power and color

Chapter 367

Due to the proper arrangements made in advance, each sale of rice is entered by an accountant and cashier. Although Liu Xuesen and the three are not very flexible, they will not make mistakes. Su Zijian said to the three of them: "People always have to learn to grow up. I have worked hard to arrange everything for you, so you will never get ahead in your life. Now that I don't stay by your side often, this is an opportunity for you to develop and learn on your own. Don't let me down. "

The three of them felt that what he said was very reasonable. When he was around, the three of them always felt very stable in their hearts, and they didn't need to worry too much at all. This kind of emptiness, one has to be timid to do anything, and dare not act without authorization, as he said, it is time to learn to grow up through learning.

Su Zijian said again: "Now you have to learn to be independent. Today, the business has to grow. At that time, it is entirely possible for one person to take charge of a company. If you can't handle such a small matter now, how can you talk about being an employee?" The real general manager." ~~~ "The First Mix in the City" and "Drizzling Rain Startled the Dragon" by Piaoyi Layman are very interesting, have you read it~~~

The three of them were silent for a while, and after a while, He Yangfang said: "Actually, we don't have that ambition, as long as we work hard and make money, that's fine."

"Bah! What are you talking about? If everyone doesn't want to make progress and is just like you, how can this company do well? It's not that I want to scold you, it's not too short to work with me, It's time to graduate, when will I be able to save my mind and get started with the company's business as soon as possible."

After thinking for a while, Su Zijian asked again: "After a while, I will find someone who is good at business management to give you a good class, or the three of you will take turns to go to the technical school in the provincial capital to learn some management skills."

"Boss! You don't need to be like this..." His face suddenly darkened, and the three of them dared not finish the following words.

"I've made up my mind. Look at it later. The three of you have to be students again, understand?"

The three of them looked at each other, but they could only smile wryly. They had learned about Su Zijian's temper a long time ago. It's not in your interest to disobey his words. If you don't accept it, you have to accept it. This is at least a fact.

During this period, he sneaked to Dongying Town to see Wang Wenyi's two children. Since he didn't have much time at this time, he just came back after spending one night. The matter of the mother and son preparing a house could only come to naught temporarily, and Wang Ningyi also knew that this kind of thing could not be done in a few words, so she didn't force him, but waited patiently for this little man to do it for her. ~~~ "The No. [-] Mix in the City" and "The Rain Startled the Dragon" by the elegant layman are very interesting, have you read them~~~

On this day, the provincial capital company opened, Du Wenyue, Tang Haifeng, Ji Shichun, Zhao Changfeng, Tong Yibei, Chen Bing and others were present to congratulate.

When they saw the directors of the General Office of the Provincial Party Committee present at the scene, they all looked at each other in blank dismay, thinking in their hearts: When did Xiao Su know the people in the Provincial Department? There are more than 20 people, and all of them are people of great status. I really can't see his great ability.

Among these people, only Chen Bing remained calm and unmoved by this scene.

It is not an easy task for a young man to have the ability to get all the directors of the provincial department to attend the opening ceremony. They are all sensible people. If you don't have that ability, even if you know someone, how can you invite them? others.

As for how Su Zijian was able to work so hard in the provincial capital, they each secretly guessed, but they couldn't figure it out.

In fact, the presence of these people was unexpected even to Su Zijian. He didn't know these people at all. After being introduced by He Fengyi, he whispered inwardly: Oh my god, who is this He Fengyi? With such a provincial figure coming to congratulate him, I have saved a lot of face in front of Du Wenyue and the others this time.

Although Su Zijian is the legal representative of the company, there is a private agreement between him and He Fengyi. He Fengyi will contribute the capital, and Su Zijian will take care of the daily operation of the entire company. As for the company's capital allocation, he has absolute control right.

At this time, he was riding in an enviable car when he went out. Thinking about it when he was in Yinggen County, he was riding in an extremely ordinary jeep. Different from normal.

The company mainly focuses on grain and oil, and its imports and exports inside and outside the province are all wholesaled to cities and counties by his Junhao Trading Corporation. Although the company has just been established, the wholesale and retail markets in cities and counties have not yet penetrated, but there are already A full draft of the plan is being gradually formed and extended to cities and counties in an explosive manner.

Of course, this still needs time to operate and operate.

As for the talents of the company, he is a little thirsty at this time. He is in charge of such a large company, and it is impossible to run it on his own. Without a large number of talented subordinates, he travels to various wholesale points in the provincial capital. There are also food bureaus in various cities and counties, which cannot function at all.

Fortunately, with his own strength, he opened two companies in Yinggen County. Although they are not big, he has also summed up some experience and experience. He is bold and careful, thinks carefully before starting everything, and asks Hefeng if he can't solve it. If you ask Yee for advice, you will get her great help. ~~~ "The No. [-] Mix in the City" and "The Rain Startled the Dragon" by the elegant layman are very interesting, have you read them~~~

This day Su Zijian went to find her again: "Mr. He, I think that although our company is doing well, if we want to do a good job in the business, we must have some of our core backbones, that is, the elite among talents. It seems too difficult to find and discover by yourself.”

"Well! You said that well. What do you want to do next?"

"I want to recruit talents from the society through broadcasting and newspapers, which may achieve good results." In the mid-80s, there was no so-called current job fairs to recruit talents, and the most effective ones were broadcasting and newspapers. Faced with a wide range of society, so he also wants to face the public in the most acceptable way to the broadest society.

"That's a good idea, then you should contact the newspaper and the radio station yourself." The reason why she asked Su Zijian to run in person was to let him learn from it. It wasn't because she didn't want to make a move, because she had already given Su Zijian a lot of connections in his place. After laying the foundation, the next step is to see how he operates, this is the most important thing.

Su Zijian nodded in response, "Yeah!"

The radio station found someone, handed over the manuscript to the person in charge, and then paid some handling fees, and it was done. The newspaper office was a bit troublesome. This kind of advertisement had to be verified by the editor-in-chief before paying the handling fee. It's done, but the editor-in-chief of the newspaper is away on business and will not return until two days later, so he can only wait for a while.

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