My name Yuanshi of the Great Desolation

Chapter 204 Narrow escape, new world

Chapter 204 Narrow escape, new world

The storm continued, and thousands of chaotic waves rolled in, turning into a chaotic storm and tearing apart the void.The world is extremely dark.The void is roaring, and chaos is roaring.

An unparalleled power to destroy the world and destroy the world is brewing.

Lord Chaos Dao wanted to escape, but it was too late.It looks slow, but it's actually extremely fast.Just because the storm is too big.

Before he had time to dodge, a breath of death rushed towards his face. No matter how strong he was at the moment, he felt his insignificance at this moment.

The huge chaos storm rolled up endless chaos, and even the place where the chaos is so mysterious and solid, the space at this moment was shattered into countless huge black holes.

Chaos Taoist Lord couldn't control himself, no matter how hard his body was, he couldn't get rid of the incomparably huge tearing suction.

At this moment, the Taoist Lord of Chaos did not hesitate to wear the Taixu God Armor that he had spent countless refining materials on his body, in order to resist the terrifying power.

The Taixu God Armor is made by Chaos Daojun using Taixu God Iron as the main material and adding many other Chaos God Irons.It is so strong that even his innate treasure, the God-killing Spear, cannot damage it in the slightest, and it can also travel through the void.It was this Divine Armor that helped him survive countless chaos crises.

But at this moment, facing the endless chaotic storm, Daojun's Taixu Shentie didn't seem to have much effect, and couldn't make him move in the storm.What it can help him is only to take away some strength and block some chaotic attacks.

The earth-shattering crashing sounds continued to enter Daojun's ears, almost tearing his eardrums. At the same time, he felt that his body was moving towards the center of the storm involuntarily.


A huge air wave swept in, with the power to smash everything.Daojun only felt that he was hit hard by something, and then he heard his Taixu Shenjia creaking.

His expression changed immediately, before he had time to think about it, he gritted his teeth, and his whole body became extremely small, almost turning into a wisp of chaotic air, which was swallowed by the black hole.

Immediately, he felt an incomparably terrifying aura of devouring, destroying, chaos, and destruction attacking him. At this moment, his understanding of the law of chaos was rapidly increasing.

Gun Gun Dao Yun surged from him, but was swallowed up by the black hole immediately.

A burst of dizziness, he lost consciousness at this moment.

The world was destroyed, everything was swallowed up, leaving no trace.

After a long time, the chaotic field in the chaos gradually stabilized. With the stabilization of the field, the huge black hole that opened in the chaos gradually closed and slowly disappeared.

In the end, Chaos returned to calm, leaving behind only an incomparably huge Chaos Abyss, emitting an astonishingly destructive aura from time to time.No one would have thought that not long ago, a huge chaotic storm had occurred here.


After an unknown amount of time, Lord Chaos woke up leisurely.The moment he opened his eyes, he saw the colorful chaotic fairy energy and the northern fairy light. If he hadn't seen the broken earth and space, he would have thought this place was a fairyland.

He tried his best to roll his eyes, but he couldn't feel his own existence. His whole body was in a state of paralysis, and he didn't feel anything.

As soon as he moved his mind, he knew his current state.I saw that his whole body was in tatters at the moment, his two arms, two legs and half of his body had all been turned into nothingness, only a head and a half-disfigured body were left of him at this moment, his whole body was stained with blood, even Taixu Shenjia also became dilapidated.

Obviously, this time he was seriously injured.Although he had tried his best to protect himself at that time, but the chaotic storm was too strong, and there was nothing he could do about getting injured.It is good that there is no death at this moment.

Even though his limbs are incomplete at the moment, and only a half body is left, Chaos Daoist is not worried, as long as there is a drop of blood left, he can be reborn, not to mention that he still has half of his body.

I saw him running the exercises, his body squirmed, and gradually, his whole body exuded a dazzling chaotic light.In the blink of an eye, his crippled body gradually grew out, and even his limbs began to grow out slowly.

In just a few breaths, the body of Lord Chaos grew back.


Primal Chaos Daoist took a deep breath, his face became extremely pale at this moment, obviously, this healing was not without burden for him.

"Fortunately, the origin was not too traumatized, and it only takes a hundred years of cultivation to recover." Daojun said a little fortunately.This time it was really a narrow escape.

At this moment, Daojun has time to look at the world around him.

His huge divine sense swept around and immediately discovered the surrounding environment.

He saw that he was lying on a suspended continent at the moment.This continent is not big, only the size of a radius of ten thousand li.On the mainland, there is a piece of dilapidated, the earth seems to have been sunk, and there are no living things on it.

At the same time, Daojun frowned, and he also discovered that the immortal energy here is extremely rare, there are only scattered pieces, and there are very few longevity substances.In other words, the lifespan of those who cultivate here will be greatly reduced.

At the same time, he even discovered that the rules of heaven and earth here are different from chaos or prehistoric. Obviously, this is not chaos, but another world that he has never seen before.

His current strength has been sealed by the rules of this side of the world, but despite this, he still has the cultivation base of the middle stage of Hunyuan.He couldn't help but be sure that Hunyuan Daluo Jinxian was no longer a weak person in one world.

His spiritual thoughts gradually stretched to the distance, and gradually, he could feel that the Tao here was damaged, it was not complete, and many principles of the Tao were missing.At the same time, he also felt that the space here was a special space. Above him, Taoist Primal Chaos faintly felt that there was a more powerful rule world, and below it, there was also a world.

The Primal Chaos Daoist is thoughtful, this place is between the two worlds.He discovered that the two worlds are somewhat similar to the relationship between the fairy world and the mortal world.It's just that the rules of the mortal world here are too powerful, while the rules of the fairy world are somewhat inconsistent with the name of the fairy world.

"It seems that a long time ago in this world, there must have been some kind of war, which caused the rules of the world to be damaged." Chaos Taoist thought thoughtfully.

Daojun thought for a while, but he didn't go out, but continued to heal his injuries here. Even though there is no strong immortal energy here, he has all kinds of spiritual fruits and dao fruits brought out from the chaos.Although it is overkill to heal injuries, but at the moment he can't take care of that much anymore.For him, it is most important to ensure his peak state at all times.It is also this kind of cautious attitude that made him survive countless dangers in the chaos.

A hundred years later, after Daojun used many top spirit fruits to heal his injuries, his injuries have fully recovered.


Daojun opened his eyes, exhaled lightly, and stood up.Feeling that his injury has fully recovered, and his strength can also be displayed normally, he said:
"Not bad, not bad, produced by Chaos, it must be a boutique."

"Now it's time to go out and see this new world." As he said, the Primal Chaos Daoist took a step and disappeared in place.When he appeared again, he came to a space node.

"Although with my current strength, the boundary walls of the two worlds can be smashed. However, since there are space nodes here, it also saves me a lot of strength."

As soon as the voice fell, he pointed at the node lightly.Suddenly, a chaotic spiritual light bloomed, turning into a point and blasting towards the node.


The space opened up, and a huge fairy light passage appeared in front of him. Daojun stepped out, entered the passage, and disappeared.

In the blink of an eye, the channel disappeared again, and the space node also disappeared.As if it never appeared.


(End of this chapter)

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