My name Yuanshi of the Great Desolation

Chapter 103 Nuwa as a matchmaker

Chapter 103 Nuwa as a matchmaker
"I, Shangqing Lingbao Tianzun Yuchen Daojun Tongtian, sanctified today!" Tongtian's magnificent voice spread throughout the world.

The shocking vision of holy power that had dissipated for less than a day reappeared in the prehistoric world. The sword energy soared to the sky, the sword light crisscrossed, the purple energy was mighty, the sounds of the sky burst out, dragons and phoenixes danced, and flying tigers stepped into the air...

All kinds of visions continue to appear, appearing everywhere in the prehistoric world.

The huge sky-reaching sword pillars traversed the prehistoric world, huge sword paths appeared everywhere in the world, and the turbulent laws of the avenue appeared in front of everyone as if they were real.

"Damn, it's the direction of Kunlun Mountain again, can we finish it all at once, and insist on hitting us again and again."

"Can you still play happily? What should we do if you play like this?"

"Is it really good to choose the same day for sanctification?"

"Comparing goods, throwing them away, comparing people to others, it makes people mad! There is simply no comparison between people."

"Hey, the three Qings have been sanctified, and only Xixi and Hongyun are left. Why haven't they been sanctified?"

"It would be great if I could worship under the saint's door!"


To become two saints in one day was earth-shattering, and all places in Honghuang became restless. They all turned their attention to the Kunlun Sanqing, and at the same time secretly speculated when the remaining three would become saints.

In Kunlun Mountains, no matter how others guessed, Sanqing did not go to Chaos to open up a Taoist temple, nor did he go to other places to open a door to accept disciples, but went back to retreat directly. They have gained a lot from this breakthrough. It is necessary to transform one's mana into holy yuan. After becoming a saint, the mana cultivated is fundamentally different from before.

The transformation of mana into holy yuan not only has the power of heaven, but also the coercion of a saint, and his strength is countless times stronger than before.

In the Tianting Sun God Palace, the Demon Emperor Di Jun and the Eastern Emperor Tai looked at each other for a long time. Suddenly, Di Jun said:

"Second brother, my monster clan's strength is still not enough. Compared with these saints, our monster clan has no ability to resist."

"Yes, brother, you are right, but the situation is like this, how can we resist?"

"Second brother, do you think there is anything missing in our Heavenly Court?" Di Jun suddenly asked Tai Yi.

"Eh? No shortage, we have everything here, what are we lacking?" Tai Yi was taken aback for a moment, not knowing what Di Jun wanted to express, but he still thought about it and answered seriously.

"Don't you think there is one less mistress in Heaven?" Di Jun said in a deep voice.

"Oh! So that's how it is. Brother, you have fallen in love with the goddess there. If you fall in love with her, marry her back." Tai Da laughed.

"You also know that our Jinwu clan is born with the sun, so it is very difficult to have children, but if we can find a woman with the power of the sun and intercourse with her, offspring may appear." Di Jun said in a deep voice.

"Brother is right. The Heavenly Court cannot be without children. There are two women with the power of the yin on the yin star. Who is the big brother looking for?"

"The last time I went to Kunlun Mountain to discuss Taoism, I saw that Changxi, the disciple of the Lord of Taiyin, is the body of Taiyin."

"Oh? Big brother is interested in her. It's okay. This matter is on me. Lunar star is one of the supreme stars, the most important, and it's time to attribute it to our demon clan." Tai Yi patted his chest loudly road.

"Second brother, don't be reckless, this matter still needs to be discussed in the long run."

"Well. Brother, there is also that Xihe on the sun star, she is also a golden crow, but we represent the sun, but she has yin in the yang, so it should be very suitable for the elder brother, or else, the elder brother will consider Consider?" Tai Yi said suddenly.


Hearing this name, Di Jun's eyes suddenly became a little softer. He actually had feelings for Xi He. He lived on the Sun Star before, and the two had met many times. He felt that Xi He was very suitable for him. But because there were too many things before, I didn't think about that for a while, but when I talked about Changxi this time, I suddenly thought of her.

In fact, he felt even more in his heart that his love for Xihe was called love, and his attraction for Changxi was more about the attraction between Zhiyang and Zhiyin, and her master's status as the master of Taiyin.

"Brother, since you have her in your heart, why not bother with her?" Tai Yi said loudly when he saw this.

"That's right, didn't I, Di Jun, just fall in love with a woman, why did she become mother-in-law, this is not like me!" Di Jun woke up suddenly, and said loudly.

Afterwards, the two discussed the matter, and when Fuxi heard about it, he recommended his younger sister to propose a marriage. He knew that his younger sister had a red hydrangea, which was a special congenital treasure that could determine the three marriages of heaven, earth, and people. If this matter is successful, my sister can also get some merit.

Both of them knew what he was thinking, but it was indeed most suitable for Nuwa to go, so they agreed after a little thought.

After that, Fuxi went straight to Chaos, came to Wa Palace, met his sister, and explained the purpose of coming.

Nu Wa pondered for a moment, and felt that this matter was beneficial to both the Yaozu and herself, so she agreed.After that, she went straight to the sun star.


On the sun star, deep in a valley, there is a red palace. Red originally symbolizes joy and enthusiasm, but the palace is full of desolation and loneliness.

On this day, a stunning goddess came out of the palace, she has crescent eyebrows and willow waist, red lips and beautiful eyes, long hair, slender hands, graceful like a frightened bird, graceful like a dragon, dressed in a red dress, between looking and looking , all kinds of styles.

This girl's name is Xi He, and like Di Jun and Tai Yi, she was transformed by the Golden Crow.The Golden Crow is the representative of the ultimate yang. Logically speaking, there will be no females, but there are exceptions in everything. The sun is the place where the power of the ultimate yang gathers. The anode generates yin, and Xihe is the anode on the sun star. Born out of the land of Yin.

The probability of this is very small, so small that only one female golden crow may appear among tens of thousands of golden crows.However, Xi He was able to occupy the only female among the three Golden Crows. It must be said that this was extremely lucky.

On this day, Xi He watched the raging fire on the sun star as usual, when suddenly a majestic beauty came in from the sun star, who was the saint Nuwa.

"This is sister Xihe!"

As soon as Nu Wa entered the Sun Star, she knew where Xi He lived. She stepped out and came to Xi He. When she saw Xi He, her eyes lit up and she greeted him immediately.

"It turned out to be the saint Nuwa, and my younger sister is Xihe. I have seen the saint here. I don't know what the saint is asking me for?"

When Xi He saw Nu Wa, he recognized her and immediately got up to salute, but he was extremely puzzled, wondering why the famous Nu Wa saint came here?
Nuwa saw that Xihe was confused, and she didn't want to procrastinate, so she spoke directly and stated the purpose of this trip:

"Sister Xihe, I came here this time to be a matchmaker. The demon Emperor Jun is no stranger to visiting his sister. This time, it was Di Jun who fell in love with his sister and wanted to recruit you as his wife."

For Di Jun, Xi He naturally knew about it. Both of them lived in Sunstar and had met many times. He also had a deep impression on Di Jun, knowing that he was a majestic, domineering, courageous and resourceful man.

Speaking of which, she also has a good impression of Di Jun, but this kind of good impression is definitely not to the point of talking about marriage. She has never thought about this matter before, so she is not in a hurry to answer. Suddenly, the hall fell into a trap. In silence.

Nuwa also knew that there was no rush for this matter, so she didn't urge her, but just asked her to think about it.


(End of this chapter)

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