Chapter 114
Yuan Shi was so rigorous, almost harsh, when facing the matter of accepting apprentices.As Yuanshi's brother Tongtian, his attitude is completely different from Yuanshi's.

Tongtian believes that Taoism follows nature, and all things in the world have Taoism. In the three realms, all living beings and all things can become Taoism, and anyone who has a heart for Taoism can worship under his sect.

There is no distinction between beauty and ugliness, good or evil, no distinction between high and low, and those who have the heart of the Tao are destined.In Tongtian's eyes, the key to enlightenment lies in whether there is a heart for Taoism.

Yuanshi also somewhat agrees with Tongtian's idea, otherwise he would not have set up a test to test the Taoist heart, but his view of the Taoist heart is more harsh than Tongtian.

Everyone has the heart of Taoism, otherwise everyone would not want to cultivate immortals and ask, and live forever.But it is not enough to only have the heart of Taoism. It is not only the heart of Taoism that determines the future of a monk.Yuanshi believes that the main factors that determine a monk's life are: one fate, two luck, three hearts, four merits and five talents.

Without that life, no matter how strong your heart towards the Tao is, it is impossible to succeed, because you don't have that life!Luck is equally important. People with strong luck can go farther. Those who lack luck will bump into bumps along the way. Maybe they will die if they are not careful. How can there be fate?

Three Dao Hearts, the Dao Heart here not only points to the Dao Heart, but more importantly, the monk himself. If he works hard enough and has the Dao Heart, fate can be changed, and luck can be taken away.

Merit is related to cause and effect, merit is the cause, and virtue is the effect.With the protection of merit and virtue, one can go further along the way.

Talent is at the bottom, that's because, in Yuanshi's eyes, no matter how poor the talent is, he can turn him into a talented person, and talent is a joke in Yuanshi's eyes.As long as other aspects are satisfied, even those with weak talents can become strong.Being able to become a real strong person has never relied on any talent. Although talent also plays a part of it, it is definitely not the most important.

Tongtian's selection criteria is the heart of the Tao, is it really enough to have the heart of the Tao?Then why does Tongtian accept countless monks, claiming to come to court with ten thousand immortals, but there are only a few who can truly become strong in the end?
As soon as the triple test started, countless monks rushed forward to take the test. Although most of them knew that they could not pass, they still had a certain fluke mentality in their hearts. What if I passed?What's more, even if you don't pass, you won't suffer.

"Brother, are you also going to pass the apprenticeship test set by the Holy Master?" A Sanxian asked a little demon beside him.

"Yeah, you're going too?" the little demon said.

"That's right, brother, the test at Tongtian Saint is the easiest. With your cultivation level, why don't you go there for the test, but come here?"

Sanxian asked, looking at the little demon in front of him, he could clearly see at a glance that he was only in the realm of refining the emptiness and joining the Tao, and hadn't yet become a fairy.

"Everyone knows that the Holy Master is the number one saint, with the strongest cultivation. The first choice is of course the Holy Master. If he fails, it is not too late to go to the Tongtian Saint." Xiao Yao said without hesitation.

"Yes, the Holy Master is indeed the strongest saint." Sanxian said,
"Brother, I wish you good luck, I'll go!" After speaking, he turned into a wind and flew towards the hundred-level road.

Little demon: "..."

There are countless cases like this.Although most people took a fluke attitude, most of them were disappointed in the end, and very few were able to pass the first level, let alone the other levels.

Yuanshi did not limit the time, that is to say, you can come to pass the customs at any time.

After a hundred years of screening, only a dozen or so people were able to pass the three tests.Of the millions of monks in the prehistoric period, only a dozen or so could pass the level. I really don't know how to say this kind of probability.

Those who failed, most of them turned to worship under the Tongtian sect. Even so, Tongtian did not accept all of them. He also had a choice to accept disciples. Otherwise, he could be the holy master of the whole prehistoric.

But even so, he has accepted thousands of disciples, most of them are registered disciples or ordinary disciples, the true disciples are still the previous three, and under the true disciples, there are dozens of core disciples above ordinary disciples .

In this regard, Yuan Shi was extremely calm. Honghuang has never been short of talents. He was already very satisfied that he could receive more than a dozen. After all, he was going to take the elite route, and his disciples were good but not many.

He received a total of seventeen disciples. Among them, in addition to the previous Guangchengzi and Yuding Daoist, the other twelve golden immortals who explained the teachings were also gathered together. Immortal Puxian, Immortal Cihang of Putuo Mountain, Immortal Fearful Sun of Jialong Cave, and Immortal Taiyi of Qianyuan Mountain were originally in Taihua Mountain, but because of the occupation of the Demon Lord of Ten Thousand Tribulations, Wuhua Mountain was chosen as the cave. The Chijingzi, the Huanglong real person of Erxian Mountain, the Taoxing real person of Jinting Mountain, the Qingxu Daodezhenjun of Qingfeng Mountain, and the Lingbao master of Kongtong Mountain.

In addition to the Twelve Golden Immortals, there is Yun Zhongzi from Zhongnan Mountain who is blessed, and Taoist Ran Deng who once heard Taoism in Zixiao Palace.Ran Deng himself is a good emperor, but unfortunately he was not very lucky. When Ran Deng listened to the Tao, it was the last sermon of the Taoist ancestor. He didn't hear much, so that he still stops at the peak of Daluo Jinxian.

Apart from them, what really surprised Yuanshi was that there was a peacock and a roc named Kong Xuan and Jialuluo. Unexpectedly, they also came to apprentice, which was really surprising.

Yuanshi thought about it again, and understood a little bit. The prehistoric world he is in now is different from the prehistoric one in the original trajectory. It is understandable for Kong Xuan and Dapeng to come to apprentice.

Finally, there is another person, who is a top-level fairy material Daojie Gold who has been transformed into a golden Taoist.This surprised Yuan Shi again. In the original book, he had never heard of this person's reputation. Logically speaking, the person who can pass his test will not be an ordinary person.

At the same time, he was relieved, this is Honghuang, this is a real world, and there are not only those people who are written in the book and recorded in the story.

Except for the two brothers Kong Xuan and Taoist Jin, the seventeen apprentices are all original apprentices in the original book, which makes Yuanshi feel that these people are really destined to be with him, and he has changed the test procedures. These people can still be involved with him.

Looking at the seventeen apprentices in front of him, all of them are men, and there is only one woman, that is Ci Hang Taoist. She was transformed from a white lotus in Putuo Mountain, but she is the same as his previous apprentice Feng Xiaoyue. .Yuan Shi couldn't help but sigh with emotion, it's really Yang Sheng and Yin Declining.

At this time, he also remembered that if the original trajectory was followed, several of his disciples would have defected from Chanjiao and devoted themselves to Buddhism.Should we remove these people?
But after he thought about it carefully, he gave up, because he knew that that was the original trajectory, and he was no longer the original original, if so, he could teach them to run away, that would be the real waste.Moreover, in the original book, they didn't want to betray the teaching from the very beginning. If the original book was not too wasteful, why would it be so?
In order for similar situations to happen in the future, Yuan Shi made the following rules when they were apprentices:

First, respect the teacher!
Second, don't deviate from the scriptures!
Third, the words of the Holy Master are the truth, and the disciples have to abide by them!
According to the rules of the three sects, after the disciples apprenticed to the teacher, they formed karma with Yuanshi, and Yuanshi was the master of karma. If they want to back up in the future, they must carefully consider the backlash of karma.Of course, this is only a temporary restriction. As for what they will do in the future, it depends on how Yuan Shi teaches his apprentices.

How did Yuanshi teach his apprentices?This is still a question worth pondering.

(End of this chapter)

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