My name Yuanshi of the Great Desolation

Chapter 112 Taiqing visits the human race

Chapter 112

The Purple Mansion was destroyed!

What is Zifu?The Purple Mansion is the third largest force in the prehistoric world besides the witches and demons. It is the prehistoric cultivator alliance.

Such a faction was wiped out in this way, and it sounded a wake-up call for other forces.

The course of this battle was that the Yaozu raised their troops and attacked the Zifu Alliance.The cause of the incident was that the East Prince relied on his continuous development over the years, his ambitions expanded, and he wanted to expand a larger territory, which caused the dissatisfaction of the Yaozu.The demon emperor Dijun and Donghuang Taiyi led their troops and directly fought in front of the Zifu's gate. After a great battle, the Zifu was defeated.

Among them, the East Prince was beheaded by Emperor Jun himself, and the West Queen Mother took the opportunity to escape because she had the Kunlun Mirror bestowed by the Taoist ancestor at the beginning, and was able to see the secrets of heaven and travel through the void.Di Jun and others didn't chase her after that, because the Zi Mansion was destroyed, and Queen Mother Xi couldn't afford much trouble by herself.More importantly, the Queen Mother of the West has the Kunlun Mirror in her hand. This artifact involves the laws of space and time. If she wants to escape, no one can catch her.

There is no need for Yaozu to waste manpower for a person who cannot be caught.What's more, the Queen Mother of the West is also very knowledgeable. Since the war, she has returned to West Kunlun alone, devoted herself to meditation, and no longer participated in major events.

Since that war, Honghuang has once again fallen into a strange calm, and there has been no major war.Everyone knows that this is only temporary, and with the strength of the witch and demon clans, it is impossible not to break out into a war.

In this eerie calm, the human race ushered in a relatively peaceful eruption stage, and warriors continued to emerge, but as soon as they reached the realm of heaven, earth, law and martial arts, they would be taken to the Human Ancestor Palace for meditation.It can cover the secrets of the sky, at least show the enemy's weakness, and buy more time for the development of the race.If other races know this, it will only speed up the destruction of the human race.

in the Kunlun Mountains.

Yuan Shi was playing chess with Lao Tzu, when suddenly Yuan Shi said to Lao Tzu:

"Second brother, you have a chance at Shouyang Mountain."

"Shouyang Mountain? If that's the case, then I'll go there." Taiqing Laozi thoughtfully.Immediately afterwards, he stepped out and disappeared in Kunlun Mountains.



On this day, Xuantian was retreating in the Xuantian Palace in the Martial Palace. Suddenly, he sensed a rather powerful force coming from the coast of the East China Sea, which made him wake up suddenly.He opened his eyes, shot out a ray of divine light, traveled through the void, and saw a familiar figure on the shore of the East China Sea.

"Sage Taiqing?"

Xuantian's heart moved, as if he had thought of something, he took out a large seal from his arms, on which were the phantoms of the five great emperors, and under the big seal were engraved two large characters of "Kongtong".

This is the Kongtong seal, the treasure of luck for the human race!

Putting away the great seal, Xuantian immediately stepped out of Xuantian Hall and walked straight to the Southern People's Ancestral Hall.

Shoushan Mountain is an extremely vast mountain range, divided into southeast, northwest and four directions. Among them, the Human Ancestor Hall and the Nuwa Temple are in the south. There are many cliffs in the west and deserts in the north. , is the shore of the East China Sea.

Xuantian stepped forward, but in a short while, he came to the Hall of Renzu.

"Meet the Martial Ancestor!"

For this human ancestor who created the cultivation method of the human race and made the human race stronger, almost all the strong people of the human race respected him from the bottom of their hearts.

After coming to Renzu Hall, the first thing Xuantian did was to ask Suirenshi and other three ancestors to summon the strong people of the human race.

Not long after, the Suiren clan, Youchao clan, and Ziyi clan summoned many powerful human tribes such as the Taihao clan, Taikang clan, and Jiutou clan.

Not everyone can be the ancestor of the human race. Only those who have made great contributions to the human race, or great sages, are qualified to be the ancestors of the human race.

Xuantian didn't talk nonsense, and directly explained the purpose: "The saint of Taiqing came to the human race, do you know about this?"

"I know, about a hundred years ago, the Taiqing sage came to the human tribe to preach." Taihao stepped forward and said.

"Brother, is there something wrong with the actions of the Taiqing sages for our human race?" Suiren, Youchao, and Ziyi are the first ancestors of the human race. They have become very sensitive to the future of the human race. It is said that This matter, ask directly.

"Everything has two sides. There is already martial arts in the human race, but it is not necessary to add an immortal way. Although this move will make the race lose some luck, it also gives the race an extra choice."

"Brother, is this too risky?" Ziyi asked worriedly.

"It's okay, you don't have to worry too much, I have already prepared for this matter. Look, what is this?"

As Xuantian said, he raised his hand and took out a simple and simple big seal, boundless luck circulated, brilliance emerged, and Dao rhyme was self-generated.

"This is the seal of Kongtong, which came into being as the times require. It can be the treasure of luck for the human race. From today onwards, I will seal this seal and hide it in the Human Ancestor Hall to suppress luck for the human race. From then on, there is no need to worry about the large amount of luck for the human race." Gone."

This treasure is quite special, it is neither an innate spirit treasure nor an acquired spirit treasure, its power can be weak or strong, when it is strong, it can be compared to an innate treasure, but when it is weak, it is not even as good as a low-grade innate spirit treasure.But it has one fixed magic power, which is to suppress the luck of the human race.

It can only be human races, monster races, demon races, witch races, fairy races, etc., are impossible, only human races can use it.

Everyone knew that Xuantian had his own plans, so they stopped talking. They obeyed Xuantian's words and enshrined the Kongtong Seal in the Hall of Renzu. Immediately, luck gathered and visions occurred frequently.

The Taiqing sage on the coast of the East China Sea suddenly felt something, and looked at the Hall of Renzu, thoughtfully.He did not stop, and continued to preach to the human tribes.

A hundred years later, the sage of Taiqing came to Xuantian Palace and talked with Xuantian Martial Ancestor.

"I've seen the Taiqing saint, why did the saint come to my human race to preach?" Xuantian bowed to the Taiqing saint, and then asked knowingly.

The Taiqing saint looked at Xuantian indifferently, but he was extremely surprised at Xuantian's cultivation level. The human race has only developed for thousands of years, and it is incredible that this person in front of him can cultivate to the late quasi-sage stage.Of course, it was just a surprise.He then said lightly:

"The poor come here to seek the way."

"The so-called gaining the Tao means losing the Tao. If a saint is like this, he will have great karma with the human race." Xuantian said lightly, he knew that the Taiqing saint could not see his true identity.

"Martial Ancestor is indeed a man of Tao. However, if everyone is afraid of cause and effect, how can he become Tao?" Taoist Taiqing first praised Xuantian, and then replied lightly.

"What the sage said is true, but some causes and effects require a price to be paid." Xiantian said indifferently.

The Taiqing sage looked at him as if he knew what he was thinking. After a long time, he said lightly:
"Inherit the cause and effect of the human race, and keep the human race immortal!"

"So good!"

Xuantian is overjoyed, with the words of the Taiqing sage, the human race will not perish, and if the human race is in danger in the future, the Taiqing sage will not stand by and watch.

There is at least another layer of guarantee for the future of the human race.

(End of this chapter)

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