My name Yuanshi of the Great Desolation

Chapter 202 Shennong Caojing

Chapter 202 Shennong Baicao Sutra

Shennong traveled all over thousands of mountains and rivers, tasted all the hardships and hardships in the world, just to find the way to solve the human race's serious diseases.

Decades of experience, decades of hardship, decades of persistence, and decades of pain finally allowed him to create his own magical skill, "The God of Medicine".

"The God of Medicine" was initially divided into two parts, namely the part of the God of Medicine and the part of the God of Poison.You can practice step by step by eating various herbs or poisons. The stronger the medicinal properties or poisons, the faster your strength will naturally improve.In the end, medicine and poison are combined into one, becoming a peerless medicine god body, invulnerable to a hundred poisons and invulnerable to ten thousand medicines.

Of course, this "God of Medicine" is only his initial creation, and there are still many unreasonable things that need him to continue to improve.

In this way, decades have passed, and the pain he endured has become stronger and stronger. Of course, his cultivation base has also become stronger and stronger.Similarly, his pharmacological understanding of various herbal medicines is also very detailed.Under Shennong's continuous recording, summarization and research, he has a profound understanding of herbs, red stones, and effective prescriptions for curing diseases.

Several years later, Shennong dragged his rotting body and returned to the human tribe with a tired face. At the same time, he also brought back Baicaotu.It is said to be a hundred sketches, but in fact, the medicinal herbs recorded on it are not only hundreds, thousands, but also countless.The medicines of plants and trees recorded above range from various strange holy medicines to small common herbs that can be seen everywhere, which can be described as extremely rich.

After returning to the human race, Shennong shut himself in a small room and began to create. He wanted to compile a medical classics and pharmacopoeia.

For three months, without eating or drinking, after continuous efforts, he finally succeeded in creating, and he wrote "Shen Nong Baicao Jing".

After completing this sutra, in an instant, the color of the sky changed, and the phantoms of endless plants, trees, medicine and stones appeared in the sky, the fragrance was overflowing, and the wind and clouds rolled back.Dao rhymes circulated, Dao sounds hummed, and above the sky, there seemed to be a virtuous person, who immediately sang the sound of chanting, which was exactly the content of "Shen Nong Baicao Jing", and it was also a good cure for ordinary people.

"Ah, it's successful. The co-owner successfully compiled the "Shen Nong Baicao Jing". Such a vision must be extraordinary. In my human race, ordinary people can also have methods to treat physical diseases in the future, hahaha..."

"Great, from now on, so many clansmen will not die due to illness, haha, God bless my race, the co-lord is great."

"The co-lord personally tasted the poisonous weeds for my human race. I don't know how old he is when he comes back this time. He is almost using his life to solve the disease problem for our human race. This "Shen Nong Baicao Jing" is the result of the co-lord's life!"

"The virtue of Shennong is earth-shattering, and the merits of Shennong are comparable to the sun and the moon. It is the heart of our human race. The sun and the moon can show it, and the sky can learn from it!"


All of a sudden, some people were laughing, some were crying, some were shouting, some were stunned... At this moment, the various states of life were fully revealed, and countless human races bowed their heads and bowed to the place where Shen Nong was, shouting "Shen Nong!" Dade!"

"Shen Nong's compilation of the "Hundred Herbs Classic" is no weaker than Fuxi's use of Hetu and Luoshu to comprehend the innate gossip. This movement is not far away from the Emperor's proof!" The huge movement naturally alarmed countless great powers, They spoke out one after another, discussing the Emperor Shennong.

"Fuxi is the reincarnation of the great sage of the monster clan back then. I don't know which sage Shen Nong is the reincarnation of such a great virtue?" Some people thought of Fu Xi and doubted Shen Nong's life experience. Is he the reincarnation of some ancient sage?
"Hongyun, is that you?"

Longevity Hill, in Wuzhuang Temple, Zhen Yuanzi muttered to himself, he had some doubts that Shen Nong was the reincarnation of Hongyun, because for a moment just now, he felt Hongyun's aura, but that aura was only fleeting, he Not sure either.

"Red Cloud Taoist?"

He couldn't be sure, but Yuan Shi was sure, because Yuan Shi clearly felt the aura of a red cloud in that one-thousandth of an instant. Although the aura appeared for a short time, it was still captured by Yuan Shi.

"At the beginning, Hongyun was plotted by the Taoist ancestor and obtained the Primordial Purple Qi. Later, he was also missed by countless people because of this. In the end, he was besieged by the monster clan and the Styx River, causing him to blew himself up. But in a world that cannibalize people without spitting out their bones, it would be strange for a person like him to survive. Now that Shen Nong is reincarnated, I hope he can understand."

Yuan Shi chuckled, and stopped paying attention to Shen Nong's identity, whoever he was, it had no effect on Yuan Shi anyway.For Yuan Shi, there are only two kinds of people in his life, one is people he is interested in, and the other is passers-by.Obviously, the current Shennong matter only makes him a little bit interested.

"Shen Nong, has it succeeded?!"

Xuan Du was taken aback for a moment, but then he was overjoyed. He was happy for Shen Nong, because only he knew how much Shen Nong had endured for this day.


At the same time, the rhyme of Taoism is still flowing continuously. Above the nine heavens, the sound of chanting sutras is incessant, and countless phantoms of plants and trees emerge, as if they are explaining the great way of heaven and earth. In a short time, countless great powers have enlightened Taoism because of this, and countless people have passed through this " Agriculture-related Baicao Jing, learned pharmacology.

Today's Shennong is the master of the world.He opened up the way of medicine of plants and trees in the human race. Even if people surpass him later, his status cannot be denied, because it is like Lao Tzu who created Taoism. He is the originator of Taoism. Shake Lao Tzu's position as the originator of Taoism.

"I will thank Teacher Shennong!"

At this moment, countless human races who had been preached bowed down to Shennong.


The aura on Shennong's body was constantly increasing, and his dilapidated body was also shrouded in streaks of milky white light at this moment, and then quickly recovered at a speed visible to the naked eye.In his body, two lights of black and white flashed, and the two intertwined and entangled with each other, forming a huge two-color vortex, like a water vortex, swallowing up the tide of spiritual energy that was constantly pouring in all around.

White represents medicinal power, black represents severe poison, and the two are intertwined, just like the transformation of yin and yang, medicine produces poison, and poison produces medicine.

At this moment, Shennong's peerless medicinal body was completely completed, which meant that the "God of Medicine Canon" created by him was also completely perfected.From then on, Shennong will be invulnerable to all poisons, and all poisons can only increase his power.He, Shennong, is the god of medicine, the god of poison, and the ancestor of medicine.


The Jiuli tribe of the human race is one of the tribes born at the time of the Human-Witch Alliance. Among its tribes, there are people with dual bloodlines of humans and witches. They not only have the power of primordial spirit, but also have a strong physical body .Therefore, such tribes all respect strength. Similarly, they also inherited the militant factor of the Wu tribe and like to fight.

In this clan, there is a patriarch named Chi You. He is a member of the witch clan, and he is one of the few great witches left in the war between the three clans.Since that war, he has returned to the human tribe and mixed with the human tribe.Is there some conspiracy, or some other reason?Then I don't know.

Among the tribe, Chi You was notoriously belligerent, because when he fought, he looked like a madman, completely disregarding others, so he was called a "demon god" by others!
At this moment, Chi You, seeing countless human races worshiping Shennong, felt very dissatisfied in his heart.Because in the previous hundred years, Shennong went out to taste all kinds of herbs, and the affairs of the human race were managed by others, which made many tribes around him ready to move, and his Chiyou's Jiuli tribe was one of them.

Seeing that Shennong returned to the human race and created the "Shennong Baicao Jing" at this moment, he was very upset about it.Because he had already decided in his heart that he wanted to conquer the human race and avenge the witch race. Shennong's return had a bad influence on his plan.

However, although Shennong returned to the human race, the decision in his heart was not so easy to change.

Shennong is only suitable for developing production and developing the economy of the human race, not for ruling the human race.This is his biggest shortcoming, and it is also a fatal shortcoming. It is precisely because of this shortcoming that many human tribes are unstable.

To govern the human race, you can't just use great virtue to convince people with virtue. After all, morality is only suitable for ordinary people.Only the combination of morality and force is the kingly way.But Shennong obviously didn't know this, or he knew it, but he couldn't do it.This is the case, so he can only be Emperor Yan, not Huangdi.

The rest of the tribes also have people with different ideas at the moment. Some ambitious people are not willing to be inferior to others. Since Shennong can be the master of the world, why can't he be himself?

All of a sudden, the undercurrent of the human race surged, Fuxi?Woe?Everything is unknown!

(End of this chapter)

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