power and color

Chapter 364 There Are Too Many Women Around You.

"I said no, believe it if you love it, and I can't help it if you don't believe it." She walked out of the room with a wave of her hands, and when she opened the door, she saw her father Ji Shichun eavesdropping at the door, and her face turned even redder. , and hurried to the bathroom.

Ji Shichun followed his wife Fan Xiujuan to the living room, and asked in a low voice, "What's wrong?"

"What do you think is the matter?" Fan Xiujuan was very dissatisfied, and her voice inevitably became a little louder.

"This... I don't know what you said to her." Ji Shichun said shyly.

"Oh! This daughter really does not let me worry." Fan Xiujuan said with a long sigh, feeling exhausted physically and mentally.

"I said...can you ignore her affairs?" Ji Shichun asked cautiously.

"What do you mean?" Upon hearing this, Fan Xiujuan couldn't help being furious.

"I think that Xiaosu is pretty good, and if he becomes our son-in-law, he will be pretty good too."

"Fart!" Furious, Fan Xiujuan also stood up, almost getting angry at Ji Shichun.

Ji Shichun unconsciously took a step back: "Look, don't be so impulsive, okay?"

"Am I not impulsive?"

"This...impulsion can't solve the problem." Ji Shichun said with a smile.

"It's a waste of time, your men's work will go bad if it improves a little bit, shouldn't I take precautions before it happens?"

"Look at you, why are you talking about this again?"

"You can do it, so I can't say it? Besides, Shaomeng is your daughter, so you hope she won't be bullied in the future."

"Look at what you said, I just hope she can live better, how can..."

"Then you have to persuade her a lot for me, Xiao Su is not suitable for her at all, just like you back then, you seemed so beautiful, I was so tempted, but in the end..."

"Okay! Alright! I know, can't I? Why are you bringing up old debts again? Are you annoying?"

"If you know it's troublesome, please persuade her quickly. If it really doesn't work, I have no choice but to tell her father how beautiful he was back then, and how he ended up..." At this point, I couldn't help but sneer twice.

Ji Shichun only felt his scalp go numb: "Aren't you serious?"

"What do you think?"~~~ "The First Mix in the City" and "Drizzling Rain Shocking the Dragon" by Piaoyi Layman are very interesting, have you read them~~~

Ji Shichun sighed: "It's been so many years, why..." He shook his head unknowingly, moved away, not daring to bother her anymore, otherwise she would be able to say anything, at that time I was really ashamed and embarrassed.

Fan Xiujuan frowned deeply, thinking to herself, she was really distressed, this Su Zijian seemed to be a reasonable person, he didn't come to her daughter at all, the problem was that her daughter refused to listen to her at all, and went to him again and again , which made her worry.

The next day, she went to find Su Zijian early in the morning, and stopped his car at the gate of the community.

With her appearance, Su Zijian didn't have to guess at all, he could also imagine what she would say.

As he expected, the two of them walked away, and she opened up the conversation: "Xiao Su! Are you really going to make everyone quarrel with each other when they meet?"

"Auntie! I don't know what to say now, but I won't give up on Shaomeng. Unless she gave up on me, it's useless for you to persuade me."

Fan Xiujuan couldn't help frowning deeply. If her daughter would listen to her, she wouldn't come to Su Zijian. Because of this, she came to him with the cheek, and if she said something bad, she would be humble.

Now, hearing his words, she felt very uncomfortable: "Xiao Su! Now I respect you, so it's a good thing to say, if you really want to make everyone tear your face, then it won't look good. "

"Aunt! May I ask you a word?"

"Please tell me." ~~~ "The First Mix in the City" and "Drizzling Rain Startled the Dragon" by the elegant layman are very interesting, have you read it~~~

"Why don't you like me?"

"You are too good. There must be many women by your side in the future. If Shaomeng follows you, she will be bullied by you in the future, so now I have to prevent this from happening, so you have to understand me." Since Even Su Zijian spoke so clearly, she also said what was in her heart without hesitation.

Su Zijian couldn't help laughing wryly when he heard the words. He didn't expect that excellence is also a problem, and he would be unloved by others. What she said was really unbelievable: "It's not my fault that I am excellent."

"I know that although you are very good and have won the favor of many people, but... I just don't like such people."

"Auntie! Have you ever thought about it, is this fair to Shaomeng?"

"There is nothing fair or unfair in this world. Who told me to be her mother? I have to decide this matter. If I don't nod, I can only say that I am embarrassed."

Su Zijian felt very headache. This Fan Xiujuan was too forceful and unreasonable. Her way of thinking was unacceptable. Although he couldn't accept her refusal, she was always good-spoken and not like Wang Yingjie. It's not easy for him to get angry with that shrew-like playboy.

He also didn't expect Fan Xiujuan to be so stubborn. What she thought she had prepared had no intention of letting go. She must ask Ji Shaomeng to break up with him. When he met such a person, he was powerless and wanted to change her. What I thought in my heart was not an easy task. ~~~ "The No. [-] Mix in the City" and "The Rain Startled the Dragon" by the elegant layman are very interesting, have you read them~~~

After talking about this point, there seemed to be no need to talk between the two of them. Fan Xiujuan left in extreme displeasure, and Su Zijian's mood was disturbed for the whole day.

After arriving at the company, Ji Shichun also called him, said something to support his relationship with Ji Shaomeng, and asked him not to be discouraged. This so-called good things take time, and the most beautiful rainbow can only be seen in the end.

Su Zijian felt dumbfounded when he said it to him for a while, thinking: This matter will not be resolved for a while, I should think about how to solve my future and future?

Immediately went to look for Jia Dongbao, but did not know that Jia Dongbao was away, but met Bai Qianquan, he said displeasedly: "Xiao Su! I heard that you got rich? Is there such a thing?"

Su Zijian was startled, and then said modestly: "Then, Secretary Bai, who did you listen to?"

Bai Qianquan's face darkened: "I can't hide this matter from me."

"Isn't this still undecided?"

"Huh!" Bai Qianquan was full of displeasure, snorted heavily, and walked away.

When talking about this matter after meeting Chen Bing, Chen Bing was also surprised: "No one else knows about this except County Magistrate Jia and me. How did he know about it?"

"What! He shouldn't be trying to trick me, right?"

Chen Bing frowned: "From what you said, it doesn't seem to be the case."

"He won't make some small moves?"

"This...that's hard to say, but as far as Director He is capable, Secretary Bai doesn't have the guts to do this."

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