power and color

Chapter 7 So Shocking and Dangerous!

Su Zijian stepped forward to move the wild boar away, and saw that the villager was just fainted from fright, and there was no danger of his life, but his leg bone was broken, and he couldn't help moaning even though he was in a coma.

Another villager was shocked for a while, stepped forward to see it and couldn't help saying, "My god, this wild boar is too powerful."

The other three villagers heard the sound of gunfire and the cry of wild boars, and rushed over to have a look. They were all surprised.

Several people chopped down wooden sticks and pulled mountain vines, and tied a stretcher to carry the injured villager down, while the other two tied the wild boar to a wooden stick and carried it away.

A group of people happily walked down the mountain lively.

After returning to the village, there was a sensation immediately. Several villagers were bragging about how powerful Su Zijian was, how he killed the wild boar and rescued the injured villager. Everyone admired him.

After the wild boar was slaughtered, the whole village gathered to share the wild pork, drank in big bowls, and ate the meat with big mouthfuls. People from Lao Zhangtou’s digital grain store were also invited by the villagers to enjoy the wild pork. Everyone looked at Su Zijian differently, and Lao Zhangtou secretly said : If this kid didn't have a problem with his life style, he would be a rare talent!

After drinking and eating, they went back to rest.

Since then, Su Zijian has a certain popularity and prestige in the village, and his words have a certain weight. Others treat him with admiration, and his courtesy is not a problem.

One day, Lao Zhangtou came to the warehouse to find Su Zijian, and said, "Xiao Su! I want to ask you to help me with something in the village. Would you like to?"

"Ha! I said director, why are you being polite to me? You can just open your mouth about what it is."

"A few days ago when you went to hunt wild boars, the villager Chen Daxiong's leg was broken and he was spitting, and now he is in great pain. There is an old Taoist priest in the mountain temple who knows some medical skills. Everyone wants to take Li Daxiong to the mountain temple for treatment. , let’s not say that the mountain road is not easy to walk, and everyone is afraid of encountering something, so if you go to help me, it will make people feel more at ease.”

"Well, don't worry, director. I've agreed to this matter." Putting down the work in hand, he ran to the village and saw that everyone was waiting for him.

The villagers tied a chair to two bamboo poles, and four people carried it. Li Daxiong sat on the chair. In the hands of Su Zijian, he opened the way ahead, cut grass when he encountered grass, and cut trees when he encountered trees, and headed towards the mountains all the way.

It is very inconvenient to carry a person like this, walking in the mountains, the movement is slow, and I can't walk much distance.

Seeing that the sky was getting dark, I found a shelter from the wind and rain to stop and rest.

At night, the monkeys in the mountains call the birds and the strange noises are everywhere, which is really scary.

Most of the villagers are used to walking in the mountains, so they are not surprised. Although Su Zijian was born in a peasant family, he seldom stayed in the countryside since he was sensible and went to school, and he seldom stayed overnight in the mountains. A little worried, his face turned slightly pale.

The villagers were under a big rock, picked up dry firewood to make a fire, and burned the fire vigorously. Animals in the mountain would run far away when they saw an open fire. Not afraid.

The next day he got up, ate the dry food and drank the water, lifted the villager and continued walking.

At noon, a villager cheered and said, "Ah! It's almost there!"

From a distance, there is a shadow of a mountain view on the opposite side of the mountain. Although it is almost there, it took two hours to walk down.

Su Zijian took a closer look and said it was a mountain temple, but it was a place of Taoist incense, which existed before liberation. Later, the production team was not allowed to engage in this feudal thing, and the incense disappeared, and no one came to this place again. , Even the road up the mountain has not been repaired, and weeds are overgrown, which makes it difficult to walk.

Now there is only one elderly Taoist priest practicing in the mountain temple. He mended and mended his whole body, and the sewn clothes can be washed quite clean.

The Taoist priest has silver beard and white hair, and it is hard to tell how old he is. According to the villagers, this Taoist priest is at least a hundred years old, and his face is flushed, and his wrinkles are full of energy. He does not look like a hundred-year-old person at all. ~~~ "The No. [-] Mix in the City" and "Drizzling Rain Shocking the Dragon" by the elegant layman are two good works, dear!Did you read it?Don't miss it! ~~~

Seeing the arrival of Cun Shan, the Taoist priest looked at Su Zijian in astonishment, and with a final sound, he untied the gauze tied around the injured villager's leg, washed it with clean water, took out more than ten porcelain bottles from the inside, and poured out the powdered medicine. On the injured area, give him a few pills.

After the villager was injured, he developed a fever. After applying medicine and taking pills, the fever subsided within half a day.

As soon as the villagers saw the old Daoist, their hearts were already relaxed. Early the next morning, the old Daoist asked the villagers to go back and let the injured villagers and Su Zijian stay. Everyone knew that staying here was not an option, and the work at home still had to be done. Well, after hearing what he said, they went back together.

One day, Su Zijian saw that the villager was gradually recovering, and was secretly amazed: How can this old man have such a powerful ability? It's amazing.

At night, after eating, Li Daxiong went to bed early. Su Zijian sat and drank tea with the old Taoist. These teas were produced in the back of the mountain. Drinking at this time has a special taste in your mouth.

"Master Taoist, this Taoist temple is far away from the village. How do you go back and forth to purchase food by yourself?" Considering his age, the mountain road is difficult for a young man like him. How did he purchase food? Very puzzling.

The old Taoist smiled, and said in a deep and deep voice: "The old Taoist has a way of self-survival, you don't need to pay attention to that."

"Oh! Seeing that you are very skilled in medicine, why don't you open a herbal medicine hall or something? Wouldn't that be good." Su Zijian wondered why he lived here alone and lived a life isolated from the world. He really couldn't imagine how he could live. So many years of lonely life?

"The old way is cultivating real people, and they don't care about the complicated and trivial things of the world."

"You have such a good ability by yourself, if you don't find someone to pass it on, it won't be lost after you die in the future."

"The old Taoist doesn't have any skills, so he just treats leg injuries and so on, and there is a book of unloading female sexual intercourse, which is the secret method of cultivating yin and nourishing yang. If this thing is lost, it will be lost. It's nothing to worry about. It's a pity." The old man closed his eyes slightly, without looking at Su Zijian, and said very flatly.

After all, Su Zijian is a high school student, so he is somewhat educated. He could understand the technique of unloading women's chambers, and he couldn't help but feel happy. He secretly said: If this old man passes this trick on to me, then I will die of sex. up.

"Don't Master Dao plan to find a successor?" I was a little excited, and my voice changed a little.

"Concerning successors, you can meet them but not ask for them. If you can pass them on, then pass them on. If you can't pass them on, then..." The words stopped suddenly at this point. The meaning is very obvious. If there is no successor, it will naturally be lost.

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