power and color

Chapter 5 Are you stealing women?

Unexpectedly, as soon as he walked a few steps, he heard the screams of those women bathing in the river.

Su Zijian was taken aback, he only said that he was careless and didn't leave quietly, let them find out, he was about to run away quickly, but he heard a man laughing loudly.

Then I heard the sound of someone jumping into the water.

He was stunned for a moment, and when he looked back, he saw the women in the river swimming desperately towards the bank, while a man swam towards a woman, and caught her immediately.

The rest of the women were so frightened that they swam ashore without putting on their clothes, and ran away with them in their hands.

The woman caught by the man struggled desperately and kept yelling, "Let go of me."

The man laughed and said, "Let go of you, why should you let go."

Drag her to the shore and press her down on the grass.

As soon as Su Zijian saw this scene, he immediately knew what had happened. It must be this man who was beating the woman to violence, but he didn't know who this man was so bold that he dared to do such a thing in broad daylight.

Without thinking too much, he ran up quickly, raised his fist and struck down heavily on the back of the man's head, knocking the man unconscious immediately.

The woman didn't understand what happened, she was scared by the man and she just yelled, Su Zijian turned the man away, she got up and ran into the forest without even taking any clothes, Su Zijian looked very funny, but I didn't dare to laugh again, it's really scary for people to encounter such a thing, so how can they laugh at them?

Su Zijian saw that the man was about fifty, with messy hair and blackened nails. He had already taken off his clothes, but he looked like a tramp.

He was not sure what he was going to do with this man.

But when he heard the noise of people, he rushed into a group of people's house immediately, everyone held wooden sticks, and when he saw Su Zijian, he beat him down without asking 21. There are so many people, if he alone does not fight back, he will be beaten and kicked immediately.

In just a short while, several of these people were knocked down. Su Zijian hit them so hard that they lay on the ground and groaned in pain.

Just as the commotion was raging, someone suddenly yelled, "Stop!"

Su Zijian heard the voice very familiar, and when he was startled, his hand gestures slowed down immediately, and the group of people also stopped their hands one after another, and stepped aside.

Su Zijian saw that it was Mr. Zhangtou, the director of the Grain Institute, who came. He pushed aside the crowd and came in front of them, and asked loudly, "What's going on here?"

Su Zijian stepped forward and shouted, "Director."

Everyone asked: "Who is this man, old Zhang, do you know him?"

The old man glanced at Su Zijian, and said to everyone: "He is Su Zijian, the warehouse manager of the Grain Station. He has just been here for more than a month."

Everyone said one after another: "This man is from the grain store, how could he come here to rob women in the village?"

Old Zhangtou looked at Su Zijian in bewilderment, and asked, "Are you robbing women?"

Su Zijian yelled that he was wronged, and said: "I was fishing here, and when I saw this guy rushing into the water to snatch a woman, I went up and knocked him out." He pointed at the man who had fainted on the ground while speaking.

Someone had already pulled the mountain vines and tied up the man. At this time, someone recognized him and shouted: "Ah! This is the murderer Wang Tianshui."

At this time, everyone realized that they had misunderstood Su Zijian, and they all said that if he hadn't appeared in time, the women in the village would have been insulted by Wang Tianshui, and some people were so angry that they kicked Wang Tianshui a few times to vent their anger.

Someone contacted the police from the town's police station. When it got dark, the police from the police station arrived and tied him up.

Su Zijian was successful in saving people. The village slaughtered chickens and ducks, and a banquet was set up to entertain him. The old head of the food station, Zhang Desheng, the village head, and a few elders who were highly respected in the village sat with him. give up.

After sleeping until dawn, when Su Zijian woke up, he saw that he was sleeping in a room, but it was not the room of the grain storehouse.

At this time, a person walked in, it was a young woman, her hair was draped over her shoulders, her body was bumpy, very plump, she was also very beautiful, she was quite cute. ~~~ "The No. [-] Mix in the City" and "Drizzling Rain Shocking the Dragon" by the elegant layman are two good works, dear!Have you read it?Don't miss it! ~~~

When Su Zijian got up in the morning after drinking, his lower body inevitably changed. Suddenly a woman came in, and it was a strange and beautiful young woman.

"You're awake!" the woman cheered and stepped forward.

"Where am I?" After waking up after drinking, not only was his mind a little unclear, but he also had a headache, trying to figure out the situation.

"This is my home!"

"Your family!" Su Zijian frowned slightly, the woman didn't finish her sentence, which made him not know how to ask each other.

"Hehe! My father is Zhang Desheng, the village chief, and you are at the village chief's house now." She then smiled and said, "My name is Zhang Chunhua."

"Oh! So I fell asleep at the village chief's house." He said apologetically, "I'm sorry to cause you trouble." Sleeping in someone else's house must have made him sleepless all night.

"Is this troublesome? Our village has a way of hospitality. If you are a distinguished guest, you will not be able to invite them." She said again: "You saved me and haven't thanked you? Thank you very much." .”

Su Zijian stared at her blankly and said: "Then... that woman is you?" The meaning is that it was her intention that Wang Tianshui caught the woman.

Zhang Chunhua nodded and hummed, and said, "Thinking about it makes people frightened. This Wang Tianshui killed someone two years ago and ran into the mountains to hide. If you weren't in this village, I'm afraid I'd give him...give him that."

Su Zijian looked at her in thought for a while, really couldn't imagine that the naked woman was her that day, because he ran in a hurry, he couldn't see her face clearly at all, so he looked at her slowly and carefully, secretly said: If I knew she was so good-looking, I had to take a good look at her that day, but now I can't see anything.

"Why are you looking at me like that!" Zhang Chunhua seemed to think of something as soon as she said this, she blushed and lowered her head slightly.

"Ha! I slept until noon, and I have to go back to work." Turning around, Zhang Chunhua stopped him.

"Don't rush away, my father and Director Zhang want to have breakfast with you?"

Su Zijian was surprised and asked: "Director Zhang hasn't left yet?" He didn't know that old Zhang Tou was also drunk and unconscious like him. Drinking tea is waiting for him to get up and have breakfast together.

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