power and color

Chapter 455 The tapes are all open.

Su Zijian swallowed subconsciously. Even though he had gone through countless large and small battles, the Jiang Aiyuan in front of him had a sense of maturity, a special flavor, and a certain lethality for men. He was no exception, but he was attracted by her. up.

He is not some kind of gentleman, it is normal to be attracted by the opposite sex under such circumstances, besides, he is an adult, even if he wants to do that, it is your wish, and both parties are willing. It must not be bad manners, and it is right for others to ask him to do things to gain some sweetness, not to mention his favorite, he is a long-term victorious general in bed, who can kill a group of women and stand invincible. defeated.

This Jiang Aiyuan has an extremely plump body shape, which is exactly the type he likes, so seeing what she means means that no matter how stupid she is, she will understand what will happen next.

Even under such circumstances, Su Zijian was not at all fascinated by the scene in front of him, his ears were quietly pricked up, and there was no sound outside, so it was certain that no one else was secretly watching I was relieved to enjoy the beautiful scenery in front of me.

Jiang Aiyuan gave him a wink, and with a smile on her lips, she said softly, "Brother Su, I've brought you the evidence you want." "Dragon" is very interesting, have you read it~~~

Su Zijian laughed, stepped forward to her side, lowered his head and sniffed her neck, praised: "It smells so good." Then asked: "Where is the evidence I want?"

Jiang Aiyuan leaned towards him, and said very coquettishly: "If Brother Su wants evidence, it's very easy, just take off this pajamas, and you can see it."

Su Zijian chuckled: "Looks like I have to take it off."

Jiang Aiyuan stretched out her hand to wrap his arms around his neck, and said with a light smile, "It's just a matter of little effort, Brother Su will definitely not want it, right?"

"It's all like this. If I don't want it, I'm too sorry for you." With a light tug, the knot was pulled away, and there was nothing in the nightgown, and the two could be seen at a glance. The Jade Rabbit, which is only faintly showing, is white, tender and soft.

Jiang Aiyuan closed her eyes slightly, and put a pair of fragrant lips on his mouth.

Su Zijian laughed loudly, picked her up in his arms, walked to the side of the bed and put her on it.

At this time, her nightgown was opened wide, revealing most of her body. Under the light, the fragrance from her fair skin suppressed the sweat smell from Su Zijian's body.

He also didn't expect that it was only tonight that he had a chance to kiss Fangze with this woman, and that it was not the first time for Jiang Aiyuan to show off his skills honestly. But it was the first time to be with someone as capable as him, and I didn't expect his fighting ability to be so strong. Under the stroking of his powerful hands, I was so excited that I entered the essence. After the sexual battle, I just realized what a strongman is. After a series of attacks and killings, I didn't get tired. Instead, I was getting stronger as I fought. I was very surprised.

"I said Brother Su! Are you taking some kind of medicine?" Jiang Aiyuan was extremely curious and couldn't help asking.

"Haha! Why do you care so much?"

"Hmm! That's true."

"Okay, stop talking nonsense, as long as you are comfortable."

"Okay, Brother Su, don't be too polite. The stronger you are, the more I like you." It was also the first time she met someone with such a strong ability. , lying still, enjoying his invasion silently, only felt that those previous battles were really irrelevant, and there was no way to compare with the current battle, and secretly sighed: How can he be so powerful?Even if it's not for him to do things for us, I'm still willing to hand over this body to him.

Su Zijian didn't let her down at all. The battle lasted for nearly two hours. After such a long period of time, anyone would feel exhausted. After she was satisfied, he also fired the spoils into the battlefield to show her that I also got the greatest satisfaction.

As a result of the battle, both were defeated, and both were tired, so they could only lie down quietly to rest in order to recover their energy. ~~~ The elegant "The First Mix in the City" and "Drizzling Rain Startled the Dragon" are very interesting, have you watched them~~~

Su Zijian didn't expect Jiang Aiyuan to have such a good endurance. In the past, no one could withstand him fighting for such a long time. He was often tired for several times, and in the end he had no choice but to be forced to disarm. , I can't help but regret that it is indeed unpleasant not to be able to enjoy myself in this matter.

Now, it was too unexpected for him to meet an opponent, and it made him so happy. As a long-victorious general, what made him satisfied and happy in this matter.

Two unclothed bodies were lying on the bed, and the bed was a mess.

After being satisfied, the two of them could only lie still.

After dawn, the two of them didn't get up until after eight o'clock.

Jiang Aiyuan didn't talk too much nonsense to Su Zijian. After she was satisfied, she had already appreciated his ability. She only hoped that he would have a chance to have a longer and shorter time. Don't scare him with some unpleasant words at this time. Ran.

Therefore, she didn't want other things to disrupt that beautiful last night, which was what she didn't want to see.

Jiang Aiyuan asked someone to prepare breakfast, and she and Su Zijian ate breakfast before asking the driver to take him back. Before he went back, she reluctantly said, "Brother Su! Will you come again?"

"If there is a chance, I will definitely come." Su Zijian did not deny at all that he got a lot of satisfaction from her. This is something that many people cannot give. Since there is such a person who makes him happy, he will also read it. Seeing her kindness, he also wanted to compete again. It is not easy to meet the kind of people who are equal to each other. Since he has such a number one person, he can't help but want to do it again.

Of course, it’s time to think about it. His identity is different now, and Hao Fengyi has been staring at him. It’s still unknown whether there is still a chance to come here. It seems impossible to come here specially. At least if you do this, you will tell Hao Fengyi directly about it, so it's no wonder she isn't angry.

Although Hao Fengyi allowed him to have women outside, it makes people feel uneasy when they talk about it, maybe when she will be offended, it may not be certain to send a few successful killers to kill your little sweetheart.

Especially now that Bald Chun and Lord Bailey were killed, maybe it was done by a high-level organization she knew, Hao Fengyi. It is not easy for Huang Yaoyang to ask him to do this job. It's on top of him.

But now he asked Demai Fenqiang to find him as a reliance without any trouble, and he got such a beauty as Jiang Aiyuan, which really surprised him. After all, this kind of opportunity does not come every day. Grab it once. That's enough.

Su Zijian put his arms around her and pressed his lips to her mouth, and after being really affectionate for a long time, he let her go: "I'm going back right now, I'll see you again when I have something to do."

"Brother Su! I really miss you, do you have time to come over tonight?" Jiang Aiyuan refused to let him go.

Su Zijian was taken aback, and said, "Don't! I was tortured by you all night last night, and I almost lost my frame. If I come again, I must see King Yama." With someone like Jiang Aiyuan, although the number of battles is high It's just one time, but it has a quantitative ratio, and the energy consumed is also very large. Of course, he will not admit defeat to her, but such indulgence will eventually hurt the body, and delicious food is appropriate. There is nothing wrong with eating all at once, so I don't want to sing and sing every night, turn on the lights and fight at night until dawn, and then come to feed her when the opportunity is right, so that I can enjoy it slowly, this is the way to maintain health.

"What are you talking about? It seems that I'm very like that. Compared with Brother Su, I'm as good as you." Jiang Aiyuan raised her small hand in anger and slapped him lightly.

Su Zijian chuckled: "Ha! I won't say any more, if I say a few more words, I will die on your bed and I won't be able to leave." After kissing her again, he walked away, got into her car and returned to the company.

It was past nine o'clock at this time, and all the employees of the company had already gone to work, and only he, the boss, arrived slowly.

Dong Jiahua came to see him in his office and asked, "Where did you go last night?"

Su Zijian looked up at her and asked, "What's wrong?"

"I wanted to pick you up to work this morning, but I couldn't find anyone at your house, and your driver didn't know where you were."

"Didn't you know I was busy at night when we were eating?"

"That can't stay out all night, it's not very good."

"I'm not a child, I can't get lost." Su Zijian said with a smile.

Dong Jiahua looked at him and let out a oops.

"What's the matter?" Su Zijian looked at her puzzled.

Dong Jiahua came forward, looked at his collar, and said, "You didn't even change your clothes."

Su Zijian was taken aback, and immediately said embarrassedly: "You all know that I have gone out to do errands, so I am in such a hurry that there is no time to change." point, have you read~~~

"Wait a minute." After saying something, he trotted out in a hurry.

"What are you doing?" Looking at her back, Su Zijian murmured puzzledly.

But after a while, she saw her come back with a pile of clothes and put them on his desk: "Take off those dirty clothes and put on clean ones."

"You went shopping for clothes." Su Zijian was extremely surprised.

"It's common for you men not to like to change clothes and take a shower, but you are the general manager of the company, and you want to do big business with high-level upper-level people. If you meet customers with sweaty clothes, don't you want to scare away customers. "

Su Zijian laughed: "You know a lot about men."

Su Zijian then glanced at her, and said, "Then shall I take off my clothes and change them in front of you?"

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