Chapter 138

In the prehistoric world, after the war between the three clans of humans, demons, and witches, they broke apart in a short period of time, catastrophes fell from the sky, and disasters continued.

Honghuang fell into a strange calm for a while, and a thousand years, like a white cloud and a dog, was fleeting.

In this peaceful millennium, the prehistoric land could not afford to kill and fight. After all, after the war between the three clans, the three clans were all injured, and they all needed time to recuperate and recover their combat power.

The other ethnic groups also suffered a lot of losses due to disasters, and needed to concentrate on development. Everything was calm, but unusual, as if something big was about to happen.

On this day, in the primordial starry sky, above the heavens, the evil spirit suddenly surged, the murderous aura surged, and the murderous aura surged.

Everything is so extraordinary.

All living beings in the prehistoric world knew that it represented the emperor of the monster race, and had already been refined into a sword that could shake the body of the ancestor witch.

The weapon of great evil, the witch-slaying sword!

When the sword is formed, the murderous intent is surging, but in an instant, he restrains himself, just waiting for the sword to be unsheathed, and slaughter the ancestor witch to prove his name!
In the same year, in the Pangu Palace, there was also a frightening evil spirit. Twelve ominous creatures soared into the sky and turned into twelve huge ominous banners. You can tell it's a murderer at a glance.

The most ominous thing, the demon-killing banner!

After the great war, the Lich clan no longer slaughtered the clan, but they thought of other methods to refine the witch-slaying sword and demon-slaying banner.

For example, the witch-slaying sword of the monster race was half completed before the living sacrifice to the human race. Afterwards, they saw the power of weak water, and added some weak water, as well as precious divine materials such as the essence of the sun and stars, and finally After thousands of years of refining, this fierce sword was finally refined.

Of course, the souls of the human race still accounted for a large part.Although they can no longer kill people, but after this catastrophe, there are a lot of resentful souls in the prehistoric desolation. It just takes a little more time, but they still collected enough resentful souls to refine this sword.

As for the Demon Killing Banner of the Witch Clan, it is even simpler.The human race that was massacred before, they have already refined twelve semi-finished products, and then they used these twelve semi-finished products to arrange a large array of twelve gods and gods to gather the endless murderous and evil spirits in the world. As long as there is enough evil spirit, this The twelve demon-killing banners can still take shape.

No, after thousands of years of absorption, Yang Fan of the Twelve Ways finally took shape.

The land of the human race, the highest peak of Shouyang Mountain, the Wugong Xuantian Palace.

Xuan Tian glanced up at the Heavenly Court, and then at the Pangu Temple, his eyes were more than a trace of coldness, and his whole body was full of murderous aura.He said coldly:
"The things of my human race are not so easy to use. I will ask you to return them sooner or later. Hmph!"

After finishing speaking, he glanced at the nine-level martial tower on the top of the mountain that seemed to stand forever. Over the years, after the blood sacrifices of countless monster clans and monster kings, plus the sacrifice of an ancestor witch, it is already very powerful. Compared with the 33-story heaven and earth The Xuanhuang Linglong Pagoda is not weak anymore.

Attack and defense are integrated, absolute gods block and kill gods, and Buddhas block and kill Buddhas, which can suppress gods.In addition, there are hundreds of blood sacrifices of demon kings and demon gods, as well as living sacrifices of ancestor witches. This pagoda has a natural restraint on witches and demons.

"Looking forward to the next battle, don't let me down." Xuan Tian murmured in a low voice.

"After the next time, the human race will definitely rise and dominate the world!"


The prehistoric world was as silent as before, but beneath the calm was a torrent of undercurrents. The three tribes of humans, witches, and demons were secretly preparing, recuperating, expanding their forces, increasing their strength, and looking forward to the next big battle.

The Houtu Tribe of the Witch Clan, the Ancestral Witch Hall.

"Xuan Houyi came to see me!"

A gentle female voice came out.

Inside the main hall, Hou Tu frowned tightly, his expression was quite haggard, his eyes were full of worry, as if he was in a very bad mood.

"Yes, Lord Zuwu."

A Wu clan outside shouted, and then quickly ran to the distance.

After a while, Hou Yi came to the ancestral witch hall.

"Houyi has seen Houtu Zuwu, what orders does Master Zuwu have?"

Hou Yi is tall and tall, with a handsome complexion, an animal skin around his waist, and a big bow on his back. He looks like a young man.He walked into the hall, knelt down on one knee, and shouted.

"Get up, didn't I tell you, don't be too polite."

Houtu came back to his senses, glanced at Houyi, and a look of satisfaction flashed in his eyes. Houyi was the top witch in her Houtu tribe, the strongest witch tribe besides her, comparable to Xingtian and Xiangliu. It's comparable, but in the last battle, the great witch Xiangliu was dead, and only Xingtian was still alive.

Recovering his majesty on the rear surface, he said lightly:

"I want to go out for a while. During this period of time, I will temporarily hand over the affairs of the tribe to you. Remember to urge them to practice. After all, my witch clan has many enemies."

"Yes, Lord Zuwu." Hou Yi replied respectfully.

"Well, you go!"


With a reply, Hou Yi withdrew from the Ancestral Witch Hall, ready to urge everyone to practice. After all, the Zuwu's order cannot be disobeyed.At the same time, he also wanted to go back to see Chang'e. Since the last battle between the human and Wu clans, Hou Yi took Chang'e back to the Wu clan.

It is strange to say that although Chang'e has a lack of memory and cannot recall the past, she has made great progress in practicing human martial arts since then, and her appearance does not look old at all, she still looks like a goddess in her twenties.


With a long sigh, since the war between the human race and the witch race, Zhu Rong's ancestor witch and Gonggong were killed by the human race Xuantian, and the Shebi corpse ancestor witch was suppressed by the martial ancestor Xuantian (she didn't know that the ancestor witch had already been sacrificed to the tower by Xuantian) ), Houtu has been in a bad mood, depressed, and worried about the future of the Wu clan.

The human race rose rapidly, beheading countless monster races and witch races, and the strongest of the clan emerged, and among the witch race, there were very few people, and three ancestor witches fell, and the big witch, middle witch, and little witch were even more There were countless casualties, and even fewer today.How to deal with the upcoming three-clan war, and at that time, the enemies of the Wu Clan will not only be the Monster Clan, but also face countless strong men of the Human Clan.As soon as she thought of this, she became very worried and didn't know what to do.

Hou Tu left the tribe alone with worries on his mind, and set foot on the prehistoric land.

Walking one step at a time, walking and stopping, she saw countless resentful ghosts under the catastrophe, some of human race, some of demon race, and some of other races.Thinking that it was because of the resentment of the human race that the witch clan slaughtered the human race at the beginning, and then the ancestor witch fell, her heart ached for a while.

"This peaceful land will soon rekindle the flames of war. At that time, how many lives will be lost in the flames of war?" Thinking that in the near future, endless flames of war will be set off again on this beautiful prehistoric land , At that time, I am afraid that many souls will fall in this wild land, and she has a heavy heart.

It's so sad to stain the vast land with blood!

"What about the countless resentful souls, unjust ghosts, and fierce ghosts left behind after the fall? Could it be that they are allowed to dissipate automatically in this prehistoric desolation after a few years, or turn into fierce ghosts to harm the common people?" Houtu frowned. , secretly thought.

"Is there no place for the dead in this world?"

At this moment, there seemed to be a ray of spiritual light flowing through Hou Tu's heart, as fast as lightning, making people unable to catch the trace.

"What is it?"

(End of this chapter)

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