My name Yuanshi of the Great Desolation

Chapter 203 Wood Spirit World, Daoist Monarch in Distress

Chapter 203 The World of Wood Spirits, Daoist Monarch is in Distress (third shift)

The prehistoric world is developing as always. Although the human race is undercurrents, there is the existence of Shennong on the bright side. For a while, there is no big storm, but at this time, the Chaos Taoist, who is deeply in the chaos, is suddenly in danger.

Chaos is boundless and boundless, and the prehistoric universe can only be regarded as a small island in the boundless sea of ​​chaos.Chaos is vast and indescribable.In the chaos, there are many crises.

Not to mention other things, just the chaos near the prehistoric region gave birth to three thousand demon gods, not to mention other places in the chaos.

The Taoist Lord of Chaos entered Chaos alone after the Dao Demon War.He is practicing the original law of chaos, and only by traveling through chaos can he progress faster.

In these countless yuanhuis, the Taoist Lord of Chaos walked through a large area of ​​chaos and encountered countless crises.In the chaos, the most feared thing is to get lost.Once lost, it is impossible to return to the original place.

However, because Taoist Primal Chaos has Yuan Shi as his deity in the wilderness, even though he doesn't know where he is, there is a kind of induction between them somewhere, and he knows the general direction.

In chaos, confusion is the theme.Here is a gray area, there is no sky, no earth, no light and darkness, here, everything is dim, everything is chaos.Can't meet a life for a long time.If you don't have a firm Dao heart, you will collapse sooner or later.

Over the years, the Chaos Lord has encountered countless bursting chaos storms.The sky and the earth surged, and the air of chaos violently surged in, destroying everything.Even if Daoist Chaos is a strong Hunyuan, he has encountered life and death dangers several times.But, in the end, he escaped.But even if he escaped, he was still severely injured, and it took a lot of time to repair the injury afterwards.

Moreover, in the chaos, besides the chaos storm, there are also crises such as the chaos abyss, the chaos crack, and the chaos explosion.These Chaos Dao Monarchs have experienced more or less.It can be said that every time he survived the crisis of life and death.

What's more, there are inexplicable beasts living in the chaos.They are constantly destroying and creating destruction in the chaos, they are the destroyers of chaos.Their intelligence is extremely low, they only know destruction, but they are extremely powerful.Most of them have the strength of quasi-sages, and even the strength of Hunyuan Daluo Jinxian.

The Primal Chaos Daoist had been attacked by Chaos beasts more than once, but in the end he survived by relying on his own strength and wisdom.

There is a crisis in the chaos, and it is naturally accompanied by countless opportunities.Fundamentally speaking, traveling in Chaos was originally for these opportunities, if not, who would take great risks to enter Chaos.

Not to mention the magical materials and equipment in the chaos that are much more advanced than those in the prehistoric world, such as divine iron, dao gold, divine jade, and spiritual treasures, which can be used to refine countless powerful spiritual treasures. Fruits, spiritual plants, spiritual fruits, etc. are also unmatched by Honghuang.After all, how can someone who can survive in chaos be ordinary?

Of course, there are other benefits, such as a world conceived in chaos.To be able to find a world in chaos and take it for oneself is a kind of unparalleled luck and opportunity.

Different worlds breed different laws, and if you have the opportunity to comprehend the laws of other worlds and integrate them, it is an opportunity to improve your strength and morality.Not to mention the countless resources in this world.How can the resources of a world be scarce.

It's a pity that this kind of opportunity is very rare. With the luck of Chaos Taoist Chaos Tree's body, after going through countless yuan meetings, he has only encountered one, and it is also a middle-thousand world that is about to be shattered.

Living beings have a lifespan, and the world also has a lifespan.One side of the world has gone through countless years, and it will eventually be destroyed, and the world will return to chaos.After waiting for countless years, it will be conceived again, and that will be the beginning of another era.

After the Taoist Lord of Chaos discovered this world, the Taoism of this world was somewhat damaged, and it would be destroyed within a few yuanhui.The Primal Chaos Daoist couldn't just open his eyes and let it go to destruction. Since he encountered it, it was his chance.With unparalleled supernatural powers, he refined this world into his own body, nourished it with his own chaotic original avenue, and wanted to make it regain its former glory.

At the same time, he also discovered the situation in this world. There are no other races in this world, only one race, and that is the Mu clan.In this world, there is only one kind of creature, and they are born with different wood-type supernatural powers.They are all wood-type creatures.

This is a world evolved by the law of the wood system avenue.At the same time, it is not a simple wood system avenue world, because as long as it is a world, it is composed of three thousand avenues. The only difference is the proportion of their composition, the way of fusion, and the evolution of various avenues.

This wood spirit world is relatively simple.Of the 99 avenues that make up this world, [-]% are the avenues of wood, while the other [-] avenues only occupy [-]%.

It can be said that the chaos is so big that there are no surprises.This kind of world is naturally a paradise for monks who practice the way of wood, but it is also a restriction for other monks.Being too single is a huge limitation in itself.Their achievements could not have been greater.

This is the case, in this world, the strongest is a quasi-saint monk named Mu Zu.There are six people who are comparable to Da Luo Jinxian, and most of the others are those below Da Luo.This is still a powerhouse accumulated in each era of the universe.It took almost a world of chance and luck to give birth to this strong man.

This is the limit of the world.

And the only quasi-sage powerhouse is the pioneer of this world, the son of this chaotic avenue.He is a wood spirit named Tongtian Jianmu.

Therefore, in this world, although the Jianmu clan is small, it is the largest clan.It is further divided into the Jianmu master family, the World Tree family, and the Life Tree family. Among them, there are two monks who are comparable to Da Luo Jinxian.

The other four forces that are as strong as Daluo are: the Sun Clan transformed by the Fusang tree, the Moon Clan transformed by the laurel tree, the Immortal Clan transformed by the Immortal Vine, and the one-person Pantian Vine.

Of course, these laurel and Fusang are naturally insufficient compared with the many innate spiritual roots of Honghuang.After all, this world is just a middle-thousand world.

Of course, there are still some great clans, such as the Void Vine Clan, Longevity Wood Clan, Thunder Wood Clan, Green Willow Clan, etc. Their aptitude is no worse than the six major races.It's just that there is no opportunity for them to break through in this world, so they are restricted to the realm below Daluo Jinxian and are not allowed to break through. If they are given enough opportunities, they can also break through.

After the Taoist Lord of Chaos discovered this world, he naturally used his powerful strength to subdue all the monks in the world.If there is any dissatisfaction, break up their spiritual wisdom and make them return to their original body.Although this will reduce their aptitude, the Primal Chaos Lord came here for opportunities in this world, not to serve these strong men. It would be better for him if they returned to their original bodies.

In this way, after annihilating the spiritual wisdom of the powerhouses of the World Tree Clan, the Fusang Clan, and the Pantianvine Clan, Taoist Lord Chaos conquered this world.

And after collecting the wood spirit world from the distance, the Taoist Lord of Chaos has experienced many crises again, and his strength has naturally increased greatly. From the early stage of Hunyuan when he first entered Chaos, he has now entered the peak of the Hunyuan Nine Heavens , only one step away, you can enter Hunyuan Consummation.From this it can be shown that the aptitude of Chaos Taoist Chaos Tree is much stronger than that of the main body.

And the crisis that Daoist Lord of Chaos encountered this time is that he has experienced many chaotic storms before.But this storm is countless times more powerful than the previous ones, and even the Primal Chaos Lord has no confidence to survive it.

The aura of chaos in the sky turned into a huge storm and invaded. The storm was like an imaginary monstrous beast, constantly devouring chaos, from small to large, and gradually had an aura of destroying the world.

Lord Chaos estimates that even if a world stands in front of it at this moment, it will be swallowed instantly.

(End of this chapter)

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