My name Yuanshi of the Great Desolation

Chapter 189 Fate, Time, Life and Death

Chapter 189 Fate, Time, Life and Death
In the prehistoric world, the rise of the world of spirits and gods, I don't know what changes it will bring to the prehistoric world. Apart from other things, the strength among the various races will be more than doubled.

The wheel of history is always moving forward and will not stop.No matter if there is one more Spiritual God Realm, or someone is missing, it still cannot be changed in the slightest.Years are long, after all, we have to look forward.

Time flows like a river, and in a blink of an eye, 500 years have passed.

The Great Desolation is still the same Great Desolation as before, not much has changed, the only thing that has changed is that there are more masters in the Great Desolation, and the friction between various ethnic groups has also increased.

Because of the existence of the Spiritual God Realm, the battle between the prehistoric and myriad races eventually affected the forces in the Primordial Desolation, and the cause and effect of the Spiritual God Realm was drawn to the outside world to end.As a result, in the prehistoric times, all ethnic groups were ready to move, fighting endlessly.

But these have not changed anything, the human race is still the protagonist of the world, the most powerful clan in the prehistoric world, has Fuxiyan gossip, respects the co-lord of the human race, and rules the world. Among the human race, masters continue to emerge, and the human race is becoming more and more powerful , is not something that ordinary races can provoke.

At this time, it was a night, as usual, in the wilderness, a round of bright moon rose high, the moon was like a silver plate, the moonlight hung down, sprinkled the vast land, and the huge supreme lunar star hung high, giving people a sense of wonder. A breath of tranquility.The moonlight is like water, and the silver mist is swaying and pouring down, like pieces of tulle, elegant and hazy, giving people a sense of peace and tranquility.

The ancestral land of the human race, on the Shouyang Mountain, the highest peak, in the Xuantian Hall of the Martial Palace.

Suddenly, Shouyang Mountain vibrated, the wind and clouds danced wildly, the massive energy emitted a majestic brilliance, a wave of spiritual energy was rolled up like a tide, the spiritual energy was like a sea, surging continuously, overwhelming mountains and seas, submerging this place.

In the Martial Tower, Xuantian's eyes opened, as if a divine aura shot out, and there seemed to be a Hunyuan artistic conception brewing inside, mysterious and indescribable.

"The Wheel of Time, the Wheel of Life and Death, and the Wheel of Destiny, if they don't merge at this time, when will we wait?!"

Hearing Xuan Tian's cold shout, the divine light in his eyes flashed, and there was a hint of firmness, like a thunderous roar, resounding in his body.

At the back of Xuantian's head, three divine wheels suddenly and slowly floated up, and each divine wheel seemed to be a round of Haoyang, floating behind him.The divine wheel on the top of the head has a strange red color, and there are endless Sanskrit singing sounds, as if singing praises, and as if blessings, you can faintly hear bursts of mysterious voices:
"Great destiny, eternal melody, its light, infinitely shining, every corner of the world!"

"Eternal fate, wandering in the darkness, no one can escape its control, he is the master of eternity, those who violate fate will accept its sanctions!"

"The power of destiny, it is above the heavens, and dominates the fate of all living beings!"

"Under fate, no one can escape, hundreds of millions of voids, the number of dust particles, countless worlds, the entanglement of fate that cannot be escaped, the disputes of eternal doom..."


This is the power of destiny, one of the most mysterious forces in the world.

The laws of fate, cause and effect, time, space, reincarnation, and good fortune are the strongest laws in the world.

Space is king, time is respected, fate does not come out, cause and effect are king, fortune is unparalleled, and reincarnation is infinite!
This is not just talking, but it is true.Dao has no size, but its laws have strengths and weaknesses.

The laws of fate and cause and effect are the strongest laws in the world.

This red god wheel is the wheel of fortune, a god wheel with a trace of the law of fate.May I ask, there is no one in the world who truly transcends the Dao, who can escape the control of fate?This is the power of fate, he is everywhere, no one can escape.

On the left is the milky white chakra, with a breath of vicissitudes, endless years flowing in it, as if a light stroke can take away countless times, silently, truly terrifying!
This is the wheel of time and moon, a divine wheel with a trace of the law of time, the years are silent, and in the wild, Xuantian has never heard of anyone who can escape the erosion of time.

Even if you are magnificent and arrogant, you still cannot escape the power of time. Time will also leave traces on you, and what's more, it will directly turn you into a pink skeleton.

This is the breathlessness of the years, the horror of the years!
On the upper right is a round of black and white two-color divine wheel, exuding the power of life and death, life and death transform each other, the ultimate of life is death, similarly, the ultimate of death is life, life and death are the laws that run through reincarnation, as long as you don't transcend , no one can escape life and death.

A lifetime of life, an autumn of grass and trees, is nothing more than two words of life and death.

This is the wheel of life and death, with a strong law of life and death, life and death are infinite, boundless.

The wheel of fortune, the wheel of time, and the wheel of life and death are Xuantian's three major wheels.

The moonlight remains the same, the brilliance remains unchanged, the breeze blows, the moon shines on the river, the branches sway, and the sound of coughing is like an inexplicable fairy music, like Hunyuan singing, messy and full of deep meaning.

The three god wheels are slowly approaching, they are constantly merging, and the purple gold brilliance blooms, exuding an awe-inspiring and inviolable power, like a living being, not to be offended!

I don't know how long it took, but the three divine wheels finally merged together perfectly and became a brand new divine wheel.The three complement each other, and the divine wheel becomes perfect, exuding an incomparably bright purple-gold light.

The purple-gold God Wheel floated behind him, like a god that is proud of the world, sacred and inviolable!

"My martial arts don't need much, only one is enough. One can break ten thousand ways, one method can break ten thousand dharmas! No matter how powerful you are, I will suppress them together. Therefore, the three gods must be fused into one to be considered Consummation."

"Next, the three realms of heaven, earth, and man will unite."

Xuan Tian muttered to himself, a very firm expression flashed in his eyes, it was the attachment to Tao, the pursuit of Tao!

Give up enlightenment or give me death!
At this moment, a golden light radiated from Xuantian's head, and a mysterious space faintly appeared inside.Afterwards, he heard bursts of mysterious singing sounds, as if the gods were singing, which made his brain clear for a while, and the primordial spirit clear for a while.

Immediately afterwards, on his chest, a mysterious space still appeared. In it, he seemed to be able to see the scenes of slash-and-burn farming, flimsy people igniting fire, raw hair drinking blood, fishing with nets, driving away monsters and other human ancestors. Yes, the breath of humanity, the civilization of humanity.

Finally, a chaotic mysterious space also appeared in his abdomen, where the air of chaos circulated, and this place was the source of life and the foundation of everything.It contained astonishing energy, the mass energy like a tide, all gathered here, and there were faint roars of monsters, ghosts' roars, devil's magic sounds, etc., which came out.

This is the three caves of heaven, earth, and people opened up by the Martial Dao Dongtian Venerable.

Xuantian is dressed in white clothes, sitting cross-legged in the martial tower, with black hair fluttering, his whole body shining and blooming, his body is crystal clear, and his spine is like a dragon. He is like a god king, peaceful and calm, heroic and unparalleled, arousing the power of the void , into a magic hammer, tempering his body.

The three vast mysterious caves, like the three-dimensional world, floated up and down in his body, spinning endlessly.



(End of this chapter)

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