Chapter 180

But among the human tribes, after these years of Fuxi's governance, the human race has become more and more powerful. Although the number of warriors has increased, they are still a small part of the human race, and ordinary people still occupy an absolute numerical advantage.

Warriors can get rid of diseases and avoid disasters through practice, but ordinary people can't. They need the protection of the strong, otherwise they will often encounter various natural and man-made disasters.

Fuxi has been troubled by this problem all these years.Although he knew what to do, he lacked the most critical opportunity to realize the innate gossip.

On this day, Fuxi came to the bank of Luoshui River and sat by the river, thinking about some problems quietly, and also quietly comprehending the avenue of this world.

The more perfect a world is, the more difficult it is to touch and comprehend the Dao, but if it can be comprehended thoroughly, it is also the most powerful.For example, in the world he was in before, the heaven and earth were incomplete, the avenues were not perfect, and many avenues were missing, so it became much easier to realize the Tao, but that would also lead to the incompleteness of his own avenues, with many shortcomings.Now that I have come to this world, it is impossible for me to realize the Dao casually like before.

But for him, this is also a new starting point for everything. The more perfect the Dao of Heaven and Earth is, the deeper his foundation will be, and the more perfect the Dao he will realize will be.He found that the avenues of this world compared with the avenues of the world before him are just like adults comparing children, it is simply incomparable.

For such a place where Taoism is complete, he naturally wants to seize the opportunity and try to prove Taoism as soon as possible.

With Fuxi's cultivation experience from the previous life, plus this life, he is the destined holy emperor of the human race. It can be said that he is now the protagonist, or the son of luck of an era, with a strong luck in his body, just In hundreds of years, he has cultivated to the peak of the heaven and earth law state, which is equivalent to the peak of the Daluo Jinxian. This cultivation speed is simply astonishing.However, considering the endless luck gathered in his body at the moment, this speed is justified.

Fu Xi compared for a while, he found that the supreme being in his previous world was equivalent to the golden fairy in the prehistoric world, that is to say, he has already surpassed himself in the previous life.

The sky and the earth are long, and three months pass by in a flash.During these three months, Fuxi did not move at all, as if he had fallen into some kind of enlightenment.Sometimes he looked at the trails of the stars in the sky, and sometimes he looked at the mountains and rivers in nature. Among these most ordinary powers, it seemed that there was some kind of most unusual power.

Bit by bit, every mountain, every river, every grass, every tree, every sand and stone, they all seemed to be moving along a certain track, he wanted to catch them, but the timing was a little bit behind.

"What's wrong?"

Fuxi was thinking silently, but he didn't feel anxious at all, because he knew that it was useless for him to be anxious, and it would destroy this state of mind instead.

On this day, the sky is bright and the sky is clear, the Haoyang is in the sky, and the sun is shining brightly.Suddenly, the sound of running water came from falling into the water.

"Whoa, whoa, whoa..."

There was a beast roaring in the voice, as if some kind of water beast appeared in Luoshui, Fuxi's expression moved, and he looked over quickly.

When he looked at it, he saw that not far in front of him, there was a strange beast coming across the waves.

He looked at it himself and found that this beast was not a fierce one, but a gentle one.It is eight feet and five inches tall, with a body shape that looks like a horse but not a horse. It has a dragon head, dragon claws, and dragon scales on its body. The dragon scales exude bursts of white light and are full of a sacred aura.

"This is an auspicious beast, could it be the legendary dragon horse?"

Fuxi was also very knowledgeable, and easily recognized the name of this strange beast.

Looking at the dragon and horse walking towards him, the eyes of the dragon and horse were shining with wisdom, it seemed to be extremely gentle, and it looked like an auspicious beast at first sight, Fuxi was happy in his heart, but he didn't know why the dragon and horse came looking for him.

"Hey! There is something on the back of this dragon horse? It seems to be a book and a picture? Well, this wave of precious light is definitely an innate spirit treasure, and it is not an ordinary innate spirit treasure. Could it be my chance? ?”

Fu Xi was surprised to see the dragon horse prostrate in front of him, showing its back to himself, and on its back, there were a picture and a book, all of which exuded bright precious light, quite miraculous.

"I heard from the teacher that I have a chance here, and it depends on this time whether I can realize the Tao. Could it be that this chance is these two innate spiritual treasures?" Fuxi asked in surprise.

"Looking at the appearance of the two spiritual treasures, could it be that they are Hetu and Luoshu in the battle between the witches, demons, and humans? The monsters rely on these two top-quality spiritual treasures to form the Zhoutian Xingchen array , Across the Three Realms, invincible in the world. But it is said that these two spirit treasures disappeared later, could it be that what is in front of you is the Hetu and Luoshu of the monster clan?"

"If this is the case, it is definitely a great opportunity. Maybe my gossip will be on this chance. If I can comprehend these two spiritual treasures, I will definitely be able to perfect the Dao and realize the innate gossip again." There is something in Fuxi's eyes. So enlightened.

Fuxi's face was ecstatic, and he took down the two top-quality congenital treasures of Hetu and Luoshu on the dragon horse's back. He came to the river, sat down cross-legged, and began to study these two spiritual treasures with thoughtful eyes.

But the dragon horse didn't leave, it looked at Fuxi by the river with smart eyes, and lay quietly on the ground.


Dao rhymes flowed, mysterious and mysterious, and the laws of heaven and earth came rushing towards us.The Hetu and Luoshu seemed to be born as objects of Fuxi's enlightenment, as soon as they were obtained, they were soon immersed in them.

"Sure enough, this son is very savvy, and he was immersed in it so quickly and fell into an epiphany. He is worthy of being the emperor of the human race."

In the endless void, there was a aunt and a group of people standing together, quietly watching Fuxi's every move by the river.

"Is this the emperor? It's really extraordinary." The man said.

These two people are naturally Xuandu and Fuxi's teacher Guiling Shengmao.One is a major disciple of Renjiao, and the other is a true disciple of Jiejiao, both belong to the Sanqing lineage.

"Well, Fuxi is worthy of being the reincarnation of Emperor Xi of the ancient demon clan. His talent and understanding are indeed extraordinary."

Turtle said softly.As she said that, there was still a hint of complexity on her face. Although she was Fuxi's teacher, she found that she didn't see through Fuxi at all.She faintly felt that there were bigger secrets about Fuxi, but she knew how to measure and didn't go into it. She attributed all these to the reasons of the previous life.


Xuan Du nodded, agreeing with Gui Ling's statement.

Time flies, and just like that, three months passed in a blink of an eye as the rhyme flowed.Fuxi, who was sitting cross-legged by the river, had more and more Dao rhyme, and the aura around him seemed to be undergoing some kind of transformation, as if there were countless lights of wisdom emerging from the heavenly spirit.

The light of wisdom illuminates Daqian, just like the brightness of the sun and the moon.The breath around him was churning, and the Dao Yun was running, spreading towards the surroundings.

The mystery of the rhyme is Fuxi's use of Hetu and Luoshu to completely perfect the gossip of his previous life, and also make up for many shortcomings, adding more mysteries to make it more suitable for this world.

He integrated what he had learned into the martial arts training in this life, and his strength and Taoism went a step further.



(End of this chapter)

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