My name Yuanshi of the Great Desolation

Chapter 206 Covering the Heaven Realm, Daleiyin Temple

Chapter 206 Covering the Heaven Realm, Daleiyin Temple (third shift)

An indifferent voice sounded in this void, and suddenly, the world seemed to be imprisoned, and the world seemed to stop at this moment, and the world was silent.

The Taoist Lord of Chaos transformed into a huge handprint, and grabbed the sky knife that was constantly struggling in the void.


The void trembled, and the Heavenly Saber shone brightly, cutting open the universe, revealing the star gate, and wanted to escape.There is a thought in the sky knife that is not weaker than humans, it knows that it can't beat the person in front of it, so it wants to escape.

"Hmph! How can it be so easy to escape?"

Daojun snorted, stretched his giant hand into the void, grabbed the sky knife that wanted to escape, and imprisoned it.I grabbed it back.

"This knife is not bad, but I don't like this mansion, so let's destroy it." Daojun said.

Immediately, the light in his eyes flickered, and he looked at the Heavenly Knife, only to see a small colorful phoenix deep inside it. Is the imprisonment so easy to break free?

Without giving it any chance to speak, a faint word came out of Daojun's mouth.

Immediately, countless divine lights turned into rays of light, shooting towards the divine mansion inside the Heavenly Knife, wrapping it, the divine light was sharp, as if countless sword qi were criss-crossing.


A scream came from Tiandao, and the divine mansion was wiped out by the divine light in an instant.

Daojun put away the Heavenly Knife and looked at the huge blood ball in his hand.After thinking about it, he poured his divine sense into the blood cell and broke its primordial spirit.In an instant, countless strange messages flooded him.

After a long time, Lord Chaos opened his eyes and spit out a few words:

"The Immortal Emperor!"

Immortal Emperor?That's right, the blood cocoon in his hand is a fairy phoenix named Immortal Emperor. At this moment, Immortal Emperor is in the midst of Nirvana, at the most critical moment. Once he succeeds, he will transform, achieve a breakthrough, and greatly increase his strength.It's a pity that he met the Taoist Lord of Chaos, and he just woke up, and he was sealed by the Taoist Lord before he had time to make a move.

At the same time, from the memory of the blood cocoon, Taoist Primal Chaos also knew what kind of world this world is.

Cover the sky!
This is a world where immortal cultivation prevails, with countless star fields and countless immortal practitioners.The great world struggle, the arrogance of heaven is like rain, and all kinds of frosts compete for freedom!

Ascend the road to the sky, step on the song line, and cover the sky with your fingers!

Countless arrogances competed to determine the ultimate Emperor Supreme.

The emperor, majestic all over the world, dominates all ages!
The realms of practice in this world are: Lunhai, Daogong, Siji, Hualong, and Xiantai.Among them, Xiantai is divided into ten levels, the immortal half-step great power, the second immortal master, the third immortal king, the fourth half saint, the five saints, the sixth saint king, the seven great saints, the eight Zhundi immortals, and the immortals. Nine Great Emperors Supreme, Immortals Ten Red Dust Immortals.

Chaos Taoist compared it with the level of the prehistoric, and found that the quasi-emperor in this world is equivalent to the golden immortal of the prehistoric, the supreme emperor is equivalent to the golden immortal of Taiyi, and the immortal of the red dust is equivalent to the golden immortal of Daluo.

But after the great war in this world, the Tao is damaged, and the longevity substance is seriously lost. The quasi-emperor cannot live forever, and the emperor cannot live forever. Only when he reaches the realm of the red dust fairy can he live forever.

This made the Taoist Lord of Chaos have to sigh with emotion. Compared with the monks here, the cultivators of the wilderness are many times happier.But there are gains and losses. Although Honghuang can live forever casually, his cultivation speed and his own combat power are far inferior to the monks of the same level in this world.Although this is related to the easy comprehension of the Dao of this world, it is undeniable that this is a fact.

In this world, the emperor can only live for tens of thousands of years, and in the prehistoric and desolate, it would take tens of thousands of years to just close up.It takes tens of thousands of years to comprehend a supernatural power casually.But in the Shrouding Heaven Realm, it only takes a few years or a few months for a monk to cultivate a supernatural power.

In this comparison, Lord Chaos has to sigh with emotion, the gap is still very large.I really don't know whether the monks in the two realms should be lucky or sad?

"This world is very interesting. I like it."

Daojun said such a sentence.The monks living in this world, because of the loss of the Tao, can easily comprehend the rules of the Tao.Unlike the prehistoric world, the development of the world has tended to be perfect, the way is not manifested, the law is not manifested, it is very difficult to comprehend.

Due to the different laws of the world, it is difficult for the Dao Lord of Chaos to determine which world's way is better.But all this didn't affect him too much.The reason why he left the chaos was to comprehend the laws of different worlds, so as to control the origin of the laws of the heavens and myriad worlds.

At this moment, the law of Shrouding Heaven Realm is easy to learn, which is more beneficial to him. Naturally, he will not let go of this opportunity to make himself stronger!
Lord Chaos raised his head and looked up. He saw a seal above, and the way out must be there.With a swipe of one hand, he cut a huge hole in the seal in an instant.

One step out, and it has already appeared outside the seal.Outside is a vast ocean, as black as ink, this is a black sea.The place where Taoist Lord Chaos stood just now is under the ocean.

The Taoist Lord of Chaos stepped out again, and he didn't know how far he had passed. When he reappeared, he had already appeared on an island.The island is pitch black and sticks out of the water.

Lord Chaos knows that this is not an island, but a spine that stretches across here, huge and boundless, tens of thousands of miles long.

This is a star beast, and it is still a juvenile body. It lives by eating star cores, which is rare in ancient times.Unfortunately, it is dead.

Daojun looked up, but what he saw was the boundless black ocean, it was lifeless, there were no fish in the sea, and there were no monsters, it was a dead sea, silent.

This is clearly a world of its own.

A world mausoleum!

He looked up again, there was still a seal above, and he was still in the underground world at the moment.Break the seal, follow a dark hole, pass through the endless abyss, and come to a sea eye

This sea eye is the North Sea Eye of Yinghuo Ancient Star, but it has long since dried up, and there is no water, only countless sand grains and boulders, many of which have been washed clean, most of which are red in color.

Some people say that these are all caused by blood immersion.In the first battle, the entire ancient star was dyed red. If it were not protected by the immortal treasure, the entire solar system would no longer exist.

The Taoist Lord of Chaos continues to go up. Here, it is the first floor of the eighteen hells. It is the Yin and Yang Prison, which is divided into upper and lower floors. It is a wonderful idea to protect the former value and supplement.Use the natural power of heaven and earth to suppress the two great demon kings.

Here, Taoist Lord Chaos encountered two demons who were suppressed by Sakyamuni in the past, and Lord Taoist suppressed them in a flash.It is the divine mansion of Crocodile Zu and Dacheng's body.

Of course, before the suppression, they must not be convinced.When I met Daojun, I thought I met a newcomer and wanted to bully him.The final result was obvious, they were transformed by Daojun with his heart formula.

Daojun flicked the dust away, a huge stone pillar creaked, and after a layer of stone powder fell, nine stars sparkled and shone out.

"The coordinates of the starry sky on the eighteenth floor of hell..." Daojun was surprised, and indeed there was a mystery hidden inside.

The eight stars where the other sixteen levels of hell are located are like this, divided into upper and lower levels of prisons, distributed in the eight ancient stars.

Lord Chaos understands it well, and puts away his starry sky coordinates, and will look at it later when he has time.

When he came to the surface from the depths of the earth, what he saw was a ruined ancient temple.The magnificent halls and palaces behind the ancient temple have long since been reduced to ruins.Only a small ancient temple still stands here, giving people a sense of plainness and authenticity.

It is the Great Leiyin Temple!


(End of this chapter)

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