Chapter 155

"Bang bang bang..."

In the world of stars, Pangu's real body and Xingchen's real body are like two huge life harvesters. Every time they attack, a blood mist explodes, and a piece of monster, witch, human or robbery falls down.


Pan Gu's avatar let out an angry roar, turned his head, and stared ferociously at Xingchen's avatar in front of him, the bloody light in his violent eyes fluctuated, and the strong killing intent almost condensed into substance.


A black light flickered on the huge arm, and a series of golden divine lines covered the entire arm of Pan Gu's real body, looking like a series of ferocious centipedes, extremely ferocious.


The thick arm punched the star giant fiercely, and the space of hundreds of thousands of miles collapsed, like a hit glass, shattered inch by inch, making a rattling sound, and the huge fist wind rolled up endless spiritual energy, forming a The vast river of tens of thousands of meters rumbled towards Di Jun.

"Bang!" "Bang!" "Bang!"...

One of the star gods in Zhou Tian's star formation holds the mysterious formula in their hands, and countless starlight overflows, forming huge stars, and then explodes towards the vast long river, creating waves of violent shock waves. Scattered long river.

At the same time, Dijun's star avatar instantly punched tens of thousands of punches, and an avenue of stars hundreds of millions of miles long appeared from the void. Disillusionment, interpreting the truth of the infinite star avenue.

All kinds of stars and Taoism are manifested in it, just by taking a look, it will make people immerse themselves in it, unable to extricate themselves.


The Avenue of Stars blasted through the void, as if it came across from ancient times, and a kind of supreme power was derived from it, carrying infinite imperial power and killing towards Pangu's real body in an instant.


As if his dignity was being challenged, Pan Gu stepped on his legs fiercely.


The entire prehistoric world was shaken violently, the surrounding hundreds of thousands of miles of ground were directly shattered, the space became shattered, layers of powder swayed, and the entire sky seemed to become blurred.

At this moment, countless black and fierce aura rose from all over the prehistoric area, turning into ferocious black dragons, roaring and shooting towards the battlefield.

Not long after, Pan Guzhen was covered with a layer of black clouds tens of millions of miles away, covering the entire battlefield. The sun, the moon, and the stars were dim, like an eternal night.


Pan Guzhen held up the huge sky-lifting Pangu ax formed by the evil spirit of the law, and the invisible murderous intentions that shattered everything swept the entire battlefield in an instant, and huge abysses spread far away with the giant as the source.


The evil energy surged all over Pan Gu's real body, and he slashed the Pangu ax forward fiercely. The ax blade formed by the condensed evil energy cut through the void, as if opening up the world, and mercilessly slashed towards the Avenue of Stars.


The blade of the ax collided with the starlight, making a violent explosion, and the entire space shook violently. The huge aftermath instantly strangled billions of monks of the three races. At the point of the collision, a huge black hole slowly appeared, swallowing up all life around it. , A series of terrifying space storms swept across.


Pan Gu's true body stepped out, straddled the endless void, and slashed violently with ax after ax.The space at this moment is like paper paste, with huge gaps being split.


The Xingchen real body was not afraid either, holding the Xingchen sword and the witch-butcher sword to kill Pan Gu's real body, and the two fought together.Space storms continue, sweeping the world with a world-destroying power.

The earth is ups and downs, the starry sky is shattered, the mountains and rivers are shattered, and the rivers are raging. A scene of the end of the world is coming.

At the same time, Xuantian also fought with Donghuang Taiyi, and the battle reached the most critical step.

Xuantian's Martial Ancestor Dharma stands upright, his whole body exudes immeasurable golden light, his big hands cover the void, the divine light flickers, condensing an incomparably majestic power, in an instant, the void is turbulent, turning into a net covering the sky, covering the void, freezing the space , everywhere, to block all the visible and invisible voids around, and to surround Donghuang Taiyi.

"Skynet is extensive, sparse but not leaky! Luo Tiannet!"

"Eastern Emperor Taiyi, a generation of demon emperors, you should also be on your way."

Xuan Tian spoke softly, his words were filled with indifference.As soon as the words fell, in the next moment, boundless divine power shot out, and with him lightly withdrawing with a palm, an unrivaled force surged out, and in an instant, the universe shook, like the vast sea in ten directions boiling, majestic The power of the palm rushes against the nine heavens, pierces through Xiaohan, and goes straight to the East Emperor Taiyi for a heavy blow, which has the power to swallow the sky and the earth.

Donghuang Taiyi took a deep breath, breathed out the wind and thunder of heaven and earth, surrounded by endless real fire from the sun, gushing out, the congenital divine fire, rising into a prairie fire, like a monstrous sea of ​​fire, covering the sky, but there are boundless stars and sky, from the boundless sea of ​​fire Derivative generation, deep, bottomless.

"The vast world, Hunyuan opens the sky!"

Facing the person in front of him, Donghuang Taiyi didn't have the slightest grasp, and didn't dare to be careless in his heart. With a loud shout, his mana surged, and it circulated to the extreme. The endless power was poured into the Hunyuan Sword by him, turning it into boundless divine power , turned the world upside down, bursting into the sky with anger.

He saw a soaring sword pillar, centered on Donghuang Taiyi, with endless sharp air splitting away in all directions, the sword air was vertical and horizontal, filling the universe, and the space was broken.


With a loud shout, the sword light soared into the sky, shaking the sky and the earth, and then the sound of heaven and earth cracking erupted all around. Coming, almost instantly, with immeasurable power, collided with Zhantian Jianguang, making an ear-shattering loud noise, people couldn't help being shocked by it, and felt very uncomfortable in their hearts .

In the sky and on the ground, huge cracks are spreading and collapsing, criss-crossing and spreading to all directions. The endless void seems to be constantly collapsing.The void imprisoned by the net has long been shattered, and endless power is erupting, like clouds and mist, rushing up, densely covering the surrounding space, and shattering the four poles of the world.


Dong Huangtai held a fierce sword in one hand, staggered back, blood spurted out of his mouth, there was a huge palm print on his chest, and his whole body was sluggish.Obviously, he was seriously injured.

"In the late stage of quasi-sage, did you break through?"

Xuan Tian opened his mouth in astonishment, with a bit of exclamation in his words, he said:

"As expected of the peerless Demon Emperor, unfortunately, it is your misfortune to meet this ancestor. Even if you break through today, you will not be able to escape the fate of extinction."

"Emperor, Lao Tzu comes first, and God comes second. In heaven and earth, I am the only one!"


(End of this chapter)

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