power and color

Chapter 48 It's okay to make trouble with the aunt.

Seeing that he couldn't ask anything, the old head Zhang felt a little reconciled, and said, "Did you miss the big girl, and got drunk because you couldn't get it?"

"I said director, don't talk nonsense. If the village chief hears this, he will have to work hard with me." He was not afraid of the village chief Zhang Desheng, but because he and his wife Yi Xiulan had a shady relationship. Thing, if this matter becomes serious, I'm afraid Yixiulan will turn against her, it's nothing to turn against her, if it's a big deal, she just won't get on her warm bed, if she is afraid that she will get angry and make a big scene, then in this pagoda I can't stay in the village anymore. I am a national employee and I obey the leader's dispatch. It's up to the leader to decide whether to get on or off the job. It's not something he wants to do.

"Isn't it?" Old Zhang fixed his sharp eyes on his face, as if he wanted to see through Su Zijian's heart.

"So, director, do you think it is true?" He shook his head again and again, sighing, but also helpless.

"So I'm guessing wrong, I'm sorry." He said embarrassingly, although he was old, Dao Xing was not old enough compared to Su Zijian, so he was bluffed by him.

"It's okay! The director should think so?"

"Why?" The old man asked puzzled.

"Because I am your subordinate, and one of your subordinates is so drunk that you will lose face, no wonder you will be angry, there is nothing wrong with this nonsense."

"Oh!" Old Zhang looked at him, put his hands behind his back, and walked away with his head down.

Looking at the back of the old Zhangtou, Su Zijian sneered secretly: I said Director, you are not my opponent yet, you should stand aside when you are old.

After washing the clothes, hang them outside to dry in the sun, wash the rice and start a fire to cook. If there is no food, I can only grab salt and pour some soy sauce and eat it.

He took the fishing rod, dug up the earthworms, came to the river, and thought to himself: Even if there is no food to eat, even if you can’t catch fish, it’s good to have a chance to watch the beautiful woman take a bath.

Thinking about it this way, how can there be beautiful women taking a bath by the river every day?There is not even an old woman. There is a large group of aunts and aunts who wash clothes. They wash by the river and talk non-stop. It was boring to hear the little girl who went to which house. At this time, Zhang Chunhua was already hugging each other in the secretary's son's room. Naturally, they were doing that thing, and thinking about it made him feel a little pain in his heart.

The more Su Zijian thought about it, the more angry he picked up a big stone and threw it into the water, the sound of poking the ground startled the aunts and aunts, and when he saw it, he couldn't help saying loudly: "You're going to die, what are you doing? "

Su Zijian laughed loudly, and said, "I'm fishing, and all the fish are scared away by your noise."

"Damn, what kind of fish are you catching? Didn't you see that my mother is doing laundry? This clothes are full of... Can you eat the fish you caught?"

"Haha! There's nothing he can't eat. How long has he been here alone, and his wife hasn't come to see him. He can eat even if you take a pee."

"Hey! That's a good point. You don't have a daughter-in-law to warm your bed. Did you purposely come here to fish and wait for us to take a bath so you can peek?"

Su Zijian laughed loudly and said, "Ah! So you all knew that I was hiding here and peeking, so why didn't you call out?"

"Are you ashamed to say it? It's not ashamed to peek at a woman taking a bath." Some people even picked up stones and threw them at him, but they couldn't throw them near him. There were a lot of splashes when they fell into the water, and two people picked up stones and threw them at him. He throws it away.

Su Zijian was not too polite, he had plenty of strength, picked up some big pieces and threw them away, the water splashed even bigger, making them wet without washing them, they threw stones and joked with each other, it was quite Interestingly, Su Zijian gradually forgot the pain in his heart for a while, and laughed with these aunts and aunts.

In the midst of the trouble, Su Zijian suddenly cried out, "Ah! The fish has caught up." The pull was extremely heavy, and he said happily, "Damn, this fish is probably not small."

"You really caught a fish. You are so lucky. You caught a fish in such a mess. I'm afraid this big girl will fall in love with you."

"The little girl is boring. She doesn't know how to love us and love us. It's useless." While talking, he pulled the fish up, and it was a big grass carp. It really made him very happy to catch it as a dish for him.Pull the fish to the shore, lest it struggle to get off the hook and escape. ~~~ The two works of "The First Mix in the City" and "Drizzling Rain Startled the Dragon" by the elegant layman are very good, dear!Did you read it?Don't miss it! "The little girl is boring, what about the big girl? Should be interesting?"

"Who has a big girl? I'm afraid the big ones are all married. Even if they like it, it's not our turn."

After bragging with each other for a while, one of them said again: "I said Xiao Su, you can cure some diseases, why can't women's problems be cured?"

"You treat me as a god, you can cure everything."

"I mean, if you know how to cure this disease, most of the women in this village have this disease. Wouldn't it be fun for you, a man, to watch them take off their pants every day?" Laughed, very happy.

"Auntie's words are reasonable. I have to go back and slowly learn about this disease to cure it. I don't know when someone is willing to give me that." , and it came to his heart again, but it's not a joke to ask for the pulse and prescribe medicine.

"Ah Xiang, don't you really want to ask him to take a look?" One aunt teased the other, her face turned purple from laughing.

"If he really has the guts to see it, there's nothing wrong with showing him."

"Then you quickly take it off and show it to him, don't just talk and do nothing."

"Fuck you, if you want to take it off, you should take it off first, and if you want to see it, let him see it alone. You are an eyesore here, so just don't take it off."

"Ha! Are you still embarrassed? Come on, you are an old bone and your Niu is tired of seeing it. It's good to have someone come and see it."

Several people laughed together, and the laughter swayed along the river.

Su Zijian also laughed, holding the big carp in his hand, and said, "Is there anything you want to take off? If not, we have to go."

"Where are you going?"

"Hey! You just keep talking, I'm tired from standing, and I'm hungry, so I have to go back and cook something to eat." Amidst the loud laughter, I went back happily, first washed the rice out of the pot, and then put the big rice into the pot. After opening the carp and washing it, I went to a colleague's vegetable patch and picked some garlic sprouts to get rid of the fishy smell.

When the rice is cooked, put on an iron pan, pour in sesame oil, fry the fish first, fry the skin until yellow, then pour in water, boil the water and simmer on low heat, put in the pesto when it is about to come out of the pan, and the fish will be cooked in a while The fragrance is overflowing, it is truly salivating, and the mouth is very greedy.

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