My name Yuanshi of the Great Desolation

Chapter 104 Wang Shu Refuses Marriage

Chapter 104
On the sun star, the two goddesses stared blankly at the endless flames in front of them, but they had different thoughts in their hearts.

Xihe thought of the pictures when she saw Di Jun in normal times, and the scenes of chatting and laughing flashed in her mind, and Di Jun's majestic face gradually became clear in her mind.

"Perhaps, it's time for me to live in a different way, and that's not bad."

Finally, Xi He turned around, nodded to Nuwa who was beside him, and agreed to Nuwa's request, that is, he agreed to marry Di Jun.

Seeing that Xihe agreed, Nuwa also breathed a sigh of relief. After all, she had promised his brother before that she would definitely complete this matter.Nu Wa smiled slightly at Xi He, all of her colors paled immediately, she said with a smile:

"Then congratulate my sister on the wedding!"

Xi He nodded lightly, his face was flat, and he couldn't see what was going on in his heart. She just wanted to live in a different way when she agreed to this marriage, and there was nothing to be surprised about.


The lunar star is still as deserted as ever. As far as I can see, there is no grass growing, and it is desolate and lonely. This is the theme of the lunar star.

On this day, a guest was ushered in on the silent lunar planet, and she was Nuwa.

"Fellow Taoist Wang Shu, please come out and meet me."

Before Nuwa came to the secret realm of laurel on the lunar star, she shouted.


Soon, two peerless and beautiful goddesses came out from the secret realm, one was dressed in white and the other was dressed in silver. They were Wang Shu, the lord of the Taiyin, and her apprentice Changxi.

Seeing that it was Nvwa, Wang Shu couldn't help shrinking her eyes, as if she had thought of something, but her face didn't change. Looking at Nvwa, she asked faintly:
"I've seen the Nuwa sage, but I don't know why friends come to my Taiyin star?"

"Fellow Daoist, we haven't seen each other since the last farewell discussion in Kunlun Mountain. I miss you terribly, but this time I'm here to congratulate you!"

Nu Wa didn't care about Wang Shu's attitude, she cupped her hands at Wang Shu.

"Oh? I don't know where the joy comes from?" Wang Shu was slightly surprised.

"First of all, I would like to congratulate fellow daoist for his great progress. A monk has already become a quasi-sage. He is really a real person without showing his face. In the prehistoric world, there are probably not many people who are better than fellow daoist. Secondly, I want to congratulate this disciple, fellow daoist. .”

Nu Wa was also a little surprised, she never expected that the Master of Taiyin would be so tyrannical, that he would unknowingly reach the perfection of the quasi-sage, even Di Jun might not be as strong as her, he is worthy of being a strong man in ancient times.If she hadn't been sanctified, she might be the strongest among all the prehistoric women.

"Oh? What does this have to do with my apprentice?"

Wang Shu recalled Yuan Shi's reminder last time, be careful of the monster race, and couldn't help but shrink his eyes. Could it be that they want to attack him?

"The emperor of the Heavenly Court has taken a fancy to this apprentice Taoist, and wants to marry her, so he specially invited me to come as a matchmaker. I don't know you, what do you think?"

"This... I'm afraid it won't work. My apprentice is used to staying in Taiyin Star, but she is not used to going to other places." Wang Shu refused without hesitation.She felt more and more that this was a Yaozu conspiracy.

"This... Fellow Daoist, don't you think about it more?"

"No, no." Wang Shu resolutely refused.

"Oh? What's wrong with Dijun? Why didn't you agree?" Nuwa frowned. asked.

"There's nothing wrong with him, but he's too domineering. My disciple has a gentle temper and doesn't suit him. What's more, the monster clan and the witch clan are fighting, so it's better for my disciple not to get involved." Wang Shu He said lightly, not caring about Nuwa's status as a saint.

"This... Fellow Daoist, why don't you ask your disciple's opinion?" Nu Wa felt a little headache, but she couldn't use her status as a saint to force her, so she had to retreat and let her disciple make the decision.

"The teacher's decision is my decision." At this moment, Chang Xi said.

"This... you don't think about it anymore?" Nuwa's face turned gloomy.

"Don't think about it anymore, my apprentice will not marry Di Jun, go slowly, don't send him off!" Wang Shu was a little annoyed, and directly opened his mouth to chase him away.

"Hmph! If that's the case, let's say goodbye!"

Nu Wa didn't want to continue to stick her face on other people's cold ass here, so she snorted coldly and left directly.

Looking at Nu Wa's leaving back, Wang Shu couldn't help but become serious. She knew that she had rejected Di Jun this time, so next time she would meet in battle.

For a while, the two were a little silent.After a long time, Changxi said:
"Teacher, I want to go to Honghuang for a walk."

Wang Shu turned around and looked at Changxi quietly. She knew that if Changxi walked out of the lunar star, she would not be able to protect her.After a long time, she asked:
"are you serious?"

"Well, teacher, I have always been on the Lunar Planet, and I have never been to the prehistoric world, but now I want to go." Chang Xi nodded seriously.

"Hey, that's all. Since you want to go out, go out. If you feel homesick, come back."

Wang Shu looked at Changxi's serious expression, she knew that once Changxi made a decision, it would not change, so she couldn't help feeling a little headache.In the end, though, she agreed.Now that this is the case, she can just go out for a walk, just to avoid the monster clan.

"En." Changxi responded, and then flew out of the lunar star.

Looking at Changxi, Wang Shu was silent for a while, his eyes were deep, and he didn't know what to think.


A deep sigh came from the void, which lasted for a long time.


in heaven.

"What?! Then Changxi didn't agree? Brother, I'll take someone to the Lunar Planet right now."

When Tai Yi heard that this was not going to happen, he immediately became angry, and even looked down on my elder brother, how could this be possible?No, I have to give her some color to see.

"Slow down! Second brother, although Changxi did not agree, Xihe did. In this situation, it is not appropriate for us to cause trouble in the heavenly court. We are discussing this matter after the heavenly marriage is over." Di Jun called out to everyone. Angrily Taichi said.

"But, brother—"

"It's nothing to worry about, just listen to me." Di Jun said loudly.

"Okay, big brother, then wait until you get married before doing this. I think it's time for Lunar Star to belong to my demon clan." Taiyi took a long time to give up.

"By the way, second brother, do you have a girl you like? If so, then elder brother will help you talk about kissing." Di Jun changed the subject and turned to Tai Yi.

"Brother, it's not that you don't know my temperament. I've been working hard to cultivate, how can I have a girl I like?" Tai Yi said.

"Then, second brother, you should also find one." Di Jun teased.

"Brother, I'm not interested in matters related to men and women, so don't bring them up again now." Tai Yi said loudly.

"Okay, then let's discuss who we are going to invite to watch the wedding ceremony." Di Jun stopped laughing at him, his face became serious, and said.



(End of this chapter)

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