My name Yuanshi of the Great Desolation

Chapter 137 "Swallowing the Sky" Plan

Chapter 137 "Swallowing the Sky" Plan

"Huh? This is..."

In Yuxu Palace, the original Holy Master who had been in seclusion suddenly opened his eyes, and an inexplicable look flashed in his eyes. Then, he felt it carefully again, only to find that he was not mistaken.Then he exclaimed:

"how can that be?"

There was deep surprise in the original holy master's voice, and his face was full of disbelief.Ever since he was sanctified, Yuanyuan has been in retreat, refining the laws of heaven in the original space of heaven.The Heavenly Dao space is silent, and it has always been like this.

However, at the moment when Gonggong smashed through Buzhou Mountain, the Dao of Heaven suddenly weakened, as if a fierce man suddenly became weak like a sick child who had suffered a serious illness.This made Yuan Yuan feel unbelievable, but then, his face showed ecstasy, because he found that at this moment, the laws in the space of heaven became weaker than ever, and the refining speed was more than ten times faster.

Yuanyuan no longer cared about other things, and quickly took the time to refine the laws of the way of heaven that he was familiar with. He knew that this state could not last long, and the way of heaven would recover sooner or later. If he didn't seize the opportunity to refine more laws, he would be too sorry for himself.

At the same time, he also vaguely guessed why Buzhou Mountain was broken by Gonggong.

He had been wondering before, how strong Buzhou Mountain was, it was transformed by the backbone of Pan Gu, even after endless years of washing, it has become no longer as strong as before, but this is not something that a mere ancestral witch can hit. For sure, now it seems that there is indeed a ghost in it.

The lack of Tianzhu is the place where Pangu's will is the strongest. If the Tianzhu is continuous, how can the way of heaven become weak?The way of heaven is not weak, so how can others have the opportunity to refine the laws of the way of heaven?

As for the mastermind behind the scenes, Yuanyuan had no choice but to think of his cheap master Daozu Hongjun.After all, Hongjun's impression on him has always been unfathomable.

At the beginning, the way of heaven was incomplete, so he made up for it with his body.At that time, Yuanyuan felt that something was wrong. For a monk, what he pursued was the great way of detachment. The stronger the person, the stronger this belief will be.How could Hongjun use his body to mend the way of heaven for no reason?Yuanyuan would not believe that he is truly impartial, there must be some secrets that he does not know.

Sure enough, this kind of weakness in the Dao of Heaven may be part of his plan. After all, Hongjun used his body to make up for the Dao of Heaven, and he himself became a part of the Dao of Heaven. Others naturally cannot compare with him in understanding the Dao of Heaven. up.

Now it seems that Hongjun Daozu's purpose has always been the way of the wild.Now that the way of heaven is weak, it must be a masterpiece of other methods, and the original is just a variable in his plan. After all, no one could have imagined that the original can prove the way with strength, break through the space of the way of heaven, and refine the laws of the way of heaven.

Feeling the weakness of the Dao of Heaven at this moment, Yuan Yuan didn't think about anything else, so he didn't want to take care of Hongjun's plan, and even if he wanted to, he couldn't do it.In the prehistoric world, everything is imaginary, only strength is the most real.Now that there is such a good opportunity to improve his strength, how can he meddle in his own business?If you can increase your strength by one point, you can increase it by one point, and what else do you want to do.

He didn't think about it anymore, and quickly introduced his saint consciousness into the space of heaven, picked up the laws of heaven that he was familiar with, and quickly refined it.Why choose the one he is familiar with, it is naturally because the familiar law is the law he has already comprehended, such a process of refining the law of heaven will be easier.

As for those who are not familiar with it, they need to re-understand it, and it is also necessary to prevent the backlash of the consciousness of heaven, which greatly increases the difficulty of refining.If it's okay in normal times, it would be extremely stupid to do so in this moment of race against time.


In a boundless space, there is no sky, no earth, and no theory of light and darkness. The wonderful rhythm of the avenue echoes in the space, permeating the entire space, like a rolling avenue.

A figure in a black Taoist robe is sitting cross-legged in the center at the moment, on a Taoist platform, looking coldly in all directions.

He exudes endless dao rhyme, as if, he is the sky, he is the will of heaven and earth,...he is, dao!
This old man's soul is profound and mysterious, with eight colorful lights shining, it is the soul of Daozu Hongjun.

And here, naturally, it is also in the original space of the Dao of Heaven. Hongjun transformed himself into the sky and became a part of the Dao of Heaven. Now, he is devouring the Dao of Heaven.

"Om!" "Om!" "Om!"...

Dao rhyme is like a wave, slowly reverberating and floating, but in this seemingly empty space, there are a total of three thousand huge vortices, which seem to be spinning all the time, which is extremely wonderful.In the center of each vortex, there is a thin line of law extending out, sinking into nothingness, connecting to the good fortune jade butterfly in Zixiao Palace, and supplying it to Hongjun's body. He uses the law of heaven to refine his body.

Everything seems to be perfect, but the fly in the ointment is that the closest to Daozu Hongjun, one zhang ahead, there are two vortexes that have stopped spinning and are still, as if the rhyme of the dao has dried up, and the thin thread of the dao has been pulled away by someone. generally.

The thin lines of law represented by these two whirlpools are precisely the law of cause and effect and the law of divine punishment, the two laws of primordial sanctification.

At this time, Daozu could still feel that there was another thin line of law in the vortex showing signs of being twitched and refined. Although this sign was very slight, he still noticed it.


Hongjun opened his eyes, and the eight-color light that surrounded the soul in his eyes immediately became more intense. Looking at the vortex of heaven that stopped rotating in front of him, Hongjun immediately shouted coldly:
"Yuanshi, you are really powerful. I have never been able to see you through before. I never thought that you could find the original space of the heavenly way before you became a saint. You can break through the space with your strength, imprint the origin of the law of the heavenly way, and become a saint with your strength. Now you have to Cheap of you, bastard!"

"However, the time is short. I still try to grasp more of the way of heaven before the way of heaven is restored, so that I can compete with the will of the way of heaven and plan more. As for the beginning of Yuan... Humph! Are you alright? As long as you have used the primordial purple energy, you cannot exceed the control of the poor Taoist! Hmph!"

Speaking of this, Hongjun's face became a little cold, and there seemed to be a cold light in his eyes.

"Om!" "Om!" "Om!"...

As Hongjun thought this way, when his complexion was ugly, suddenly, the original space of the heavenly dao buzzed, and the next moment, in the space, the will of the heavenly dao weakened all of a sudden, and the aura of the dao began to become sluggish.

At this moment, it was the outside world, when the prehistoric Buzhou Mountain was broken by Gonggong, which had an impact on the way of heaven.


Hongjun's eyes were fixed, and he suddenly shouted:
"Refining for the poor!"

A loud shout reverberated and spread throughout the space. Hongjun's body shook, and above his head, the Creation Jade Tablet was slowly rotating, releasing the profound light of good fortune, mysterious and mysterious, pulling the three thousand origins of the heavenly way, and cooperating with Hongjun's refining.

"Very well, Buzhou Mountain has been broken, Pangu's will has dissipated, Heaven's will is weak, and Pindao's plan has been completed more than half. Although there are variables, everything is going smoothly. The laws of Heaven's law tempered Pindao's body, which will definitely make my body break again. At the limit, at that time, Pindao will break through the late stage of Hunyuan and move towards the perfection of Hunyuan. As for the things after that, it will be much easier. If Pan Gu's origin of Heavenly Dao is completely refined, Pindao will definitely be able to break through the realm of Heavenly Dao!"

Hongjun smiled faintly, with a hint of satisfaction flashing in his eyes, and said in a deep voice.

Dao Zu Hongjun was quite happy about the progress of his "Swallowing the Sky" plan, thinking that the Dao is in front of him, and he was determined!
After all, in his opinion, he is about to become a perfect Hunyuan, and no one in the prehistoric world can threaten him, unless it is Pangu's resurrection.However, Pan Gu has long been incarnated in the prehistoric world, how could he still be alive?

As for the Six Sages of the Great Desolation, except for Yuan Shi who could give him a little surprise, he didn't care about the others.


(End of this chapter)

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