power and color

Chapter 368 is too coincidental.

Two days later, he went to the gate of the newspaper again. Since it was rainy, he parked the car in the corridor and got off, and walked slowly towards the editorial office with an umbrella.

At this time, a car came quickly, and there was a puddle near Su Zijian. The wheels sank all of a sudden, and the dirty water inside flew over.

The incident happened in a hurry, he couldn't dodge it in time, and was splashed all over.

The people in the car must have noticed this, so they stopped the car immediately, got out of the car and said apologetically to Su Zijian, "Comrade, I'm really sorry."

Su Zijian saw that she was a middle-aged woman in her thirties. She was dressed in fashionable clothes and her complexion was different from ordinary people. He knew that she was not an ordinary person. Besides, he was here for business and didn't want to cause trouble, not to mention that he didn't mean it. How can I blame others: "It's wet, I'll go back and change it later."

The woman's long hair was hanging down, shaking her head slightly, she was very elegant and unrestrained, and she was very good-looking, with outstanding looks, especially in her complexion, which was charming, which was rare.Seeing that Su Zijian was extremely kind and not angry at all for his unintentional mistakes, she smiled slightly: "Aren't you from the newspaper office?"

"How do you know?"

"Because I'm from the newspaper office." It means that I don't know you, so of course you can't be from the newspaper office.

Su Zijian chuckled: "That's true." He waved her away, went straight to the editor's office, and asked a editor if the editor-in-chief was back.

"I heard that she is back, but I don't know if she will come to work today, why don't you stop and take a look." "Dragon" is very interesting, have you read it~~~

Su Zijian put the umbrella outside the door, patted and shook the dirty clothes on his body, and then went in to find a place to sit down.

After a short time, the beautiful woman who splashed water on her from the car just now came in, and immediately hung her umbrella in the corner.

The editor sitting next to Su Zijian greeted her: "Editor Yu! Someone is looking for you."

Hearing what she said, Su Zijian realized that the editor-in-chief he was looking for was actually this beautiful woman, Yu Hong!

Su Zijian didn't expect that the person he was waiting for would meet him in this way, so he was a little surprised, and immediately stood up with a smile on his face.

The beautiful woman who came in was Yu Hong, the editor-in-chief of the newspaper. She heard what her colleague said, and turned to look at Su Zijian, slightly startled.

"My name is Su Zijian. You must be the editor-in-chief of the newspaper, Comrade Yu Hongyu?"

"I'm Yu Hong." Then he invited Su Zijian to her office.

The two settled down, Yu Hong asked with a smile: "What do you want me to do?" She secretly guessed his reason for coming.

Su Zijian took out the materials in his hand and handed them to her: "I am the manager of Junhao Trading Corporation. Due to the needs of our company's development, we now want to recruit talents from the society, and your newspaper is a platform for the general public, so I want to Putting an advertisement in your newspaper, I heard that you need to sign it yourself with the editor-in-chief before the printing master can publish it in the newspaper, so I’ve been waiting for you here for two days.”

"Junhao Trading Corporation, you mean the large trading company that opened in the provincial capital recently?" The newspaper office followed up on this matter, so she had some impressions.


"Are you the general manager?" Yu Hong asked in surprise. She never expected that the general manager of such a big company would be a young man of this age. It was a surprise.

Su Zijian nodded his head with a smile.

"President Su! You are really young and promising." Yu Hong looked excited, and while she was talking, she briefly glanced at the advertisement that Su Zijian handed over.

"Editor-in-Chief Yu was joking, it's just a joke, nothing else can be discussed."

"President Su! It's a good thing to be humble sometimes, but being too modest..." She smiled meaningfully when she said this. ~~~ "The No. [-] Mix in the City" and "The Rain Startled the Dragon" by the elegant layman are very interesting, have you read them~~~

Su Zijian couldn't help saying: "It's exciting to talk with educated people. If she accidentally catches a sick word, it can make people go away."

"Hehe! President Su's speech is really funny, didn't it scare you?" Yu Hong saw that Su Zijian's speech was interesting, but he was not like some slightly accomplished people who often look down on others, especially those talented people. Cultured people think that they just pick up a pen and enjoy it, but they don't know that each has its own difficulties, and they don't think about others at all.

"That's not true. Although it's a little scary, it still doesn't frighten me."

"Can I ask General Manager Su?"

"Editor-in-Chief Yu has something to say, but it's okay to say it."

"Why did you think of using this method to recruit talents? No one has ever done this before."

"Newspapers are currently the fastest-spreading media and are accepted by the public. This person buys a newspaper every morning. If I advertise in a newspaper, think about how many people will see it. , My Junhao Trading Company has just been established, and I am thirsty for talents, and I urgently need some talents to enter the battle, so I thought of going to the newspaper to advertise."

"What people who do big things think is different from ordinary people. Even those of us who have worked in newspapers for more than ten years didn't think of it, but you can think of it."

"Didn't I jump the wall in a hurry? It's really helpless to start a company but have no one."

Yu Hong nodded, and said with a smile: "It's not impossible to publish a newspaper for you, but I have a request. If General Manager Su agrees, I can give you a discount on the price, and even the newspaper How about a week?"

Su Zijian was overjoyed when he heard it: "Editor-in-Chief Yu, please tell me something. As long as I, Su Zijian, can do it, I will definitely not disappoint you." point, have you read~~~

"It's like this. I have a relative's daughter who was hit by a relationship some time ago, and she has been useless since then. If possible, I can find a job in your company. First, let her relax, and second, your company is not legitimate. There is a shortage of manpower, what do you think?"

"The editor-in-chief Yu has said so. If I shouldn't, I will be too stingy. However, my company must use its talents according to its ability. I have not seen your relative. , I don’t know what kind of specialties she is good at, so I promise you to arrange some kind of position for her if it’s not good for a while, so let’s ask her to come to my company for an interview in a few days. What about the matter?"

"Yes! Manager Desu's words are enough. My relative is a student of accounting and accounting, and he is also an excellent accountant? You will not be disappointed."

"Oh! Is it an accountant? Is my company short of people in this field? That's great."

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