My name Yuanshi of the Great Desolation

Chapter 211 Expedition Mission, Obliteration

Chapter 211 Expedition Mission, Obliteration
"What is the Chaos Temple for?"

"Receive Tianjiao, climb the road to heaven, sing songs, cultivate people to become saints, emperors, and immortals." Inside the ancient bronze coffin, the ethereal voice sounded again.

Hearing these words, everyone's hearts couldn't be concealed. Becoming a saint, becoming an emperor, or becoming an immortal, doesn't that mean that we can become immortals?All of a sudden, everyone was so excited that they forgot the panic just now.

"Why did you choose us?" Someone asked such a question.

"This is the first time the Temple of Chaos has been run, and it will be randomly selected. You are lucky to be selected."

"Oh, can we go back?"

"No, life or death, choose one of the two."

"Ah? It's over, it's over, I haven't married a wife yet, I don't want to die yet?" Ye Fan's friend Pang Bo shouted.

"Ah? What should I do? I want to go home!" someone cried.

"I want to become a fairy!" Someone also shouted.

"There is no free lunch in the world, what do we need to pay?" Lin Jia was more careful and asked such a question.

"Life, soul, resources, scriptures, anything is fine."

"Where are we going now? Immortal world?" someone asked.

"The ninth question is in the starry sky and will go to Yinghuoxing."

"Yinghuo Star? Where is Yinghuo?" Someone asked.

"Yinghuoxing is Mars."

"Okay, the questions have been answered, and now the rules will be announced." The mysterious voice continued.

"Ah? Is this the end?" Someone gave the man a hard look and asked such a stupid question.

"The last question doesn't count, can we ask it again?" Someone shouted at the copper coffin.

"No, I will announce the rules of the main god now. The Chaos Temple is a place to cultivate people to become emperors and immortals. There is no need for waste or fools here. The rules are as follows:"

"First, don't disclose the existence of the temple to others intentionally or unintentionally. Anyone who violates it will be obliterated!"

"Secondly, the temple issues missions to the disciples. By completing the missions, you can get value points. You can also use the treasures obtained in the missions to exchange value points. Afterwards, you can exchange treasures in the temple space. If the value points are less than [-], you will be obliterated!"

"Third, mission losers, obliterate!"

"Okay, there are only these three for the time being, and now the first mission is released: the expedition mission."

"Adventure mission: Explore the ruins of the Great Leiyin Temple on the ancient planet Yinghuo."

"Mission requirements: step into the ancient planet Yinghuo, stay for an hour, and return to the Chaos Temple alive."

"Mission rewards: success, one thousand value points, failure, death."

"Mission reminder: There are still five hours left, the mission begins."

The three big obliterations frightened everyone immediately. Obliteration means death, and that is death in the true sense. No one can face death and remain calm.

"I'm going home. Woohoo—" someone cried.

"I don't want to die!" some weak-minded people shouted.

"Okay, everyone be quiet, it's useless to cry now." Ye Fan shouted, comforting everyone. "The thing to do now is to think about how to complete the task?"

"Ye Fan is right, we can't get confused." His friend Pang Bo shouted.

"Then what should we do now?" Although some people were panicking, some people calmed down and asked in a low voice.

"It's useless for us to think too much now. What we want to think about now is the mission. The mission has only one requirement, and that is to be alive. Obviously, this mission is very dangerous, but there must be a way to solve it, otherwise, this Even if you tell people to die, there will be no such task." Ye Fan analyzed.

"That's right, what Ye Fan said is right, what we have to do now is to complete this task, not waste our energy here." Zhou Yi stood up and said loudly.

Ye Fan nodded, and sat down next to Ye Xie. He had already said what he had to say, and it was up to others to listen, as long as he was careful.

"Yezi, you are walking so fast, I can't even catch up." At this time, Ye Fan's friend Pang Bo came to him and said to him.

"Pang Bo, aren't you coming?" Ye Fan asked.

"At first, I had something to do at home, so I didn't have time to attend the banquet. Later, when I heard that everyone was coming to Mount Tai, I came naturally after finishing my family affairs." Pangbo explained.

Ye Xie looked at him with a pale face and a loss of energy and blood, obviously injured.He was thoughtful, and it seemed that Pangbo's great demon blood had begun to awaken.

"Friend, what's your name?" Pangbo asked Ye Xie.

"Ye Xie." Ye Xie said coldly.

"Ye Xie, eh? Grandpa—cough, cough, cough!" Pang Bo didn't care at first, but when he realized it, he screamed loudly, his face full of embarrassment.

"Yes." Ye Xie replied softly.

"Ahem! Let me take it easy." Pangbo coughed.

Ye Fan next to him suppressed the smile on his face and remained calm.

After a long time, it was not until everyone was tired of shouting that they calmed down, and the copper coffin suddenly fell into a silent atmosphere.

Five hours later.


There was a huge earthquake, as if the plane was passing through the cold clouds at high altitude, and it was covered with a thick layer of ice armor, shaking continuously.


There was another huge earthquake, almost like a thunderbolt, as if it wanted to shatter everything, and it was obvious that the giant bronze coffin collided with each other.

However, it was also at this time that the engraved bronze coffin gave off a little light, and the coffin lid was opened, and the light shot in.

"What's going on, have you reached Mars?" Someone asked in surprise.

"Light! The light coming in from outside." Li Xiaoman exclaimed.

Everyone turned their heads together and looked in the direction Li Xiaoman was looking at, and indeed there were dots of dim light in front of him.

At this moment, the mysterious voice sounded in everyone's mind again:

"The mission starts, explore the ancient ruins, and last for one hour. Success, [-] value points, failure, death."

"call out!"

A burst of light flickered, and everyone noticed that there was a faint cyan mark on their left wrists. That mark was exactly like the giant bronze coffin, but it was shrunk down countless times.

At the same time, the coffin lid was completely opened, and infinite light shone in, illuminating the temple.

Everyone let out an exclamation, scrambling to rush forward and walk out of the bronze coffin.

However, when people walked out of the bronze coffin, they were all stunned like clay statues.

The land in front of me seemed to have been soaked in blood. It was reddish brown, cold and dry. As far as the eye could see, it was desolate and empty. There were some huge stone monuments standing spiritually on the ground, like tombstones.

The world was dark and gloomy.Everyone was stunned, this is definitely not Mount Tai.

At the same time, some people climbed up the rock, saw Zhong Dingwen, and recognized the word "Yinghuo". At this time, people felt even more desperate.

There were also people who looked up to the sky and saw two small moons hanging in the sky, their expression changed immediately.

"This... is this... two moons?"

They knew that this place was definitely not the earth, so they were completely desperate.

In the end, they had to obey the mandate and do what it did.Because, they found that what the temple said was true, this place is really not the earth, but Mars.

After a period of despair, everyone had to regain their spirits and began to follow the mission requirements to explore the ruins of the Great Leiyin Temple. There may be a turning point, after all, it is a place in myths and legends.If not, they will have to wait to die.

After walking hundreds of meters along the found debris, the distance to the light source is getting closer and closer.At this moment, someone exclaimed and found a collapsed building, which seemed to be an ancient pavilion that had collapsed under the erosion of time.

"Is that the ruins of the Great Leiyin Temple?" Someone exclaimed and rushed there.


(End of this chapter)

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