My name Yuanshi of the Great Desolation

Chapter 201 The void is the sheath of the Xuanyuan sword, and the poison is the magic tome

Chapter 201 The void is the sheath of the Xuanyuan sword, and the poison is the magic tome


The holy sword was held in Gongsun Xuanyuan's hand, and after a ringing sound, it stopped as if resigned to fate, it no longer trembled, but lay quietly in his palm.

Obviously, Gongsun Xuanyuan has passed its test and obtained its approval.

The holy sword has a spirit, choose the master and do it!

Today, Gongsun Xuanyuan is its owner.

"Good sword!"

Xuanyuan carefully looked at the golden holy sword in his hand, only to feel that he and himself were a match made in heaven, he was overjoyed and exclaimed.

"Master, what is the name of the sword?"

Then, holding the holy sword in his hand, he asked Yuan Shi that he liked the sword very much. Sure enough, none of the gifts from the master was simple.

"The holy sword has no name. Since it has chosen its master, it naturally follows the master's name. Your name is Xuanyuan, so why not call this sword 'Xuanyuan'?" Yuan Shi said with a faint smile.

"Xuanyuan? Xuanyuan Sword, it really is a good name! Fuxi has Fuxiqin, Shennong has Shennong Cauldron, and my sword is called Xuanyuanjian!" Gongsun Xuanyuan's eyes lit up when he heard the words, and he spoke with pride.His words completely exposed his heart, he wanted to compare himself with the emperor and the emperor.


The holy sword seemed to feel what the master was thinking, and immediately, following the response, a huge golden sword pillar shot up into the sky, tearing apart the world!
When Yuan Shi saw it, he flicked his big sleeve, and instantly turned this huge golden sword pillar into nothingness, and the holy sword immediately became stable and did not dare to tremble any more.

"Uh..." Gongsun Xuanyuan turned off the fire in an instant, looking at Yuan Shi with a sullen expression on his face, feeling extremely embarrassed.

After a long time, he recovered his indifferent appearance, and asked, "Master, why doesn't this sword have a scabbard?"

"Why does it have a scabbard?" Yuan Shi asked lightly.


Gongsun Xuanyuan suddenly had nothing to say.Yes, why can't a sword have a scabbard?Who stipulates that a sword must have a scabbard.However, before he could say anything else, he heard Yuan Shi's faint voice:

"This sword actually has a scabbard. I have demonstrated it just now, but you didn't notice it."

Has a scabbard?How is this possible, why didn't I see it.Master, are you sure you are not lying to your disciple?Gongsun Xuanyuan was speechless.Wait, like a flash of lightning flashed through his mind, he suddenly thought of something.Just now he seemed to have seen his ancestor pull out the sword from the void, could it be...

Sure enough, Yuan Shi's faint voice came over again, proving his conjecture:
"Why does this sword need a scabbard to restrain it? If there is a scabbard, then this void is its scabbard!"

Gongsun Xuanyuan suddenly realized, yes, the scabbard can only restrain the spirit of the holy sword, and using the void as the scabbard, what a grandeur it is.He turned to thank Yuan Shi and said:
"Thank you master for giving me the sword!"

"Okay, you go down the mountain." Yuan Shi ordered, "At this moment in the world, when the wind and clouds are gathering, you must be careful yourself, you will bring good fortune and misfortune to yourself, no wonder others, you go!"

"Yes, master." Gongsun Xuanyuan bowed respectfully.

Then, he turned around and walked down the mountain without hesitation. When he went up the mountain a hundred years ago, he was just a child with nothing. A hundred years later, when he came down from here, he had already learned a powerful skill, and he just waited to go back. Big picture of Peng Peng.


After Gongsun Xuanyuan left, another figure appeared on the top of the mountain, it was Gongsun Xuanyuan's teacher, Guang Chengzi!


Guang Chengzi looked at Gongsun Xuanyuan's leaving back from a distance, and said with emotion, "My disciple's life has been rough and he likes to kill. I really don't know if it's good or bad for me to go away?"

"That's his mission. As the emperor among the three emperors, he was destined to fight all his life to unify the tribes of the human race. However, his life was indeed bumpy. In his life, he will fight constantly. When you meet a powerful opponent, you will need your senior brothers to help. The merits of the emperor are not so easy to get."


Guang Chengzi was surprised, then nodded, as if he understood something.Just looking at Gongsun Xuanyuan who was going away, his eyes flickered, and he didn't know what he was thinking.

Yuan Shi glanced at him lightly, and then disappeared.Only Guang Chengzi was left in place, silent.


Shennong inherited the position of co-lord. 150 years later, he vigorously developed grain production, agriculture rose rapidly, and the human race basically solved the problem of food and clothing and became strong.

However, it is precisely because the human race eats all kinds of grains and the meat of wild animals with mortal bodies, and goes up the mountain to pick wild fruits to satisfy their hunger, so they often suffer from illnesses.Among them, I don't know how many people died of this disease. For this reason, Shennong was very distressed.

Shennong himself was a teacher of Xuandu, and Xuandu was the descendant of the Supreme Saint, who was the most proficient in elixir among the prehistoric people, and Shennong naturally learned some elixir techniques along with him.Although pills can cure people's diseases, after all, pills require a lot of precious medicinal materials, and they need to be proficient in alchemy to be refined, and the quantity is still very small, so they can only be used in a small range and cannot be widely used.

For this reason, Shennong has been improving various prescriptions to simplify them, and can use a large number of common medicinal materials to solve human diseases.After a lot of experiments, more and more medicinal power was deposited in his cauldron, and the speed and success rate of alchemy increased greatly in a short time.

But even so, it still can't solve the pain problem of the human race, because the art of alchemy requires extremely high qualifications to learn, and among the human race, there are still very few people who can learn the art of alchemy.

This way is not good, it is very restrictive, Shennong had to think of another way.

After thinking about it, he thought that since herbs can make alchemy, then using herbs alone must also play a role in curing diseases?

Thinking of this possibility, his eyes suddenly brightened, and he felt that it was very possible.If he can find a way to directly consume medicinal herbs to solve the disease, he can solve a large part of the human race's ailments.

As soon as he thought of it, he directly asked his teacher Xuandu for instructions, and Xuandu did not disappoint him, and gave him a kind of elixir, which can let people who have eaten it test the medicinal properties or toxicity of plants and trees .

"Shen Nong, you must think about it, you may die because of this." Xuan Du remonstrated.

"Teacher, I have decided. Since I am the co-lord of the human race, I will solve the problems for the human race. Now that the human race is suffering from endless diseases, I have to stand up when they need me!" Shennong said firmly.

"Okay, since that's the case, I won't persuade you anymore, you can do it yourself!" Xuandu said with a deep look at Nong.

The next day, Shennong called his tribe and announced his decision. After that, he set out on the road alone, left the tribe, and embarked on the road of tasting hundreds of herbs. He wanted to use his own body to try various herbs and poison himself!
This trip lasted for dozens of springs and autumns, and decades passed in a blink of an eye. Shennong's footprints spread all over the eastern land. On that land, in the deep mountains and old forests, he can often be seen.

He would personally try the poisonous properties of various herbs, some of them were great tonics, while some were extremely poisonous, and he was even almost killed by the poison several times.

After various attempts, he also summed up a lot of experience, knowing which herbs can be eaten, what diseases can be cured, what poisons can be detoxified, and which things are highly poisonous, and they cannot be eaten, otherwise they will die.

This method of testing medicine by oneself will bear huge consequences.Over time, the poison of various plants and the medicinal power of various herbs will accumulate in his body.

After more and more time, Shennong will suffer from this increasingly intense pain and disease. This pain is like a tarsal maggot, which only sticks to his body and cannot be expelled.He would spend every day in this boundless pain, but he still didn't give up.

He even created his own unique kung fu based on the various medicinal powers and poisons in his body. It can absorb the medicinal power and poisonous power to practice, and it uses medicine and poison as the law. It is called "The God of Medicine".


 I'm sorry, I changed schools and moved dormitories today. I ran across half of the city, and the author was exhausted. Now I finally wrote a chapter, and because of the network, I couldn't send it for a long time. It's really unlucky, sorry.
(End of this chapter)

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