power and color

Chapter 456 Newly bought underwear.

Hearing the words, Dong Jiahua opened his mouth, and his face turned red at this moment. Although he had stripped naked and showed it in front of him, it was on the bed. Once a man and a woman got on the bed, they would take off all their clothes. I don't feel shy or ugly because of this, but I feel a sense of pride. Being able to show my beautiful figure in front of my beloved is a kind of pleasing feeling and a sense of happiness.

Dong Jiahua was speechless, so he couldn't say anything more, so he went out blushing.

"Damn it! This woman really doesn't give up on me. If this temper is better, then I will be happy."

Seeing that she even bought underwear, it can be seen that she is very careful, and immediately took off all the clothes from the whole body, and put on the new clothes she bought.

After a while, she heard her shouting outside the door: "Are you ready?"

"It's been a long time." Su Zijian replied, Dong Jiahua came in after hearing his words, picked up the clothes thrown on the sofa and went out.

Su Zijian saw that she looked a little like a wife, and thought to himself: This woman looks good, and she will be my Su Zijian's wife in the future. She should buy clothes and wash clothes for me.

Not long after, after finishing his business, he got up and went to the staff office to have a look, but saw that she had come back and sat inside, and waved to her. ~~~ The elegant "The First Mix in the City" and "Drizzling Rain Startled the Dragon" are very interesting, have you watched them~~~

"Is there something wrong?" Dong Jiahua walked up to him and asked.

"Aren't you busy now?"

"Busy too busy, do you have something to do?"

"If we're not busy, how about we go shopping together?" I thought that sooner or later, her person will be my own, and this relationship must be cultivated, otherwise the relationship will not be cultivated well, and once we get married, we can say no She would definitely start a fight. When she was in Yinggen County, she always wanted to go shopping with her, so she took her out when she was happy.

"Shopping!" After hearing what he said, Dong Jiahua felt that it was really unbelievable, and looked at him with his mouth wide open, unable to close it for a long time.

"Why! If you don't like shopping, forget it." Turning around to leave, Dong Jiahua stopped him.

"Wait." She paused, and then said: "It's okay to go shopping, but you suddenly...why do you want to go shopping?" She looked at him puzzled.

"It's on a whim." Su Zijian said with a smile.

"Then... just wait for me." She was also very happy, this was something she had been looking forward to for a long time.

"Well, you can come to me in a while." Turning around and returning to the office, I saw a familiar figure whispering something to his little secretary, and I didn't feel a thought: He really came.

Stepping forward slowly, his little secretary had already seen it, and was about to speak when Su Zijian waved his hand, signaling that she didn't need to say anything, and entered the office directly. Old Liu, who is in charge of this matter, has decades of experience in managing this matter. He naturally knows what kind of situation he is in, what kind of words can be said, and what kind of words cannot be easily said. Bending slightly, with his head down, he followed Su Zijian into the office and closed the door.

Su Zijian sat at his desk and said flatly, "Old Liu! Why are you here?"

Lao Liu took out a passbook from his trouser pocket and put it on the desk, saying: "Brother Su! I put all the money in this passbook according to the instructions of the salesman. Some of the big brothers' money has not yet arrived, so this month's Not ready yet."

"Hmm! In the past, have all these people paid their monthly bills?"

"There are a few who are procrastinating, and there are two who don't pay at all. Usually, they rarely come to Xiangtang to meet with everyone."

"Have you registered for this?"

"It's all done."

"Yeah! This is very good. I'll go over and take a look when I'm free. This matter... hehe." Speaking of this, he sneered twice. ~~~ The elegant "The First Mix in the City" and "Drizzling Rain Startled the Dragon" are very interesting, have you watched them~~~

Lao Liu looked up at him, turned around and left without saying anything.

When he opened the door to go out, Dong Jiahua happened to come and enter, and he stopped and looked at Lao Liu in surprise. He felt that a person of this age should not be an employee of the company, so why did this person come here? , I thought to myself, why has Su Zijian been so surprised recently?It made her more and more unable to understand him.

"Who is this person?" Dong Jiahua asked him curiously.

"He wanted to apply for our company, but I said he was too old to work with us, and told him to go back and find another job."

"Oh!" I thought that this is the case, this person looks like he is in his 60s at least. Ordinary workers have retired and stayed at home. Why do they still come out to work? It must be because the family is in a difficult situation. He shook his head, expressing that there was nothing he could do to help, what this company needed were young and energetic people, if all of them had gray hair, wouldn't they look lifeless.

She didn't think much about it, and never dreamed that this seemingly ordinary old man would be in charge of the account project of the Association. He was also an old professional with a background in accounting. For Dong Jiahua, a young man, He is a senior man.

Taking advantage of Dong Jiahua's inattention, Su Zijian put the folder on the table into the drawer and locked it, then got up and went out with her.

Since Dong Jiahua came to Dejunhao Trading Corporation, the unmarried young people in the company have some thoughts on her, and they always go to the accounting room to chat with her from time to time, hoping to leave her a happy ending. Good impression, or asking her out for tea or something, but she rejected them all one by one, seeing her and Su Zijian coming in and out like a couple, there was a wry smile on her face .

Now the boss of the company took the initiative to ask the beauty out, and he didn't even have to go to work. This kind of convenience was beyond their authority, so they could only sigh at the beauty, shake their heads and smile wryly.

Since you want to go shopping, of course you can't sit in this car. Unlike others, Su Zijian doesn't like to be restrained. If the driver is with him, sometimes things are not very convenient, and he doesn't like to let him know, but sometimes , Not having a car is also inconvenient. For example, when I went out late at night a few times, I couldn't even get a taxi, so having a car was very important at that time.

Su Zijian made it clear that he wanted Dong Jiahua to be happy, and he followed her wishes in everything, and he could go wherever he liked.

Dong Jiahua knew that he had made a deal with Hao Fengyi in private, and was forced to show his favor to her. That's why there have been changes in the past few days. Her heart for Su Zijian has never changed, and she never dreamed that there would be a chance to be with Su Zijian He walked down the street holding hands, she was so happy that she couldn't help humming a tune, her expression was youthful and sunny, and her smile was very sweet.

Dong Jiahua held his hand, walking from one street to another, aimlessly.

Su Zijian knew that Hao Fengyi had quite a few spies. Every time he took a step, there would be countless people secretly following behind him, reporting his every move to her in time, so as to grasp his whereabouts. Powerful, I don't know what kind of power my subordinates have. I haven't grown my strength yet, so I shouldn't have excessive behavior with her. Once I stimulate her, something bad will happen, so I have to be careful every step I take alert.

Now, the reason why he did this made Dong Jiahua happy and made Hao Fengyi feel refreshed. At least she thought that she would fulfill her promise and have the heart to be with Dong Jiahua.

This superficial effort has to be done beautifully, otherwise people will scold you and make you feel dissatisfied, maybe there will be a sneaky thing, then it's not worth it.

Dong Jiahua was very happy shopping, and bought a lot of things. Su Zijian held it for her, and Dong Jiahua bought a set of clothes for him. At this time, he was wearing it, elegant and elegant, and looked very energetic, with a romantic and suave attitude. Recently, I have dealt with a lot of important matters, my mind is stable, my figure is stable and mature, and many women are staring at me secretly, and I can't help but think in my heart: It would be great if I have such a boyfriend.

After walking around for two hours, Dong Jiahua's feet were a little sore. He suggested finding a place to rest, and Su Zijian agreed with a smile.

She trotted ahead, and ran into a hotel excitedly, followed by Su Zijian, carrying items, and walked in slowly.

It was almost noon, and there were a lot of diners at this time, and the more than 30 tables in the hall were almost full of people. The two of them walked around, and finally found an empty table, and sat down in a hurry, afraid of being slow Half a step will be taken by someone.

At this time, her face was covered with beads of sweat, and she seemed to be really tired from walking. After sitting down, she took a big breath, and seeing him coming slowly, she hurriedly stood up and waved.

Su Zijian smiled bitterly, stepped forward quickly, put down his things, and then sat down.

After waiting for a long time, a waiter came up and asked the two of them what they wanted to eat. Dong Jiahua thought for a long time before making a decision, which made the waiter very unhappy, with a look of disdain on his face. That is to say, he didn't dare to underestimate him, so his expression warmed up. ~~~ The elegant "The First Mix in the City" and "Drizzling Rain Startled the Dragon" are very interesting, have you watched them~~~

At this time, people who came in to eat were still coming in one after another, and those who sat down spent money and were unwilling to leave too quickly, resulting in a shortage of tables.Some people have to stand outside the door and wait for others to leave after eating. They sit down first before the waiter clears the table. You have to wait a long time.

When Su Zijian saw this situation, he couldn't help saying: "It turns out that the catering industry is so easy to operate."

Dong Jiahua smiled and said: "My boss Su, you are also interested in this business, right?"

"As long as it is a business that can make money, I am interested in it. However, I have never been involved in the catering industry. I don't know anything about a series of issues and matters such as what to prepare and how to do it. Even if I want to do it , that too is a thing of the past.”

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