Chapter 105
The Heavenly Court Demon Emperor got married, and the whole prehistoric world became lively!

As the demon emperor of the demon clan, Di Jun is an unattainable existence in the eyes of countless monks, and the demon clan is the top clan in the wild, just like the dragon, phoenix, and unicorn clans in ancient times. There are still many people who have a relationship with the Yaozu.

The prehistoric world is an extremely cruel world, and there are disputes everywhere.This is a cannibalistic world, where those with strong cultivation stand high and look down on all living beings, while those with weak cultivation are bullied everywhere.If it is possible to have a little relationship with the prehistoric clan at this time, then it is equivalent to having an extra backstage in the prehistoric.

Therefore, countless monks began to prepare gifts.Of course, for the strong men above the quasi-sage, they don't care about it, but sometimes, they still have to give others face, and it is easy to talk to them when they meet in the future.

The Heavenly Court sent out invitations widely, inviting heroes from all walks of life to attend the Demon Emperor’s wedding. Firstly, they could show their great strength to the prehistoric monks, so as to deter the prehistoric people, and recruit some capable people from all over the world to join the Heavenly Court. , you can look at the forces or strong people in the prehistoric who are not against the Yaozu.

Yaozu was busy distributing invitations widely, and even Kunlun Mountain was invited.

"What do you think of this invitation?"

Yuan Shi sat on the cloud bed, held the invitation card sent by the monster clan in his hand, glanced at the two of them, and said calmly.

"The wolf ambition of the monster clan is well known to passers-by." Lao Tzu said lightly.

"No, what are you going to do? Isn't it just a small demon clan?"

Tong Tian dismissively said, with that appearance, he simply didn't pay attention to the Yaozu at all.That's right, since they became saints, they can use the secrets of heaven to obtain some future events. They naturally know the final outcome of the witch and demon clans. Now that the demon clan sends invitations, it's no big deal if they don't go.

"Well, this seat also means the same thing. Yaozu, isn't it amazing?"

Yuan Shi smiled contemptuously, and said lightly, the invitation card in his hand suddenly turned into nothingness and disappeared.

"Emperor Jun of the Monster Clan is married, what will happen to the Wu Clan you say is fighting against them? This marriage is interesting."

"Brother, you mean—"

"Don't say it, don't say it, it's boring to say it. Haha!"

Yuan Shi's figure flickered and disappeared into the hall without a trace.Laozi and Tongtian looked at each other, and then went back to retreat to practice. They didn't pay much attention to the matter of the monster clan.


Western Lingshan.

"Brother, shall we go?" The Taoist Zhunti pinched a purple-gold invitation card in his hand and asked the Taoist who was guiding him opposite him.

"Good, good, go, why don't you go?" Taoist Jieyin opened his eyes, looked at Zhunti, and said calmly.

"Then Sanqing, will you go?"

"will not."

"Since they don't go, why should we go?" Zhunti asked puzzled.

"We're going because they're not going."

"Huh?" Zhunti was even more puzzled.

"Three Qings have been sanctified, but the two of us have not. Although we are not afraid of the demon clan, we will not offend the demon clan. What's more, we can go to a good show." The Taoist said.

"Good show?" Zhunti seemed to understand something, so he stopped talking.


The day was sunny and sunny, and the entire heavenly court was decorated with lanterns and festoons. Countless fairy birds and beasts were flying around with fairy flowers in their mouths. It was reported that it enveloped the entire Buzhou Mountain!

There are also row after row of Yaozu warriors who are constantly parading, and each row's cultivation base is at least a golden fairy.

"Red Cloud Taoist is here!"

"Zhen Yuanzi Daxian is here!"

"Master Styx is here!"

"The sorcerer is here!"

"Receive and guide the two Taoists here!"


The invited gods arrived one by one, and the people in charge of the reception outside continued to roll their names.Countless bright and enchanting beauties from the demon tribe held fairy fruits from time to time, interspersed with fine nectar and jade dew, disturbing one another, it was so lively!
"Sanqing, Prince Dong, hum!"

In the end, Dong Wanggong, who was the head of the Sanqing and Sanxiu, did not come, and a trace of anger flashed in Di Jun's eyes, but he recovered quickly, with a standardized smile on his face.But he sneered in his heart:

"Sanqing is a saint, I can't deal with it yet, but you, a small casual cultivator alliance, Zifu, dare not take my monster clan seriously. After this matter is over, I want you to look good."

Not long after, there was a loud noise in the sky again, the fairy sound was getting closer and closer, colorful rainbows spanned the sky, and countless fairy birds flew over pulling a dreamlike sedan chair, thousands of monks guarded the two sides .

"Xi and Empress are here!"

The whole sky is full of wind and clouds, and pieces of colorful clouds are breaking and flying, forming huge fairy flowers, and a vast sea of ​​flowers, surrounded by sedan chairs!


Immediately, the sounds of immortals rose from the sedan chair, and several beauties from the monster clan stepped forward, and lifted the beaded curtain of the sedan chair, and a dignified and graceful goddess in red makeup came out lightly.

Xi He calmly followed the fairies who came to greet him into the palace. The steps he took were like floating clouds, and the sky and the earth turned pale when he looked around!
Di Jun was also in a daze at this moment, but after a while, he regained his composure, his heart was burning hot, he stepped forward quickly, and personally took Xi He's hand into the hall.

The person who presided over the wedding was Nuwa. Nuwa was holding a red hydrangea ball. With a wave of her hand, a huge altar appeared.

Di Jun took Xi He's hand and walked up to the altar, and made an oath to heaven and earth, and Lang Lang's voice resounded throughout the heavenly court:
"Today, my Emperor Jun and Xihe are married, and the heavens and the earth are witnesses!"

The sky turned into a piece of gold, and a huge karmic golden light descended from the sky, thirty percent fell on Nuwa, the remaining half fell on Dijun, and half fell on Xihe.

"No way, this also has merit?"

The monks around are jealous. You must know that merit is a good thing in the prehistoric age. This means that you will get the protection of the heavens, and killing people with merits and virtues, but there will be huge karma.With a body of merit and virtue, it is equivalent to an extra layer of protective film.

Now that Dijun is married and can get merit, can they also think about finding a partner and borrowing some merit?They don't know that only the three marriages of heaven, earth, and human will produce merit.

With these merits and virtues, Dijun and Xihe's mana levels immediately rose slowly, and the overflowing aura created a real wind, which made everyone envious.

In the end, Xihe beheaded a corpse and successfully stepped into the quasi-sage, while Di Jun didn't kill the last corpse, but rose from the mid-stage quasi-sage to the peak of the mid-stage quasi-sage.Nuwa has already been sanctified, and this little merit did not add much skill to her.

"Hahaha! Let's celebrate with wine!"

Di Jun's cultivation base soared, and he was in a good mood immediately, his eyes twinkled, and he was unparalleled in domineering.

"I think you'll stop laughing in no time!"

At this moment, a domineering and unparalleled voice came from outside the heaven, and everyone was shocked.


(End of this chapter)

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