My name Yuanshi of the Great Desolation

Chapter 141 The Empress Dowager Empress of Great Mercy

Chapter 141
"The method of transcending the six realms?"

Hearing this, Taoist Sansheng couldn't help sighing, breaking away from the six realms and enjoying a long life, even a quasi-sage master might not be able to do it.In the prehistoric world, I am afraid that only the immortal sage of heaven can be regarded as escaped from the six realms.However, when the immeasurable calamity comes, the heaven and the earth are destroyed and return to chaos, even the saints of the heavenly way will not escape the calamity.

I am afraid that the only one who can be immortal is the legendary Dao that everyone pursues.

At the same time, Taoist Sansheng also felt a little bit emotional, Houtu is worthy of being Houtu, talented and intelligent, she can comprehend and think a lot with just a little bit of herself.If it were me, I would definitely not be able to do this, and I would only be able to realize these things before they came, relying on the foresight of future generations.


Taoist Sansheng spat out two words lightly, and then said no more.


Houtu was slightly taken aback, but in an instant she figured it out, practice is indeed a way to transcend reincarnation, but there are very few people who can truly transcend, and there is so little hope in it that there is no hope at all.

"If this is the case, all living beings in the wild will have a home after death in the future."

Houtu seemed to have thought of the benefits of this, and couldn't help but smile, "Can the Wu clan do it too?"

Taoist Sansheng shook his head slightly, and said, "This...the Wu Clan probably won't do it."

"Uh, that's right. The witch clan doesn't cultivate the primordial spirit, so there's no such thing as reincarnation. However, once the witch clan dies, their spiritual consciousness will dissipate. It's a bit sad. The way of heaven is indeed balanced, with gains and losses." Tu suddenly thought that the Wu clan had a strong physical body but did not cultivate the primordial spirit, so he stopped thinking about it.

"Establishing the Six Paths of Reincarnation is by no means an easy task. The so-called gaining the Dao and losing the Dao is only a matter of one thought, and what is gained is bound to be lost. Establishing the Six Paths of Reincarnation requires a huge price. So, do you still want to establish the Six Paths of Reincarnation?"

Fellow Daoist Sansheng looked at Houtu and asked aloud.

"Of course it will be built!"

With unprecedented firmness in Houtu's eyes, she stared closely at Taoist Sansheng in front of her, and said decisively:

"I hope Fellow Daoist will tell Houtu how to do things? If you can successfully establish the six reincarnations this time, I will thank you, Daoist Dade."

Taoist Sansheng gave a wry smile when he heard the words, avoided Houtu's gaze, sighed deeply, and said:
"The establishment of the six realms of reincarnation is not a one-day effort. If you have other unfinished business, fellow daoist, go ahead and finish it. After a hundred years, I will wait here for fellow daoist to discuss the matter of reincarnation. How about it?"

Hou Tu was extremely intelligent. Hearing these words, he had already vaguely guessed what might happen later. Although it wasn't very detailed, it was almost the same.She didn't refuse either. After listening to his words, she did have some things that she didn't let go of.She wanted to go back to the Wu Clan and explain some things.


After watching Houtu leave, Taoist Sansheng sighed deeply, he didn't know whether it was right or wrong to do so.After a long silence, he turned around, raised his head, and looked up at the sky.

At this time, the sun had already set, and the surroundings were completely dark. From a distance, there were a few howls of ghosts from time to time, and the sound was piercing.


A hundred years is fleeting.

"Friend Daoist, you should have thought about it."

Taoist Sansheng also looked like what Houtu had seen before, looking up at the sky and turning his back to all living beings.

"I'm sure." Houtu nodded firmly.

"Forget it, since you have decided, let's start. Presumably you also understand how to do it?" Taoist Sansheng's voice was full of inexplicable exclamation.

"Indeed, I already know, and at the same time, I also know the concerns of Fellow Daoist." Houtu's eyes flickered, and he replied softly.

In fact, in the past hundred years, because of the direction pointed out by Taoist Sansheng, she has gradually realized what she is about to do, but for the sake of the world, she will never regret it.

"Oh... so, let's go."

Taoist Sansheng sighed deeply, then turned and walked towards the depths of the Nether Blood Sea.Behind him, Hou Tu's eyes flickered, and he followed.

The sea of ​​blood is the place where the negative sources of the world gather, and most of the prehistoric grievances, bad luck, murderous aura, and evil spirits gather here invisibly.

There is no reincarnation in the world, and the resentful souls and ghosts after the death of the creatures all drifted to the sea of ​​blood, and later they were gathered by the ancestor of Styx to create the Asura clan.

As soon as the two of them arrived in the sea of ​​blood, they were discovered by the ancestor Minghe who was comprehending the secrets of heaven. He got up and stepped out of the sea of ​​blood, and came in front of the two of them.

"Hey, isn't this Fellow Daoist Houtu and Fellow Daoist Sansheng? I don't know what's the important thing for the two of you to come to my sea of ​​blood?"

Obviously, Minghe knew Taoist Sansheng, and that's right, Taoist Sansheng and Minghe could be regarded as neighbors, so how could they not know each other.

"Fellow daoist, this time we want to establish the six realms of reincarnation, use the reincarnation of cause and effect to make up for the damage of the heaven and the way, and set the order of the heaven and the earth, so that the creatures in the prehistoric wilderness will multiply and prosper, and the good and evil of the creatures will be accomplished. We need the help of fellow daoists." Sansheng Taoist is not polite , directly stated the purpose, he knew that Styx would not refuse.

Sure enough, when Styx heard it, his eyes lit up and he said loudly:
"Okay, how to establish the six reincarnations, although the poor Taoist has no great talent, he is willing to contribute."

Although Styx doesn't like to walk around in the wild, he also knows that this is a great merit. If it is done, he can get part of the merit.With his current cultivation base, although his merits can no longer improve his cultivation base, they can also be used to prolong the luck of the Asura clan.Moreover, with the protection of these merits and virtues, as long as he does not commit suicide, even the sages of the heavenly way would not dare to provoke him in the wild.

"Among the six realms, there is Asura. You need to inform fellow Taoists about this matter first." Hou Tu said lightly.

"What, there is Asura? Fellow Daoists of Houtu are merciful and merciful, and they protect the common people. Styx is willing to help you." Styx was shocked when he heard that, but he was overjoyed immediately. Can't run anymore.

Both of them knew what kind of person Styx was. Naturally, he couldn't hide his small thoughts from the two of them, but they didn't point it out.

"Thank you fellow daoist for your guidance. Houtu is very grateful this time." Houtu then thanked Taoist Sansheng.

However, Taoist Sansheng's interest was not high all the time. Seeing Houtu like this, he just responded casually.

After stepping out, Houtu's momentum erupted, and a strong Wutu Qi emanated from his body.


Suddenly a vast, sacred and ancient coercion of heaven and earth was suppressed, and the meaning of endless mercy and pity for the common people permeated the prehistoric world.


Throughout the prehistoric world, blood rained suddenly from the sky and sprinkled all over the earth.

This is the great sorrow of the world, the great sorrow of the common people!
"What? What happened? How could the world have such a drastic change?"

"No, this kind of compassion can actually affect my state of mind. much strength does it take to do it?"

"No, I can't help crying!"

"Ah! Why am I crying, what happened?"

"This... what's going on, my heart is so sad!"

"No. I can't stand it, wow!"

"Whoa! Whoa!"


The six sages of the Great Desolation suddenly changed their expressions and looked towards the sea of ​​blood.In Yuxu Palace, Yuanshi looked complicated, and said silently: "You still chose this path after all. Sigh..."

A faint long sigh, sighing all the helplessness in the world.

Just when all the powerhouses in the prehistoric world were discussing, a huge figure, like the sky and the earth, suddenly appeared and stood standing between the sky and the earth.

That is the body of the ancestral witch of Houtu!

Endless rays of light emanated from Houtu's body, auspicious clouds enveloped her delicate body, and a ray of compassion for the common people, the heaven and the people, erupted from her body and spread to the entire prehistoric world.

At this moment, Houtu is like a god's mansion, with a majestic power, which is even worse than that of a sage of heaven.

"There is a deficiency in the way of heaven, and all living beings are suffering. I am the blood of the Pangu clan, the ancestor of the witch clan, and the queen of the witches. Today, I feel that the world is incomplete and that there is a lack of reincarnation. It is the great plan of the people in the world. I am willing to evolve the reincarnation of the world with my body to make up the world!"


(End of this chapter)

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