My name Yuanshi of the Great Desolation

Chapter 181 Fuxiyan Eight Diagrams

Chapter 181 Fu Xiyan Gossip


There was a shock in the void, the ripples dispersed, and there was a commotion. With the help of Hetu and Luoshu, Fuxi finally deduced the way of the secret, and with a bang, a Bagua map appeared in the void.

The huge gossip map has Yin and Yang and five elements, heaven, earth, mountains, water, wind, fire, thunder, and lakes, as well as the sun, moon, stars, and heaven and earth.It is all-encompassing and contains a thousand things.During the flow of Taoist rhymes, it appeared in the void, and the vast gossip diagram that covered the sky and the sun compared to the Haoyang in the sky.

"Innate gossip, Qian, Kun, Kan, Zhen, Li, Dui, Gen, and Ji, Qian is the sky, Kun is the earth, earthquake is thunder, Kan is water, Gen is mountain, Jin is wind, Li is fire, Dui For Ze. Contains all things in the world, splits the eight directions, draws Yin and Yang in the middle, and transforms the world."

"The wheel-running king, if you don't break it now, when will it be!"

Hearing Fuxi's loud shout, his whole body shook, rumbling, endless spiritual energy gathered, Tao rhyme lingered, Tao flew up, the innate gossip diagram floated in the void, slowly rotating, a mighty avenue of heaven and earth appeared, majestic.

Immediately afterwards, a picture of the Eight Diagrams, which had been reduced countless times, flew out of his body. It was Fuxi's wheel—the Eight Diagrams Wheel!


Above the nine heavens, with Fuxi's breakthrough, endless thunderclouds gathered, but it was a catastrophe that monks had to overcome when they broke through.If you succeed, you will leap into the dragon's gate, and if you fail, you will die.

"go with!"

Hearing Fuxi's loud shout, the huge innate gossip chart in the void instantly flew up to the nine heavens, surrounded the great tribulation and thunder, and wiped it out alive.

The gossip spread across the sky, and the brilliance shone in the sky, and then, a mighty voice spread throughout the world, resounding through the sky:
"Once the samsara is gone, the world will change for Fuxi in the two lives!

Taiji Liangyi Yin and Yang Dao, five elements and eight trigrams Yitian way! "

Once Fuxi realized Taoism and gossip, visions spread across the sky, covering the sky and covering the sun, shaking the heavens and the earth, breaking through the realm of the wheel-running emperor, with majestic momentum, sweeping the universe and shaking the sky.

The huge movement, in an instant, attracted the attention of the human race and the great gods from all walks of life in the three realms. In an instant, countless spiritual thoughts descended into the void.

"Huh? Fuxi has broken through the realm of the wheel-turning emperor, so he can take over the position of the co-lord of the human race and manage the human race." Among the human race, many high-level human races said with a smile.

Among the human race, Martial Patriarch Xuantian has long stipulated that if he wants to become the co-lord of the human race, he must cultivate to the level of the king of the wheel, otherwise no matter how much he contributes, he cannot become the co-lord of the human race.

Fuxi's previous contribution has already met the requirements, but his cultivation level is not enough, so he has always been the leader of the tribe, and has not become the leader of the entire human race. Although he has a great reputation, he is not the co-lord of the human race after all.

Now, once Fuxi had an epiphany and became an emperor, he could be in charge of the human race.

"Come here, the leaders of the Chuan-Human Clan come to the Hall of the Ancestors to discuss the important affairs of the Human Clan." A majestic voice came from above the Martial Palace on the highest peak of Shouyang Mountain.

"Yes, Martial Ancestor!"

"Fuxi is going to prove the Taoism to the emperor, and the human race needs another great power?" The great supernatural powers trembled, looking at Fuxi by the river, and said in surprise.

"The Heavenly Emperor's Avenue, the position of the great emperor of the human race, is not far away!" On the high platform of Wa Palace, Nuwa looked at Fuxi with a sweet smile on her face. arrive.

Except for Nuwa, the other saints, Sanqing, Jieyin, and Zhunti all frowned and looked at Fuxi with different expressions, some excited, some indifferent, some jealous, some...

"I've seen two fellow Taoists!" Fuxi opened his eyes, looked at Xuandu and Guiling in the void, and bowed his hands.

"I've met fellow daoist, congratulations fellow daoist who has broken through the wheel-turning emperor, and the emperor is not far away."

Xuandu also cupped his hands and replied, he still envied people like Fuxi, who could break through the quasi-sage after practicing for hundreds of thousands of years, but he himself had practiced for tens of thousands of years, and was still hovering at the peak of Da Luo, wanting to break through , and a little bit worse.If the luck is strong, it is good, and everything will be smooth, and the heaven and the earth will help it.Unfortunately, not everyone has such qualifications.

"I have seen fellow Daoist."

The Holy Mother of the Turtle Spirit looked at Fuxi with a complicated expression. After all, it was still a master-student relationship before. Although such a master-student relationship has many utilitarian calculations, it is not pure, but it is a master-student after all, and now the disciples have surpassed themselves , her mood is not complicated.

At the same time, seeing Fuxi's attitude, she guessed that Fuxi had awakened the memory of her previous life. In Fuxi's previous life, she was a Yaozu Xihuang, a master of the late quasi-sage, and she was just born when she died. Can someone call you Fellow Daoist, that is how I value you.

In fact, she guessed wrong, Fuxi has not yet awakened the memory of Honghuang Fuxi, he has always carried the memory of Shenzhou Fuxi, he has always understood the purpose of Guiling to accept him as an apprentice, but before he was weak, I haven't said much, now that I have broken through to the quasi-sage, of course I won't call Teacher Guiling anymore.

After the three of them had a conversation, the turtle spirit still followed Fuxi back to the human race. After all, Fuxi hadn't become the emperor yet, so her mission was not over.And Xuandu went to visit relatives in other human tribes in the wilderness. After all, he was also a human tribe before, and now he can be regarded as returning home.

When Fuxi returned to the human race, he was immediately summoned by the higher-ups of the human race. After some discussion, Fuxi succeeded the co-lord of the human race and led the entire human tribe, just like the fourth ancestor of the human race before, but now the fourth ancestor of the human race has retired and retired from the world. After cultivating, it is equivalent to the guardian of the human race.

Fuxi succeeded as the co-lord of the human race, and his prestige reached its peak, and everyone in the human race knew it well.He began to use his own means to integrate the human race, compile the system for the human race, formulate the rules of the human race, revise the etiquette, and lead the human race to its peak.

At the same time, Fuxi also passed on the innate gossip he had learned to some talented human races. After all, his original intention of creating the innate gossip was to seek benefits and avoid harm for the human race, determine good and bad fortune, and calculate the future of heaven.If it is not passed on to the human race, how can he alone save the entire human race?

In the fifth year of Fuxi's accession to the throne, he married a wife who was his sister Nuwa.Nuwa of the human race has been with Fuxi all these years, helping the human race to formulate many systems.

Make sheng and reeds, make rituals and music; make marriages, match men and women.

It was Nuwa of the human race who established the marriage system of the human race. This is the human marriage among the three marriages of heaven, earth and man. Since then, the human race has had marriage.

Beyond the chaotic sky, in Wa Palace.

Nuwa looked at the human Nuwa with a happy smile, and she also smiled on her own face, but this smile was somewhat bitter and bitter.

She knew that she couldn't stay with her brother Fuxi all the time, and she owed him a lot, so she cut off her emotional body for her brother Fuxi, and reincarnated with Fuxi.Now that reincarnation has returned, Fuxi and that emotional body have also become husband and wife, which can be regarded as a happy ending.

Today's self can be regarded as letting go of the obsession in his heart and focusing on realizing the Dao with all his heart.

Others don't understand why she does it, and only she understands it.Now the human race's reincarnated emotional body has also been cut off by her and has become an independent person.

Fuxi is no longer the former Fuxi, and Nuwa is no longer the former Nuwa. The previous Fuxi is dead. He has always been in the heart of the sage Nuwa, but the present Fuxi is no longer her former one. Brother, Fuxi of the Yaozu is gone.

At this moment, Nuwa seemed to understand something, and there seemed to be more things she didn't understand.Her heart seemed to have broken the shackles, and her state of mind had improved a lot at this moment, as if she had less hope and more comprehension.

Immediately afterwards, a terrifying coercion rose, Nuwa broke through and became a saint in the third heaven of saints.

On Kunlun Mountain, Yuanshi felt something, looked up at the direction of Wa Palace, and then at Nuwa among the human race, as if he understood something.However, instead of paying more attention to Nuwa, he turned his attention to a child on the top of a human tribe's mountain.The child was only three or four years old, but his face was full of determination.

Yuanshi seems to be more interested in this child than Nuwa. To him, Nuwa's breakthrough to the third heaven is not enough for him, but this child is different. Because of the child's name, he is destined to be extraordinary.
This child's surname is Jiang, and his name is Lieshan. He belongs to the Jiang surnamed tribe. His father is the leader of the tribe, Emperor Kui.


(End of this chapter)

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