My name Yuanshi of the Great Desolation

Chapter 210 Welcome to Chaos Temple

Chapter 210 Welcome to Chaos Temple
Time flies, a month has passed in the blink of an eye, and on the earth, someone has discovered the existence of Nine Dragons Coffin through satellites.

At the same time, on this day, it was predestined, the protagonist Ye Fan and his classmates came to Mount Tai, but this time there was an extra one named Ye Xie.

Mount Tai is majestic, majestic and majestic. It is respected as the number one among the Five Sacred Mountains, and is known as the number one mountain in the world!
The mountain is not bigger than it, and Shimogu is with it!
Majestic and majestic, Mount Tai has a profound historical deposit, which can be traced back to the period of the Three Emperors and Five Emperors in ancient times. It is a place close to the gods.

In ancient times, many holy emperors and ancient emperors, without exception, chose to enshrine Zen here, making Mount Tai shrouded in thick fog and exuding endless mysterious atmosphere.

A group of students came to Mount Tai today and climbed Mount Tai.

"You will be at the top of the mountain, and you will see all the small mountains!" The poet sage left the eternal swan song here.

At this time, Ye Xie was wearing a long black robe, with black hair flowing all over his head, handsome appearance, cold eyes, and kept silent.He climbed Mount Tai with Ye Fan today, and also witnessed the majesty of Mount Tai.In the previous earth, he had also been to Mount Tai, but the Mount Tai in his world was not as majestic as the Mount Tai in this world.

"Hey! Ye Fan, this handsome guy is—" A woman named Lin Jia asked Ye Fan next to her when she saw Ye Xie.

"This is my friend, Ye Xie!" Ye Fan looked at Lin Jia with an inexplicable smile, and introduced to her.

"Ye Xie, eh? Grandpa?!" The woman's eyes widened, her face full of disbelief.

"That's right, it's Ye Xie."

Ye Fan on the side suppressed a smile. When he first heard the name, he had the same unbelievable expression.With such a name, how much do you want to take advantage of and how much hatred do you want to attract?Your father must have been bullied miserably when he was a child, so he chose this name to take advantage of others.

"Uh, lord—handsome guy, is that your real name?" The woman couldn't yell out.

Ye Xie raised his head and looked at the woman indifferently. His eyes were ruthless, like ice. The woman only shivered when he saw the woman. Then he nodded slowly and did not speak.


The woman immediately felt ignored. Wherever she went, there was no one who was close to her. Today, this person ignored me. Could it be that my charm has declined, or is he not good enough?However, out of politeness, she still didn't say it.

"I'm sorry, this friend of mine has this personality." Ye Fan explained, but why is there any embarrassment on his face?

"It's okay, then I'll go first." Lin Jia said, and left.

Afterwards, Ye Fan took Ye Xie to meet his friends, and if they met, Ye Xie would nod his head slightly and give a little signal. If he met someone who didn't like it, he would just ignore it .

Until the evening, the sun is setting.Suddenly, several dots appeared in the sky, and then gradually became larger, and there were gusts of wind and thunder.

Nine behemoths descended from the sky, and it turned out to be nine long black rivers hanging down. At this moment, everyone on Mount Tai was so shocked that their expressions froze and they looked at each other in astonishment.

It turned out to be nine huge dragon corpses, pulling an ancient bronze coffin and pressing it down to the peak of Mount Tai.

Dragon, the existence in legends, is juxtaposed with gods and is above the laws of nature.

Today we can actually see the legendary dragon?Is the world crazy, or are we dazzled?
After a short period of shock, the tourists began to seething, and everyone ran in panic, rushing in all directions to avoid the approaching huge dragon corpse.

Shouting in fear and crying helplessly, everyone fled away one after another.Life is so fragile right now.

Nine behemoths sank down, cracking the top of the Jade Emperor with cracks, earth and rocks splashed, and dust filled the air.

Everything after that was as expected. After a short period of shock, panic, and fear, everyone gradually returned to calm and curiosity.

Curiosity killed the cat, someone will stay for various reasons.Driven by curiosity, everyone discovered the five-color altar under the bronze coffin, and then after a female classmate accidentally fell down, the mechanism was triggered.

The gossip circulates, the Tai Chi appears, the yin and yang are combined, and the star gate is revealed.

The ancient bronze coffin was opened. Amid the helpless cries of the crowd, it was too late for everyone to leave at this moment.After that, everyone was sucked in uncontrollably, and the ancient coffin was closed.

Nine huge dragon corpses vibrated, and the dragon corpses soared into the sky, opening the way to the starry sky again, and dissipating into the void.The students were all trapped in the ancient bronze coffin.

Inside the ancient coffin, there was silence and darkness, filled with an icy chill. Some female students almost collapsed, filled with helplessness and fear, but they did not dare to cry out loudly.

"What to do, who can just us?"

"Are we really inside the copper coffin now?"

"Why is this happening, and is there any way to get out?"

People keep dialing with mobile phones, but they can't get through at all, and they can't contact the outside world, which is even more frightening.

"Don't panic, although we can't go out for the time being, but such an incident happened on Mount Tai, I believe the rescuers will arrive as soon as possible." A man named Zhou Yi appeared calm and comforted everyone.

"Zhou Yi is right, everyone, don't panic, we must stay calm, I believe everyone will be fine." Ye Fan's classmate Wang Ziwen came out to stabilize everyone.

"That's right, everyone don't need to panic, the thing has already happened, it's useless to be afraid." The woman Lin Jia was very calm at the moment, without panic.

Ye Fan didn't make a sound, and sat there quietly, countless messages passed through his mind.

Ye Xie sat beside him with an indifferent expression on his face, and there was no trace of panic in his eyes, as if he had known this beforehand.

Many people were pale and trembling, while others were calm or sobbing.

Under this sudden change, everyone's heart is revealed.

Their hearts were fully exposed, which one was excellent, which one was cowardly, and which one was mediocre, all fell into Ye Xie's eyes.


At this moment, there was a sound, and suddenly, there was a chaotic light blooming in the copper coffin, and then, the endless light dispelled the darkness, and the space in the coffin became gray, although it was still impossible to see clearly, but at least compared to before The Endless Darkness is much better.

The four characters of "Chaos Temple" emerged in the void, carrying endless light, giving people endless majesty.

"Ah? I can see it." Someone shouted excitedly.

"Welcome to the Temple of Chaos!"

At this moment, an indistinct and mysterious voice suddenly sounded in the coffin, and the thunder was heard in the silent place.

"Who? Who's talking?" Hearing the voice, someone panicked and looked around, trying to find it.

"Who's pretending to be a ghost?"

"Who? Who is it?"


"Newcomers, welcome to the Temple of Chaos. First of all, congratulations to you for being honored to be selected by the Temple. From now on, you are disciples of the Temple of Chaos. As the first batch of lucky ones to be selected, you have the right to ask ten question."

At this moment, another mysterious voice came from the void, the voice was indifferent.

"Who? Who are you?" Someone yelled in horror.

"The first question, I am the Lord God of Chaos." The mysterious voice sounded again.

"Where is this place?" someone shouted.

"This is the Temple of Chaos."

"The Temple of Chaos? Where is the Temple of Chaos?" Someone asked subconsciously.

"The world that covers the sky, the endless void, the infinite star field, countless planets, I am everywhere."

"Hiss!" Everyone gasped, feeling so tall.

"What is the Chaos Temple for?" You Zhouyi was calmer and asked such a question.


(End of this chapter)

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