping that the Buddha would bless him.

However, the ancestor Buddha wants to bless only those who believe in men and good women, like this kind of treacherous and evil people, presumably the Buddha is also very angry at this time, if he wants to send such a person to the eighteen hells, how can he bless him .

The fact that Bi Wenqing was the murderer was exposed, and the case of the account books of the construction company being burned was also solved. He paid Gu Ziming to burn the account books of the construction company. He killed him with murderous intentions, and Bi Wenqing buried the more than 100 million yuan in the shortfall of the construction company under the flowerpot in his pavilion. It was a surprise to the construction company that the money was recovered, although Some of the whereabouts of the money are unknown, but the effect of this money is very great, which has reduced the pressure on funds.

The entire case was solved in just one week, and when the news reached the construction company, everyone was stunned.

Although everyone knew that Bi Wenqing was not a kind person, they didn't expect that he would kill and set fire, which caused a sensation in Yinggen County.

Regarding the burning of the account books, the first thing the police thought of was Bi Wenqing. How can ordinary people be so cold about these account books? It shows that Bi Wenqing is guilty of being a thief.

Now, Bi Wenqing, a social cancer, has been arrested. That is a very happy thing, especially for the employees of the construction company. At least, his fall now is undoubtedly a matter of applause.

More than 100 million, for a company, but a number is too...

In short, with Bi Wenqing's downfall, the construction company can be said to have survived a desperate situation, and a bright scenery has appeared in a turn of events.

Although he still owes some money to the bank in terms of accounts, this figure is not so dazzling, and it is within an acceptable range. ~~~ The elegant "The First Mix in the City" and "Drizzling Rain Startled the Dragon" are very exciting, don't miss them~~~

"Sigh! No wonder the company owes so much debt. It turned out that the corrupt official Bi Wenqing ate all the money."

"F*ck, this corruption is nothing more than that, but he even killed people, this old boy is really ruthless."

"Wang Ziming is usually quite honest, how could he have an affair with him?"

"Yes, this man cannot be judged by his appearance."

"It's true, just because he is too greedy, it will cost his life."

"Wang Ziming is an only son. His leaving like this is a big blow to his parents."

"Hey! Who told him to put up with a guy like Bi Wenqing, eat human flesh and drink human blood, can you kill me?"

"Listen up, everyone. You have to be careful in what you do in the future. You must never get involved with such a corrupt official. When you are killed by someone, you don't know how you died."

In the office of the construction company, the employees kept expressing their unique opinions. You and I kept talking. As for the cashier, Song Ping, Bi Wenqing’s sister-in-law, was also taken away by the police at the police station when the incident happened. , Bi Wenqing's many unclear accounts also surfaced one by one under the confession of her and her sister Song Min.

As soon as Su Zijian came to the construction company, Bi Wenqing, the former manager who had received great opinions from the employees, fell into the law. Don't say how happy everyone is, especially because the project can be carried out smoothly and everyone can receive their wages normally. , and what can make everyone happy.

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