power and color

Chapter 363 What did you two do in the room.

The two looked at each other for a while, but neither said a word.

Ji Shaomeng probably felt that the atmosphere outside the door was not right, and when he came out to take a look, his face turned pale, and then he blushed again.

"Mom!" She stepped forward slowly, walked in front of her mother, and called softly.

"Ah!" Fan Xiujuan sighed for a long time, her face looked so helpless, it was her daughter who came to someone's house, not someone else, so she couldn't blame others, and she couldn't make trouble. At least she has to take care of her daughter's face, and if everyone knows about it, she won't slap herself in the face and shoot herself in the foot.

She is Fan Xiujuan, and she, Fan Xiujuan, can't do this kind of thing.

Therefore, she could only grab her daughter's hand and leave without a word.

It took the two people in the house a long time to come out to open the door. Could something have happened inside?

All of a sudden, Fan Xiujuan couldn't help feeling flustered, if her daughter's body was handed over to someone else, then...

At this moment, she didn't dare to think about it.

After all, this is the last thing she wants to see happen, and she doesn't want it to happen.

And what could she blame Su Zijian for?Is it to blame him for bringing his daughter, or to blame him for not being affectionate to his daughter.

What's annoying is that even though she has repeatedly stated that she wants her daughter not to have any more contact with him, her daughter just doesn't listen and comes to see him again and again. This time when she saw her daughter not coming back for dinner, she immediately knew that her daughter must I was with him, so I rushed here, fearing that I would be late, the two of them had already become such a good thing, and it would be too late to regret it at that time, even if I didn't agree at that time, it would be useless.

Therefore, as soon as she arrived in front of Su Zijian's door, she raised her fist and pounded vigorously, in order to make the two people in the house stop all actions. When it came to her daughter, she couldn't care less about anything. ~~~ "The No. [-] Mix in the City" and "The Rain Startled the Dragon" by the elegant layman are very interesting, have you read them~~~

Ji Shaomeng saw that her mother's face was extremely ugly. At this moment, because she and Su Zijian had just made out, if the residual heat on her face had not receded, she was a little flushed and shy. What kind of scene is it.

All of a sudden, her face sank and became extremely solemn.

At this moment, she hurriedly dragged her daughter home and asked her clearly. As for what she asked, any fool could guess.

"Shaomeng! You... have you already..." As soon as she got home, she dragged her daughter into the room, ignoring her husband Ji Shichun's surprised expression, and immediately asked.

"Mom! What are you talking about?" Ji Shaomeng was shy and irritable, her face flushed.

"Hmph! If you hadn't stayed in his room, would your mother have asked you this?" Fan Xiujuan was full of anger, and she couldn't help clenching her fists, making her tremble slightly with anger.

"We didn't do anything, we were just chatting."

"Hmph! When I'm your mother, I'm a child. How old am I? If I stay in the room and chat, who will believe it?"

"If you don't believe me, I can't help it."

"That's why Mom wants to ask you."

"Mom! Really, why do you ask such a question?"

"It's because I'm your mother that I'm asking you. If it's someone else, your mother is full of food and I'm nosy with a dog and a mouse. If you ask someone like this, you think I'm so thick-skinned. Is it?"

"We...we're really fine, just trust me."

"How long have you been in there before you want me to believe it? What do you want me to believe?"

"Mom! Since you don't believe me anymore, why do you still ask me?"

Fan Xiujuan couldn't help being stunned, her daughter was right, since she didn't believe her anymore, she just forced her to admit that the two of them had already done that, so she couldn't speak for a while.

"Shaomeng! Why don't you listen to your mother? You have said that he is not suitable for you, so you can't listen to what your mother says?" Fan Xiujuan felt bitter in her heart, and she shook her head unconsciously.

"Mom! It's hard for me to fall in love with someone. You can't... He loves me very much too. If we live together, we will be very happy."

"No! This Su Zijian is too good, and there are too many girls chasing him. Even if you marry him, there is no guarantee that he will not have other thoughts about other women in the future, so you have to listen to Mom and leave as soon as possible. Leave him alone, otherwise it will be too late to regret if there is a problem when the time comes.”

"Will not."

"You're so sure, how can you guess what a man is thinking."

"Look at Dong Jiahua before that, and Hu Lifen and Bai Yunbi now, these people are chasing after him fiercely, but he doesn't care about it at all, and he just wants to be with me wholeheartedly. For such a person, what do you say What more can I ask for."

"That Xiaosu is not stupid. Look at Dong Jiahua and the others. How can he compare with you? If he stays with Dong Jiahua and her, he will be crushed to death by them. He is a smart person." People who have never failed to see this clearly, that's why they rejected them."

"Mom! From what you said, it seems that you are an expert."

"Shaomeng! You have to listen to your mother's advice. I am your mother. Will I harm you?"

"I know you are good to me, but I just like people like him, what did you tell me to do?"

"If you leave him, even though you will be in a bad mood for a while, time is the best medicine. After a few days, you will forget about him." ~~~"The First Mix in the City" "Drizzling Rain Startled the Dragon" is very interesting, have you watched it~~~

"No, I listened to you before and tried to leave him, but I couldn't. Why can't I forget this, so I couldn't help but go to him."

Fan Xiujuan's face darkened, and she gradually became a little ugly: "So, the two of you...did that thing...just in the house?" She didn't want to make her words so ugly, so she didn't If you say this, if you can't catch your daughter's words, how can you understand if you can't?

"Look at what you said, do we have nothing else to do in the room except this kind of thing?" Ji Shaomeng said displeasedly with a blushing face.

"You mean really not?" Fan Xiujuan asked in disbelief.

"I said no, why can't you believe me?"

"When you came out, Mom looked at you..." For a moment, she wanted to say that seeing you like that was the same as doing that, but the words were too ugly, and she couldn't keep talking.

Seeing that her daughter was blushing and extremely shy, she couldn't help being surprised: "You guys won't really..."

Looking at the surprised mother, Ji Shaomeng became even more shy: "Mom! They said no, how many times do you have to say it before you believe it."

"Look at you, how can I believe it?" Fan Xiujuan's heart couldn't help beating non-stop, and she was even more surprised.

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