power and color

Chapter 6 Wild boar forest.

"Not yet!" The two of them came out, only to see the old Zhangtou and the village chief Zhang Desheng drinking tea and waiting for him, and they burst out laughing when they saw him come out.

"I said Xiao Su, you can't drink enough, you have to practice hard when you have time that day."

The old Zhangtou smiled and said: "The young man is still young, after staying with us for a long time, his energy will gradually come up."

"That's true." Zhang Desheng chuckled.

Su Zijian sat down, blushing and said, "I'm sorry, I made everyone laugh."

"It's not funny. We were not like this when we were young. Now that we are older, our drinking skills will naturally improve."

While talking, Zhang Chunhua brought up the breakfast. After the three of them ate, they left the village chief and went back to the food station.

The old Zhangtou said: "I'm talking about Xiao Su, there are not many people who don't make mistakes. As for you, everyone will stop talking about the past. Now you have grown up in the village and showed your face. In the future Don't let everyone down on you." After saying this, it was clear that he was telling him not to mess around with women like he did in the county town, this style of life is a big problem, once a person goes wrong, it is really difficult to turn back, Now you have a great opportunity, don't miss it.

Su Zijian said: "Assure the director, I will never make mistakes again, and I must be a good person." Even so, this human nature is a big thing, and sometimes it is not easy to bear it. When I think of the benefits of Ou Yanmei and Wang Ning, I can't help One hot.

"Are you still going fishing?" Old Zhangtou looked at him meaningfully and said, the very intentional smile on his face seemed to see right through him.

Su Zijian's face turned hot, and he said embarrassingly: "Yesterday was also a coincidence, and I didn't expect them to take a bath there."

"Have you been fishing there for a long time?" The implication of the words is that you have been fishing for so many days, so you should have watched the woman taking a bath for many days, right?

"No! It was only yesterday that they went there to take a bath. I had never seen them before, and I didn't know they would go there. If I knew, I would never go there." Su Zijian hurriedly argued that he didn't intend to peek at others taking a bath .

"That's good." He snorted secretly in his heart, and said to himself: Damn, this kid's luck is so good, they will go to the river to take a bath in the morning, and our old man hid by the river and waited. .

After Lao Zhangtou left, the grain owner's truck came to load the grain, and Su Zijian came to help count and take notes. After that, he had nothing to do. He thought that he could not go to the river again. It's okay for someone to take a bath, a villain came out to disturb the situation and asked me to beat him up, if nothing happened, then I was peeping at others.

In the evening, he was about to cook by himself when he saw a villager coming to invite him to drink and eat. Su Zijian didn't want to go at first, but he saw that he was very kind, so he put down the iron pot in his hand and went with the villager.

When he arrived at a family's house, as soon as he came in, he saw several villagers sitting inside waiting for him. Everyone stood up to greet him, laughing loudly, with great enthusiasm.

Everyone said he was good at martial arts, why is he so good and so on.

After drinking and eating, they sleep in this family's house. The food in the food store is packed in big bags. The current transportation is not very convenient. Even if they come to steal food, they can't steal a half bag. It weighs two hundred catties, and you can't walk very far with a bag on your shoulders, so you have to use a cart to load it. ~~~ "The No. [-] Mix in the City" and "Drizzling Rain Shocking the Dragon" by the elegant layman are two good works, dear!Have you read it?Don't miss it! ~~~

After waking up, someone proposed to go up the mountain to hunt wild boars. The wild boars in the mountain villages and mountains came down from the mountain to attack food from time to time. Everyone prepared a powder gun, filled with iron sand, and could knock down the wild boar with a bang, but the wild boar was too fierce. Not many people dared to hunt wild boars. Seeing that Su Zijian was so good at hunting wild boars, everyone was curious and wanted to invite him to go up the mountain to hunt wild boars. That's why they set up this dinner to invite him to dinner. The next morning, everyone got ready and headed towards the mountain.

There are five or six people in a group, two powder guns, and the remaining four people hold long-handled big knives to prevent wild boars from hurting people. Long-handled big knives can knock down wild boars from a distance.

After turning over a mountain, on the opposite side is a deep mountain and old forest, where wild boars are prevalent, and the sound of wild boars biting and barking can be heard from a distance.

The six people were divided into two teams, one with a gun and one team, and surrounded them separately. Su Zijian didn't know how to use a gun and followed behind with a big knife in his hand. The three of them moved forward slowly. Sure enough, they found a herd of wild boars moving. Bulls are chasing, biting and playing under the old tree.

The villager with the gun raised his gun and fired a shot at a slightly larger wild boar.

There was a loud bang, and the gunshots cut through the noisy old trees in the deep mountains.

Only a scream was heard, a wild boar was hit by a shotgun, and it screamed in pain.

The rest of the wild boars were also frightened by the sudden noise, let out a howl, scattered, and fled into the forest one after another, and disappeared in a blink of an eye.

The wild boar that was wounded by the gun was shot in the back of the foot, and immediately aroused its madness. At this time, the wild boar is the most terrifying. It turned around and rushed towards the villager with the gun, hissing loudly. screaming, very fierce.

After the shotgun was released, the ammunition and iron sand had to be poured again before the gun could be raised to shoot. However, this wild boar rushed forward immediately after being shot, and it was impossible to reload the ammunition. He dropped his gun on the ground, turned around and fled.

The wild boar saw who shot him, and it swooped wildly, making a desperate move.

Su Zijian and another villager were also panicked. Seeing the ferocity of the wild boar, they didn't know what to do?

The villager couldn't escape ten or eight paces, when he was overtaken by the wild boar that was chasing him, knocking him to the ground at once, and it bit down with its two long teeth.

After the villager fell to the ground, he only said that he must die, and he was so scared that he fainted all of a sudden.

It's too late to say it, and it's slow to say it, at this moment when thousands of things are happening.

There was only a whirring sound, and the light of the knife flashed down.

Su Zijian raised his saber and slashed it down. The wild boar weighed more than 200 catties. It was an old wild boar with hard bones. Although it was hit, the big saber fell on its head. Failed to pull out the knife and cut again for the second time.

Su Zijian felt his hands tremble, and the handle of the knife dropped from his hand.

The wild boar rushed towards the fallen villager with a big knife on its head, hit his leg with one head, broke his leg bone immediately, and opened its mouth to bite it off again.

Su Zijian was in a hurry, this wild boar was so ferocious, this bite would have bitten off the villager's leg, so he hurriedly raised a boulder weighing several tens of kilograms and smashed it down.

The stone hit the wild boar all at once. It was shot first, then its head was beheaded by a knife, and now it was hit by a boulder on its body. It was severely injured, and it fell on the villagers all at once, struggling with all four limbs for a while. Just don't move, die.

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