Chapter 113
In the east of Shanyang Mountain, where the human race gathers, there is an extra saint who preaches.

In the next 500 years, the Taiqing sage preached to the human race, and gradually gained a great reputation among the human race.

On this day, the sage Taiqing had a feeling in his heart, and he came to a large gathering place of human races. He held a crutch made of a green lotus in his hand, a purple gold gourd on his waist, and a 33-story black and yellow pagoda above his head. Immortal mannerisms.

He uttered the truth of the Great Dao and spread it all over the ancestral land of the human race, only to hear everyone fascinated. More and more human warriors came here to listen to the saint's preaching. This is a rare opportunity for them .

The Taiqing sage was talking about the golden alchemy road he created based on the method of alchemy.A monk cultivates golden elixir, shatters the elixir into a baby, and then cultivates into a primordial spirit, and proves the way of immortality, just like the trajectory of a living being, born from an egg, becomes a baby, and then gradually grows into childhood, youth, youth, middle age, Old age, like a miracle of life, is very suitable for human cultivation.

Lao Tzu preached non-stop for three months, a total of ninety-nine and eighty-one days. Everyone was shocked, but they saw a golden bridge flying out of the Taiqing sage, directly connecting the heaven and the earth, which was transformed by the innate treasure Taiji diagram.

The sage of Taiqing sat on the golden bridge, and his voice was so loud that it spread to all living beings in a short time:
"I am a sage of the Taiqing of the Pangu family, and I am called the Supreme Daoist Dao De Tianzun. Today, in the prehistoric times, I set up a sect called 'Ren'. I will be the leader of the Ren sect. I will suppress the spirit of the Ren sect with the innate treasure Taiji map. Luck, from now on, do meritorious deeds and educate the human race!"

After all, Lao Tzu, who is already a saint, has a great momentum, surrounded by purple energy, and a huge figure of a saint stands upright, reaching nine heavens, and the laws of his body are mysterious and abnormal.

Above the nine heavens, there is a piece of gold, the way of heaven is felt, and the immeasurable merits and virtues descended. In the primordial spirit of Taiqing, the merits and virtues of opening the heavens left by Pangu, were drawn out at this moment, plus the merits and virtues that fell from the nine heavens , At the back of Taiqing's head, a golden wheel of merit and virtue was condensed.

Huge, brilliant, gorgeous, magnificent, bright...

The saint of Taiqing was set off by this huge golden wheel of merit and virtue, as if the gods of the heavens, and a mysterious Tao surrounded him, mysterious and mysterious!
Lao Tzu once again forged the Dharma Body of the Supreme Man with immeasurable merits, and became a sage of heaven!

In the prehistoric world, countless creatures unnaturally knelt down on the ground, shouting in their mouths:

"Saints are boundless!"

Such a mighty power naturally caught the attention of countless great gods. Everyone knew that Taiqing had been sanctified, but now he made such a big momentum again. What happened?

Among the human race, many people have made breakthroughs in many realms in one fell swoop with the help of this Taiqing sage's establishment of religion. Whether it is immortality or martial arts, they have made great progress. Dozens of people have broken through in the realm of martial arts. He has broken through to the realm of the Martial Emperor of the Wheel, comparable to the quasi-sage of the wilderness.

The strength of the human race has soared, even better than before.

Just as many great supernatural beings in the prehistoric period were speculating about why the Taiqing sage was sanctified again, a huge divine power came from the direction of Kunlun Mountain again, just like the Taiqing sage, causing a sensation in the prehistoric period.

"My name is Yuqing Yuanshi, and I am called the God of Punishment, Daoyin Tianzun. Today, I set up a sect in the prehistoric times, called "Chan". Those who are predestined with heaven and earth can join my teaching and gain my way!"

There was a surge of wind and clouds above the nine heavens, and a large golden light of merit and virtue appeared. The golden light of immeasurable merit and virtue fell towards Yuanshi. Yuanshi did not refine them to increase his cultivation, but refined them into a vast and brilliant The golden wheel of merit and virtue, the golden wheel of merit and virtue on his head, can not be invaded, the gods retreat, and the evil spirits are warded off.

Above the void, there was a burst of loud singing and chanting, like the blessings and praises of the gods.

As for the luck of explaining teachings, is there still a lack of spiritual treasures to suppress luck in Yuanshi's hands? Not to mention Hongmeng Yuanshi Yin, it is the causal lotus platform, white lotus of the world, Pangu banner, etc., which one is not a spiritual treasure to suppress luck? , Are you still afraid of the passing of luck?

There are bursts of fairy sounds, and the fragrance is ethereal.Chaos has never been magical, and it is all about mystery.

Tai Chi, two ceremonies and four images, the sky is open to the son, and the ugly man Yin Wu is in charge.

Before the prehistoric sentient beings could react, the vast holy voice of Taiqing Tongtian came out again:

"I am a sage of the Pangu Clan, known as Lingbao Tianzun, Master of Tongtian Sword, and now I set up a sect in Honghuang. I am the leader of the Jiejiao. Taoism follows nature, and all things in the world, there is nothing that cannot be enlightened! In the three realms, all living beings, if they are destined, can join my Jiejiao."

The sky also sent immeasurable merits and virtues. As soon as the merits entered Tongtian's body, he refined them and used them to increase his cultivation. Tongtian, who had just broken through the first heaven of saints, broke through again in cultivation until he reached the middle stage of the second heavens of saints. It stopped, and finally stopped at the mid-stage peak of the second heaven of saints, only one step away from entering the late stage.

Another chaotic ray of light rushed towards the chaos 33 days away, bursts of fairy sounds appeared in the prehistoric world, and strange fragrances filled the air.

Hongjun Shenghua sees the sky open, and the ugly man Yin goes to the altar.

The golden body can be infinitely robbed by refining, and many talents can be cultivated in the Biyou Palace.

After becoming enlightened last time, Sanqing once again set up a teaching and gained immeasurable merit and virtue, and achieved merit and virtue to the utmost, which shocked the prehistoric world.People in the wilderness, no one knows why Sanqing is like this. They only know that Sanqing has long been sanctified. What happened today, they guessed that Sanqing established the religion to pass down the sage tradition.Among them, Nuwa somewhat guessed the reason, because she herself became a saint with merit, and Sanqing's deeds are so similar to her own at the beginning!

Involuntarily, her complexion became even uglier, and saints were divided into three, six, and nine grades. Now, I am afraid that I will fall to the bottom.

Sanqing sanctified, the holy power caused a sensation in the prehistoric world, and spread to the western Lingshan.Taoist Jieyin and Taoist Zhunti looked at each other, with a bitter smile on their faces:

"Except for the red cloud in the East, everything has been sanctified. Through today's Sanqing Lijiao, I have also been able to glimpse a chance of sanctification. I should also be sanctified."

Hearing what Jieyin said, Zhunti naturally had no objection, and immediately responded: "Great kindness!"

As a result, two loud voices came from the foot of Lingshan on this day:
"In order to guide (Zhunti), today I feel that the lives of the prehistoric people are devastated, so I set up a teaching called 'Shi'. It guides all living beings to do good, and there is no suffering or worry. It is a place of ultimate happiness."

The way of heaven has a feeling, and it has sent down immeasurable merit.Although the cultivation bases of the two have risen, they have not broken through to the realm of saints.After all, the two of them were not like Sanqing, who were transformed by Pangu Yuanshen, and possessed the merits of Pangu's creation of heaven.The momentum of establishing a religion is just an introduction, if merits are not enough, how can one become a saint?
The two of them stared at each other, and they became anxious immediately. Are they going to let other people in the prehistoric world see a joke?No, no!You must not be cowardly at this time!
"Brother, what should you and I do now?" Zhunti couldn't help but asked anxiously in such an embarrassing situation.

"It's okay, just follow me to read, but I'll be busy in the future." Jieyin said loudly with a certain look.

Then, the two hurriedly made great wishes to the way of heaven, and bursts of Sanskrit singing spread throughout the prehistoric land:

"The first vow of Lijiao, when I become a Buddha..."

(End of this chapter)

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