My name Yuanshi of the Great Desolation

Chapter 205 Mysterious New World

Chapter 205 Mysterious New World

The next moment, the figure of the Primal Chaos Daoist appeared in a chaotic cave, in which the arctic fairy lights shone like a fairy road.

"This is a node leading to the upper realm! Unfortunately, this road has been damaged and cannot pass through people." Daojun said with emotion.

Suddenly, Taoist Lord looked towards the entrance of the cave, where there were two figures, sitting quietly cross-legged at the end of the chaos, with their backs facing all living beings, with an indescribable aura, as if nothing could stop his aura.A man of great stature, full of thick hair, there is a kind of loneliness in the silence.The other person was full of arrogance, with aura penetrating Changhong, coercing the common people.

The two figures seemed to be facing each other, confronting each other.

He knew that these were just two figures that faced each other many years ago.The reason why he was able to see them here was because of their strength, which made his mark imprinted here.At this moment, they have long disappeared.

At the same time, there was a huge fairy bell, which rang long and loudly, and a piece of runes were intertwined, shining with various Taoist symbols.

In a fairy cave, hung a divine clock completely transformed by the gods of order!

The bell is melodious, with endless boundlessness, filled with a special breath of time.Although it is only transformed by the divine pattern, the power it exhibits is still very strong.

It is this big bell that makes the chaotic channel here not disappear, but still manifest.If not, this chaotic channel would have disappeared long ago.

"Different Taos, different methods, and Taoism, an artifact from a different world." Primal Chaos Taoist's eyes flickered, and a chaotic light flashed in his eyes, looking at the big clock transformed by Taoism.

But after a while, he suppressed the light in his eyes and regained his composure.He said softly:
"The way of this world is interesting."

Chaos Daojun will comprehend and learn these principles in an instant.Although it is only transformed by the divine pattern of order and not the real body, it also contains the mystery of heaven and earth.

If an ordinary person sees this, he will be backlashed by these divine lines and die before he sees Zhong Ying, but the Taoist Lord of Chaos obviously will not.

He didn't hesitate any longer, stepped out with one step, passed two phantoms and the phantom of the divine bell, and came out of the cave.The big clock has been imprisoned, obviously when the two phantoms were fighting, one of them wanted to cause the bell to explode, but was imprisoned by the other with supernatural powers.Was beaten back to the origin and stopped here.

A palace appeared in front of Daojun's eyes. It was extremely grand, and there were many flesh and blood corpses around it. They were smashed into pieces, and the ground was covered with flesh and blood.It seems that it has been dead for at least hundreds of thousands of years.

Most of them are very ordinary, and three of them have the strength comparable to Jinxian.One is a divine tiger, the other is a corpse cultivator, and the other is a human corpse.

This place is a forbidden place for death, full of Yin Qi, corpses are everywhere, and there is a lot of dead air.But it is such a dead place that breeds a strange vitality, and it is extremely powerful.

On the vast land, there are countless corpses, which can't be seen at a glance, as if all the strong men of an era were buried.Even the ground is made of blood mud and broken bones.

The divine light burst out from the depths of Daojun's eyes, and the divine eyes opened, breaking away all illusory, making the entire palace brighten up, and the haze dissipated.

I saw above the grand palace, in a void, there was a blood-colored meat ball, which looked like a big cocoon.

The meat ball exudes a kind of magical power, which affects people's thoughts. I can't help but want to sacrifice to it and offer my own blood essence.But that kind of magical power dissipated as soon as it got close to the Taoist Lord of Chaos, and it couldn't affect it in the slightest.

"This is... a nirvana phoenix?!"

There was a strange look in Daojun's eyes. This phoenix has not yet awakened, and his strength is not very strong, only the strength of the Great Desolate Taiyi Golden Immortal.

To his surprise, the scene in front of him felt a little familiar to him.He suddenly had a guess in his mind.

I saw the Dao Lord of Chaos grabbed the huge blood ball with his big hand, and the Tao of Chaos intertwined together, imprisoning the void and preventing it from escaping.

Without any hindrance, the blood cell was directly caught by Daojun.The meat ball revived, and a brilliant light burst out from inside, illuminating the universe in five colors, and the ten lights traversed the starry sky, it was too terrifying, it was an incomparably terrifying aura.

Like a heavenly knife unsheathed, five fairy lights flew out of the flesh and blood, each of them clanging and clanging, and looking carefully, they turned out to be five feathers, strange and beautiful, brilliant and dazzling!
Dao Lord Chaos didn't care, and quickly set a restraining seal on it, no matter how it moved, it couldn't break free from the imprisonment set by Lord Dao.Daojun immediately sealed its soul, together with the strength and mana of its whole body, at this moment it is like an ordinary person.

It's really that Chaos Daojun's speed is too fast, from catching the blood ball to sealing it, it takes less than one breath.It just woke up, and it was too late to resist, so it was sealed. Of course, even if he was fully awake, it was still not enough to look at in front of Daojun.

At the edge of the universe, chaos is raging, and a sky knife is as bright as lightning, piercing through chaos, and splitting towards the Taoist Lord of Chaos.

This knife is murderous, and the air is vast. At first glance, it is a whole, and it is a simple color. When I look closely, I find that it is divided into five colors, which are actually made of five kinds of fairy gold. Together, as a whole.

The Heavenly Knife is like the first ray of light before the creation of the world. The blade is crystal clear, and the light beam is so bright that it shocks people's hearts. The knife energy spreads like the sea, shaking the eternal starry sky.

On this day, the destructive force swept across the sky, piercing the boundless universe, cutting through the darkness and coldness, the heavenly sword is in the world, and everything is unstoppable!
The terrifying light swept across, and all the stars and rivers were dimmed, as if nothing could compete with it. This knife has an unspeakable divinity, and time? The brilliance will fade in front of it.

It was awakened at this moment, took action, cut open the big universe, and came directly to the star field where the Taoist Lord of Chaos was.

The heavenly sword revived, and the divine mansion inside revived, like a mighty emperor, looking at all directions and not looking up.

Suddenly, the starry sky was cut open.A huge sky knife flew out, and the stars exploded one after another.The mighty Emperor Wei shook the starry sky.At this moment, some peerless masters were all taken aback, as if they felt something in their hearts.

"Immortal Sky Knife!" Some people were shocked when they recognized the Heavenly Knife, and they all thought it was inconceivable.

"Has anyone become an emperor?" There were also people who felt the mighty imperial prestige and prostrated themselves on the ground, trembling.

"It's... too scary!" Someone swallowed with difficulty, full of bitterness.

"My God!..."

At this moment, no one in the universe could stay calm, and they all speculated what was going on.

Colorful, streamers radiate in all directions, sword energy is like a sea, rolling up thousands of great waves, extinguishing the galaxy, and pressing towards the chaotic Taoist monarch.


Primal Chaos Daoist snorted coldly, and clapped his hands out with a palm. It was ordinary, as if he didn't make any effort, but no one should underestimate its power.

The Heavenly Knife was collapsed and flew out backwards.Although the strength of the recovery of the Heavenly Knife is extremely powerful, it is close to a blow from a Taiyi Jinxian master, but Daojun is a Hunyuan master at the moment, and he doesn't pay attention to just a knife.His strength has long since recovered, even the Heavenly Dao in this world can't even think of sealing him, let alone a knife whose strength has only reached the peak of Taiyi Jinxian.


The Heavenly Knife is very powerful, and when it comes flying again, no one dominates at all, it resurrects itself, everything is controlled by it, and it carries out slaughter, with a strong blade glow.


Daojun snorted coldly, expressing his dissatisfaction.Immediately afterwards, an indifferent voice sounded in the void:


(End of this chapter)

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