Chapter 140 Six Paths of Reincarnation
On a solitary cliff, two figures are somewhat desolate, looking up at the sky together, seeing the setting sun, the dusk is heavy, the evening wind is bleak, full of desolate and sad mood.The other figure seemed to be contemplating, comprehending something, but she couldn't catch it, her face was full of helplessness.

These two people are Taoist Sansheng and Houtu Ancestral Witch.

"Did you realize anything along the way?"

After a long time, Taoist Sansheng looked at the helpless Houtu and asked aloud.

Houtu was slightly taken aback when he heard the words, his face was full of sadness, he sighed softly, and replied slowly:

"I came here following a secret, and along the way, I seem to have realized something. I have a faint sense of where my avenue is, but it is still not clear. Can you guide me?"

For some reason, Hou Tu didn't have any precautions against the Sansheng Taoist who had just met in front of him, so he asked what he was thinking.

Taoist Sansheng sighed lightly when he heard the words, and remained silent for a long time, not knowing what to say.

"Why, is there something unspeakable, can't you say more?"

Houtu saw Taoist Sansheng's silence and asked in doubt.


Taoist Sansheng sighed and said:
"Do you know that if I say it, your way will come to an end?"

Hou Tu was silent for a moment, then firmly said:
"I heard from the morning that death is inevitable, so what's the point of sacrificing myself for the sake of all living beings in the world? Father God Pangu sacrificed himself in the same way back then, and made the world great and wild. If it can help the common people in the world, we should follow the example of Father Pangu. God, deny yourself for others."

"Hey, you know, the people I usually disdain the most are those who sacrifice themselves for others. The prosperity of the world is all for profit, and the world is full of hustle and bustle, all for profit! Looking at those people who don't care about their own life and death, in order to help others, my heart Just very upset.

You are willing to sacrifice yourself for others, have you ever asked other people’s opinions, have you asked your own relatives and friends how they feel, you are doing this, it is also selfish.

But, at the same time, I respect people like this the most, because they have great courage and can sacrifice themselves for others.However, although I respect it, I will definitely not like such a person, because being a friend of such a person is too tiring!He always puts the common people in the world in his heart, living like this is really inexplicable..."

Taoist Sansheng babbled a lot, and also scolded a lot.The face of Houtu on the opposite side did not change, on the contrary, there was a slight smile, which made her feel at peace.

"I know. But I still have to do it, just because I am me, and you, after all, are just you!"

After hearing this, Taoist Sansheng was silent. Yes, she is her. If she didn't do this, would she still be the Queen of Earth who is revered forever?And I can only be me after all, so I am selfish, I can't be as great as her.

"Hey, that's all. Now that you have said so, what's more, the secret has been revealed, and that scene will happen sooner or later. What difference does it make if it is early or late?"

Taoist Sansheng sighed and said quietly.

"Pangu opened the sky, split the vastness, divided yin and yang, shaped the three talents, evolved ten thousand ways, and created all things. But, in fact, this world is not perfect."

"Imperfect? ​​Why?"

"Yeah, it's not perfect. Pan Gu is naturally powerful, able to open up the world, evolve all things, and give birth to reincarnation. However, a perfect world should be a juxtaposition of heaven, earth, and man. When the prehistoric world was first opened, there was only the way of heaven and the way of humanity." It is not complete with authenticity. Later, Nuwa made man holy, and the human race appeared, which completed the human civilization. Therefore, today’s world is still far from authentic.”

"Authentic? What is authentic?"

Houtu seemed to have realized something, and the enlightenment in his heart became deeper and deeper, and his aura became stronger and stronger.

"The so-called authentic way should be equal to the way of heaven. The way of heaven manages the rules of the operation of all things in the world, keeps the track of the world, and makes all things in balance, while the way of tunnel is to manage the creatures of the earth, life and death, disillusionment, and endless reincarnation. The most important of them is It's the six realms of reincarnation!"

Sanshengdao's words were as machine-written as if he was preaching, and he spoke to Houtu.

"The six realms of reincarnation are originally the turning point of the creation of living beings, but when living beings die and ghosts appear, they should belong to the six realms. Like a six-hole arch bridge, they are divided into six realms, reincarnation is endless, and ghosts are endless!"

Taoist Sansheng knew that Houtu had already realized something, so he looked away and didn't hesitate anymore. What's more, death doesn't mean another kind of rebirth. After cutting out the body of Sansheng III, it was already clear.

"What is the Six Paths?"

Houtu only felt that the last mist in her heart had been cleared away by Taoist Sansheng. She only felt that there was a feeling of seeing the blue sky through the clouds and mists, and her breath became stronger. She knew that she became enlightened right now.

Taoist Sansheng raised his eyes, looked at the sea of ​​blood not far away, and said slowly:
"The so-called six realms are further divided into tangible realms and invisible realms. The tangible realms are the realm of humanity, the realm of asuras, and the realm of animals and plants, and the invisible realms are the realm of heaven, the realm of hungry ghosts, and the realm of hell.

The visible Tao can obtain the Tao body. People call it the flesh body, and animals and plants are themselves. In this way, all reincarnated creatures, regardless of human beings, can practice the art of the soul.The invisible way, except the way of heaven, is only the ghost body of the primordial spirit, although it can be transformed into an illusion, it has no substance.

Most of the reincarnations of the Heavenly Dao are the rich and powerful, or those with high aptitude for cultivating Taoism. The heaven and the earth are their parents, and they are born as innate.Hell is the place where ghosts suffer and are punished.Therefore, among the six realms, the realm of heaven is the highest, and the realm of hell is the lowest. "

When Houtu heard it, he was surprised that there were so many divisions, so he asked:
"How do you distinguish between the six realms? Could it be that you want to choose the path to enter like the flowing water?"

"Choose the way to enter? Wouldn't that mean the world is in chaos. The so-called cause of the past life, fruit of the present life, fruit of the next life, and cause of the present life. Ghosts want to be like the six realms, they must rely on the cause and effect of the past life to enjoy the blessings of the future life.

Those with serious karma must enter the hell realm, suffer all punishments, and wash away their karma before they can be reincarnated; those with lesser karma contamination must also enter the realm of hungry ghosts and asuras to wash away their karma before they can be reincarnated. Reincarnation; those with the lightest karma should be reincarnated in the realm of animals, wash away the karma, and re-enter the human realm.

All living beings are born with karma, as long as they are not involved in karma, they can enter the cycle of human reincarnation in order to turn the wheel of heaven and get rid of the mortal body.If people have been doing good deeds for generations, if they are great in the world, or if they have merits and virtues to protect them, they should enter the heavenly way, enjoy all the blessings and blessings in the world, glory and wealth, or cultivate immortality and attain the Tao. "

After hearing the words, Houtu couldn't help being stunned, and then asked aloud:

"Dare to ask friends, is there a way to escape from the six realms?"

"The method of transcending the six realms?"

(End of this chapter)

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