Chapter 156 Tragic (third shift)
"Emperor, Lao Tzu is first, and God is second! In heaven and earth, I am the only one!"

The Eastern Emperor Taiyi burst into anger, shouted loudly, and his whole body was astonishingly powerful. He sounded an incomparably hot sun, burning the sky and the earth. His eyes were shining with golden flames. He seemed to be transformed into a round of Haoyang, slowly rising into the sky, condensing The strength of the whole body is about to burst into this final brilliance.

Donghuang Taiyi spared no effort to explode unprecedented power, the fierce light on the Hunyuan sword was thick, and the endless imperial power shocked the void, spreading to all sides.

Donghuang Taiyi's aura changed drastically, with blond hair fluttering around his head, his eyes were hollow, and he was extremely terrifying. The aura of a fairy disappeared completely, like a real emperor, like a demon god.


Endless hatred, raging rage, murderous aura all over the sky, like a vast ocean of murderous intent, drowned Xuantian at once, Donghuang Taiyi condensed all the energy and spirit of his whole body into one point, and poured all the energy into the Hunyuan sword. Wei Taotian, compared to before, his power has soared by more than ten times, forming a terrifying imperial space.


With a resounding sword chant, the heavens and the earth are respectful, and the Hunyuan Sword's light is brilliant and domineering, covering the whole world, and the mighty mighty Emperor, like the ruler of the heavens and the earth, directly presses down on Xuantian.

"Is this your fatal blow? It's really amazing!"

Xuantian was not afraid, facing Donghuangtaiyi's full blow, he didn't retreat at all, he stepped forward with one step, smashing the space confinement forcefully, and breaking Donghuangtaiyi's godless power.

Xuantian's whole body shined brightly, and a powerful mysterious force emanated from him. His whole body's aura surged, like an ancient god, stepping on the land of the galaxy, ignoring the common people in the world, and controlling the life and death of all living beings.

When the Hunyuan Sword was attacked, it struggled continuously. The surrounding void was like boiling water. The turbulent earth, water, fire, and wind were tumbling endlessly. The endless spiritual power flowed towards the Hunyuan Sword like a torrential river, and was absorbed by it. The Hunyuan sword exploded out, extremely magnificent.

"My fate is in my hands, go to hell!"

At this moment, Donghuang Taiyi seemed to be completely crazy. Huge power was poured into the sword, and the surging mana in his whole body was also the same. In the Hunyuan sword.

The Hunyuan sword obtained everything about the Eastern Emperor Taiyi, exuding the power of destroying the world. At this moment, the Eastern Emperor Taiyi is the sword, and the sword is the Eastern Emperor Taiyi. The two have been integrated into one.

Unsuccessful, they become benevolent.

"Oh? Is this your strongest blow? You want to die with this ancestor. This ancestor has to tell you a cruel fact. Even if your strength has greatly increased, the sword of Hunyuan is still not enough in the eyes of this ancestor. look."

Xuantian said indifferently, there was an aura of dominating the world all over his body, as if the world was shattered, but it was not enough to shake his mind, let alone make him bow his head and accept his fate.

The Hunyuan Sword, with the momentum of breaking the sky, cut towards Xuantian with an incredible explosive speed, the sun and the moon were dimmed, the stars were shattered, everything in the sky and the earth seemed to disappear, only this bright sword remained, and it It seems to have crossed the endless river of time and cut it from the vastness.

With one sword strike, everything will be wiped out.


The void fluctuated for a while, and Xuantian's Martial Ancestor Dharma Aspect was full of golden light, dominating the void, dominating the heaven and earth.He looked at the bright sword that was cutting towards him, and said lightly:
"The heaven and the earth will be destroyed, the six realms will perish, all dharmas will be me, and the way of martial arts will be eternal!"

A huge martial character stands horizontally in the void, emitting unprecedented light, infinite divine light, immeasurable Taoism, endless divine power, shattering the void, destroying all things, and the Hunyuan Sword was hit by an unprecedented terrifying force. Quiet, the sky and the earth are dim, endless water, fire, and wind emanate out, as if Pangu split the sky and the earth, endless ripples sway all over the prehistoric world.

Big sound and hope, the elephant is invisible!
The continent was shattered, the starry sky sank, the void collapsed, the storm continued, and the area was blurred for hundreds of millions of miles.

Donghuang Taiyi's life-threatening blow was suppressed by Xuantian with supreme martial arts. The two sides fought, and the most intense confrontation broke out. The Hunyuan Sword fell into the void and became dim.This top-grade innate spirit treasure Hunyuan sword is considered useless from now on.


Immediately, there was a wave in the void, and the imprisoned space shattered inch by inch. A stream of light flashed and landed hundreds of feet away, and the Eastern Emperor Taiyi landed.

His primordial spirit dimmed for a while, his whole body was scarred and bloody, and his life was like a candle in the wind, which might go out at any time.

"Wuta, get out!"

Xuantian's eyes didn't fluctuate, he flipped with one hand, and a martial tower appeared, the martial tower quickly became larger, and moved towards Donghuang Taiyi to suppress it.As a result, without any accidents, a generation of peerless demon emperor, Donghuang Taiyi, was suppressed by life and death just like that.

In fact, Donghuang Taiyi's desperate blow in this confrontation already had the idea of ​​perishing together. It is already a great joy for him to be able to survive. Today, his foundation has collapsed, his magic power has been lost, and his life With no more than a hundred years left, it would be easy for Xuantian to suppress him.

This is the end of the fate of a demon emperor.


At this time, the battle between Xingchen's real body and Pangu's real body reached the final stage.Hearing a violent explosion, the starlight world has already been shattered, and the real body of the star is dimmed for a while, the whole body is broken, and it may shatter at any time.Pangu's real body has long been broken, and now only Xuanming, Dijiang, Zhu Jiuyin, and Qiangliang are left among the eight great ancestor witches. It was a direct death, and the twelve demon-killing banners were scattered on the ground, dim.

The 360 ​​demon kings of the Yaozu's five big Luo Jinxians who arranged the Zhoutian Star Dou formation are also not much left to talk about.The starlight was scattered, and the demon emperor Dijun fell down in the void. His hair was covered with hair, blood was stained, and his whole body was in chaos. He looked like a beggar at this moment, and he didn't have the supreme majesty of the demon emperor.


Di Jun spat out a mouthful of blood, his eyes were filled with anger, and he shouted loudly: "Xuantian, you must die!"

But he knew that the death of the Eastern Emperor Taiyi would not be in Xuantian's hands.Thinking of the relationship between the two brothers over the years, Donghuang Taiyi helped him all the time, and even the title of the demon emperor had never competed with him.The friendship of countless years has long been higher than the sky and thicker than the earth. Now that the Eastern Emperor Taiyi has died, one can imagine the anger in his heart.

"I think back then, we were so high-spirited and ambitious. Together we determined to do something earth-shattering. For so many years, you have been silently supporting me, but now... huh! huh huh!"

Di Jun muttered to himself in a low voice, and in the end, he laughed wildly, looking at the endless monster brothers lying in a pool of blood, and at the crumbling starry sky, he laughed loudly:

"Heavenly Emperor, what a ridiculous title. Under the saints, they are all ants, so where does the Heavenly Emperor come from?"

"At the beginning, I vowed to bring the Yaozu to glory. Now, what face do I have to face countless Yaozu brothers?"

Di Jun's eyes were full of madness, his face was gloomy, his eyes flickered with coldness, he glanced around Xuan Tian, ​​Di Jiang and the others, and secretly said in his heart: "Xi He, farewell, Second Brother, I'm here to accompany you."

"Haha! If there is an afterlife, I will slaughter all humans and witches. There is no saint in the world! Haha!" Di Jun let out a long roar, and rushed towards the Wu Clan Di Jiang and the others, exploding himself with a bang.

"not good!"

Seeing this, Di Jiang and the others knew Di Jun's plan immediately, and their faces were shocked immediately, and they wanted to escape, but it was too late.


How amazing is the self-destruction of a strong late quasi-sage, powerful enough to harm a saint.The air wave rushed straight to the sky, and even shattered in a radius of hundreds of millions of miles. The space shattered, the void collapsed, black holes continued to grow, and mountains and rivers were completely shattered.

"Demon Emperor!"

Seeing this, everyone in the Yaozu was shocked, and then their eyes flashed fiercely, and they exploded towards the surrounding enemies one by one.


"Bang!" "Bang!" "Bang!"...

Earth-shattering explosions sounded densely, and huge mushroom clouds rose across the battlefield.Suddenly, the whole prehistoric world began to shake violently.

The world will be destroyed, and the whole world will be sad!
 It's three o'clock tonight.

(End of this chapter)

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