power and color

Chapter 49 Here I Come Again.

"Damn it, the big beauty can't eat it, but we have to eat this big carp." He ate with great relish, and he ate a lot of food. This fish couldn't finish a meal, and the rest was used for dinner. Use, just live a happy day like this.

Although Zhang Chunhua's departure made him very sad, after all, he has a different status, he is a married man, and it is reasonable for someone to get married, and he has no reason to stop him, so he has to relax his mind and always look sad It's not a way, not to mention that without a woman like her, the earth wouldn't turn anymore.

After a few days, the depressed mood gradually subsided.

Seeing that there was really nothing to do in the grain store, I found Lao Zhangtou and asked for a leave of absence, saying that he was going back to visit his relatives. He came back a few days later, and all the newly collected grain was put into the warehouse. He had nothing to do, so he agreed.

Su Zijian went back to the county first and met his wife Li Xiaoqian. They didn't speak a word, but you looked at me and I looked at you. Su Zijian closed the door and took off her clothes. Of course Li Xiaoqian understood what he was going to do. Rejection was not welcome, and he just lay there motionless, no matter how hard he tried, he was still unable to enter, finally heaved a long sigh, got up, dressed and kicked the door away.

Carrying a bag called a bag, which contained his change of clothes, he left the county seat in a very sad mood, sat on the bus and lowered his head to contemplate his own life experience. The person who made him feel helpless the most was his wife Li Xiaoqian. I really don’t know. What to do with her?She refused to leave this marriage, and it would be embarrassing to go to court to file a lawsuit, which really made him helpless to the extreme.

Feeling upset, he felt sleepy and fell asleep in the car.

Just as he was in a daze, he suddenly felt his world spinning, and he fell heavily, as if his whole body had been loosened, which was extremely uncomfortable.

It's been a long time and I can't come back to my senses. I can hear someone moaning incessantly in my ears, which is the sound of pain.

Su Zijian thought to himself: What's wrong!Could it be that the car overturned?

Resisting the pain, he slowly climbed out, and saw the car overturned into a ravine beside it, and many people fell to the ground, they were thrown out when the car overturned, while Su Zijian was still in the car , Many people were seriously injured, he stumbled to the ravine, looked at the front of the car, the driver was lying motionless on the steering wheel, bleeding a lot from his head.

Su Zijian reached out his hand to check his nose, and there were signs of life, opened the car door and dragged him out.

At this time, several people also stood up slowly, and everyone came to the side of the car to help each other lift the people trapped in the car out, fearing that the car would overturn and leak oil and cause an explosion.

Su Zijian was also seriously injured. When he saw many people had broken hands, broken bones, and bleeding heads, and one elderly man had stopped breathing, several women were so frightened that they cried. He went to the ravine to gather some herbs to stop the bleeding. Smash the injured to stop the bleeding, and break the broken branches to locate and tie them. ~~~ In the early 80s of Piaoyi Layman, the mobile phone was not a universal thing. It was far away from the mountains and rivers, and it was rare for a truck to pass by. It was impossible to call an ambulance to the hospital. A car had to pass by to save someone and get to the hospital.

Everyone was relieved to see that Su Zijian's technique was proficient and herbal medicine was effective.

After waiting for more than an hour, a car finally passed by, but it was a tractor, and it couldn't hold so many people. Su Zijian and a few people who were not seriously injured moved the injured to the tractor, so that he could quickly Drive to the hospital to rescue people, and then notify the hospital to send a car to pick them up.

Among these people was a woman in her thirties who was well-behaved and very pretty. She commanded the rescue process well, and she was not an ordinary person at first glance. She greatly praised Su Zijian.

After waiting for nearly an hour, I passed a truck with a lot of goods on it, but the driver knew the woman. She asked the driver to remove the goods and move the injured to the car, leaving a person to guard the car from the car. The goods unloaded from the car, the rest of the people got on the car and went straight to the county hospital.

In the hospital, Su Zijian took some anti-inflammatory injections, took a few pills and left. Seeing that it was getting late, he found a hotel to stay in. He left at noon the next day, and arrived in Dongying Town in the evening. Go straight to Wang Nie's small shop.

Seeing him coming, Wang Ningyi was very happy, but seeing his distressed appearance with blue nose and swollen eyes, he couldn't help being surprised: "What's wrong! You are fighting with someone?"

After entering the store, Wang Ningyi closed the store door, helped him to his bedroom, and asked, "Would you like to lie down and have a rest?"

Su Zijian shook his head and said, "It's not that serious, it's true to have some food to eat." After a day's driving, he was so hungry.

Upon hearing this, Wang Ning frowned and said, "This rice can be eaten without cooking, and there will be no leftovers from this dish."

"Just order something to fill your stomach." He is an easy-going person, so much so that he must eat fish and meat. Now that he has money and nowhere to buy it at this point in time, it would be embarrassing for others if he insisted.

"Can I pickle my own sauerkraut?" There is a vegetable field behind her shop, where she grows a lot of Chinese cabbage. If she can't finish it all by herself, she picks it up and pickles it to make sauerkraut. When it's not in season, she can take it out and eat it. Once you eat, you don't need to spend money to buy food.

"Well! Come here."

After finishing it, it was already a while for the boss to work. After sitting in the car all afternoon, he also felt sleepy and fell asleep lying on the table. Woke up after sleeping for over an hour.

"Why didn't you wake me up to make you wait so long?"

After eating, Wang Ningwen cleaned up the dishes and took them to wash, and when he came back, he held his face under the lamp and looked at it again and again, and said heartbrokenly: "Why are you so non-fictional, what happened?" In front of it, she had to hold Su Zijian tightly in her arms and make out. At this moment, he was injured and I don't know how it was?Not daring to act recklessly, he secretly held back the impulse in his heart.

"I was injured in a car accident yesterday." Su Zijian said with a wry smile.

"What! You were in the car in yesterday's car accident." The news of yesterday's car accident had already spread, and Su Zijian was also in the car. I heard that one person died at that time, and three more died after being sent to the hospital. She didn't take this matter to heart, but when she heard that he was in the car at that time, it must have been a real thrill. She patted her chest and panted for a while, obviously it really frightened her.

Su Zijian hugged her, and kissed her lightly on her lips. Unknowingly, it affected the injury. He was so painful that he didn't dare to cry out, and said softly, "Isn't it fate? That's why we escaped this catastrophe." .”

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