My name Yuanshi of the Great Desolation

Chapter 190 Extreme Dao Emperor Realm

Chapter 190 Extreme Dao Emperor Realm

All of a sudden, the three worlds bombarded together in an instant, Xuan Tian brought all the strength of his body, concentrated his energy and spirit, and unleashed divine power to carry out a formidable shock.

The divine light was shining brightly, the sound of explosions continued, Xuantian was coughing up blood, but he still didn't give up, he was trying, and the three huge cave worlds collided continuously at this moment, melting into one piece.

Huge movement, earth-shattering, flames soaring into the sky, radiant and unpredictable, Xuantian at this moment is like a god of heaven.

The great supernatural beings in the prehistoric world were awakened by this huge movement.They all looked towards Human Race Shouyang Mountain, but what they saw was the madness of Human Race Martial Ancestor Xuantian.

"Oh my god! Is Martial Ancestor harming his foundation?"

"Is this guy crazy! How could he be so crazy?" People were dumbfounded, it was too scary, did they want to destroy themselves?

"Xuantian, he is... attacking the Hunyuan Realm!" Someone came out for Xuantian's purpose, and his eyes suddenly became serious.

"Another strong man who wants to break through Hunyuan, the human race Xuantian, can he successfully break through like the previous Demon Lord of Myriad Tribulations?"

All the great gods stared wide-eyed, watching Xuantian's movements, after all, what Xuantian experienced at this moment is what they will experience in the future.

Xuantian remained silent, sitting there cross-legged, as if isolated from the outside world.Immersed in his own world, trying his best to integrate the world of heaven, earth and man.


After continuous fusion and continuous coughing of blood, finally, things turned around, and the three directions of the cave were transformed into one piece, blended together, and turned into one world!
Everyone was shocked, what kind of spectacle was that?
In a trance, people seem to see a series of phantoms, majestic Lingshan, green Xiufeng, divine waterfalls flying down one after another, colorful clouds flying all over the sky, auspicious beasts and rare birds haunting, divine dragons soaring into the clouds, nine phoenixes flying, and red birds whistling in the sky. The white tiger leaps, the basalt overwhelms the sea, and the unicorn suppresses the world...

This... is like a fairyland!

This is a phantom, a phantom evolved in the cave world, indicating that there is indeed such a thing in the cave, and now it is projected through the fairy light.

Xuantian's eyes are wide open, lightning flashes are flying, his spirit is high, his body is unpredictable, and his aura is domineering, just like a unparalleled demon king descending into the world, suppressing the heavens.

The heaven, the earth, and the three great caves of man and the sky are united into one, forming a grand heaven and earth, vast and boundless, as if it can accommodate the sun, the moon, the stars, and all the heavens and myriad worlds.

"It's so powerful!" The gods were admiring and sighing.

"Martial arts, indeed, is a domineering way. If you are not careful, you will sacrifice yourself alive. Not only is it ruthless to others, but it is even more ruthless to yourself!" Someone said with emotion.

As soon as his words fell, the fairyland world shook violently. The three caves did not really blend together, but collided with each other, and they were about to break open this place.

Even Xuantian's physical body was shaking, and he was coughing up blood continuously from the corner of his mouth, which was even worse than before.

The three big cave worlds trembled together, if they really collided with everything and exploded, then he would definitely be destroyed physically and spiritually, no matter how superb his skills were, he would also fall.

"Give me a match!"

Xuan Tian shouted coldly, his face was stern, even though he had been severely injured, he still didn't give up at all, and the belief in his heart didn't waver at all, on the contrary, he became firmer.

Xuantian calmed down, drew endless energy to charge, supplemented himself, rearranged the three directions of the cave, released immortal waves, and poured endless rivers of energy on his body.


Continuous smelting, repeated blending, and finally the three caves finally merged into one, becoming a vast fairyland world.

Xuantian didn't stop there, he continued to concentrate and calm down, and introduced the 360 ​​five-star golden elixir in his body into the fairyland. He had once comprehended the monster clan's town clan formation 360 five-week star formation, at this moment, The stars in the sky are arranged in this way, with a mysterious trajectory, which is beyond words.

The golden elixir turned into stars, and the 360 ​​five-way golden elixir space in his body, along with the formation of the world, also evolved into small worlds one after another.

The stars gathered in the sky, the fresh air shook, and the descending speed was much slower. Xuantian pinched the seal formula with his hands, the yin-yang and five-element avenues circulated, the heaven and the earth became thicker, the earth was solidified, the five elements were born together, and the yin and yang merged to evolve the heaven and the earth.

Afterwards, Xuantian threw some genius treasures into the world to nourish the world.

The aura is like rain, the earth is yellow, the sea is green, the mountains are alive, the ancient trees are lush, the flowers are everywhere, the waterfalls are flying down, full of endless power of life, a scene full of vitality and vitality.

Since then, a world full of infinite possibilities has gradually taken shape, and Xuantian's Martial Dao Realm has officially broken through the World Realm, which is the Hunyuan Daluo Jinxian Realm. .

Emperor, Lao Tzu comes first, God comes second!

Martial Dao World Realm is to constantly improve the world within the body. One transformation is to break through the first level of heaven, until twelve transformations, and finally a perfect world with three thousand ways and a balance of heaven, earth and man can be formed.And to become a real immortal powerhouse is to transform the world into a real eternal world.

What is the Eternal Realm?Time cannot leave traces, time cannot destroy one's body, the world is unique, eternal life is like this from ancient times!

Of course, Xuantian is still far from that goal. He is only opening up a middle thousand world now, and he is still far away from the great thousand world, let alone the perfect world. Far.

Before the opening of the world and the Dao of Heaven, Xuantian's path to Hunyuan was paved. In the future, as long as he keeps accumulating and improving the rules of the world, there will be no bottlenecks. He can easily break through the third level of Hunyuan, the sixth level Heaven, Nine Heavens and other realm barriers.

Xuantian Feng was empty in the air, quietly standing high above the sky, condescending, looking at the dusty world in front of him, a rare sense of comfort flashed in his heart.

Suddenly, the sky and the earth shook violently, the stars in the sky kept falling, the sun and the moon began to be unstable, the void began to shake, the earth cracked, a black smoke rose, and the clear and turbid air seemed to have a tendency to coincide.

"It seems that the support of the Tianzhu is still needed!"

Xuan Tian sighed, and suddenly understood what was going on, and when he rolled his eyes, he had an idea.

Xuan Tian looked calm, stretched out his hand and made a move towards the void, and suddenly, ripples appeared in the void, and then, a huge golden figure appeared in the void.

He has the sky above his head, his feet are on the earth, his eyes are vicissitudes, and his whole body exudes immortal fluctuations, like a master of heaven and earth, it is Xuantian's heaven and earth dharma, the martial ancestor's dharma!

I didn't see how the Dharma-phase acted, but I was in a trance for a while, and then there was a huge golden beam of light that pierced the sky and stood upright. In an instant, the huge golden beam of light radiated immortal light, and an invisible martial arts law fluctuated.

He seems to be born to be a pillar of heaven and earth. Once it is propped up, it will suppress the power of heaven, earth and sky. In the world, the earth, water, fire and wind began to calm down, the world is no longer shaking, and the stars have returned to their original state.

The world shook, and an invisible wave rippled.The world seems to have become different and more solid. The stars in the sky are bright and shining, the sun rises and the moon sets, orderly, the earth gathers, the mountains are heavy, the four seasons reincarnate, and everything has returned to its original state. No more worries.

A strange feeling came to mind, that feeling is that the world seems to be much more perfect.


(End of this chapter)

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